How? What? When? Why? Which? Where? How? What? When? Why? Which? Where? How? What? When? Why? Which? Where? How? What? How? What? When?How? What? When? Why? Who?

LEAF / EkoSkolaAward Application Form

Name of School:
School Email:

After carefully considering the award criteria for each of the seven steps of the EkoSkola process we would like to nominate our school for the following award/s:

 Bronze Award[*] / Silver Award* / Green Flag[* * ] / LEAF Award***
Head Teacher:
Link Teacher/s:
Committee President
Date of Submission of Application:

Send your application to: LEAF / Green Flag Award Application

Nature Trust (Malta)

PO Box 9, Valletta VLT1000

Guidelines for the compilation of

a Report Portfolio

The aim of these guidelines is to help you compile a detailed report about your school’s LEAF experience and also qualify for the Green Flag Award.

Please note that for sections marked in GREEN, you are advised to include evidence of your work (photographs, documents,websites). When presenting evidence please use the appropriate Evidence Sheet found at the end of this guide. Use as many Evidence Sheets as necessary.Feel free to adapt the Evidence Sheets to fit YOUR specific needs.

School Data
Name of School:
Head of School:
Address of School:
School email:
No. of teachers in the school / No. of KAs in the school
No. of LSAs in the school / No. of students in the school
School has been participating in the EkoSkola programme since:
School has been participating in the LEAF programme since:
Awards already received: / Bronze / Silver / Green Flag / LEAF
Wehave received the LEAF Award / Times / and the Green Flag Award / Times

1. The Committee

1.1 / How many members are there?
1.2 / How many student members are there?
1.3 / Who are the members of the Committee?
Name / Stakeholder (e.g. student, teacher, parent, cleaner, etc.) / Role in Committee (e.g. president, secretary, member, eco-warden, etc.)

Next to each student’s name, kindly indicate their class/grade

Include a group photo of the Committee.

1.4Is the Committee organised in sub-committees?  Yes No
1.5How were the student committee members selected?

appointed by an adult

(Who? head teacherlink person/sother? ______)

by an electionstudents volunteered to be part of the committee

from last year’s Committee other method (please specify): ______


1.6How were the adult committee members selected?

appointed by an adult

(Who? head teacher link person/sother? ______)

by an electionvolunteered personally to be part of the committee

from last year’s Committee other method (please specify): ______


1.7How were the student roles assigned?

appointed by an adult

(Who? head teacher link person/sother? ______)

by an internal electionfrom last year’s Committee

other method(please specify): ______

1.8 / How many Committee members were part of last year’s Committee? /  None

1.9Are students given the opportunity to chair Committee meetings? Yes No

1.10Is the attendance for each meeting kept? Yes No

1.11Briefly explain how the minutes of each meeting are kept and who keeps them.




Include copies of the minutes from 3 meetings of your own choice.

1.12How are committeedecisions communicated to the rest of the school?

fixing minutes to the notice boardduring assemblyplaced on school website

 other (please specify): ______

1.13The committee meets  once a term once a week once every fortnight

 other (please specify):______

2. Environmental Review

2.1The review was carried out by student committee members adult committee members

others (please specify): ______

2.2What method was used to carry out the review?

interviews/questionnaires among students/staff

the environmental review checklists found in the resource pack

your own set of review checklists

other method (please specify):______

Include a copy of the filled-in checklistsused for the environmental review.

You may also include photos showing committee members conducting the environmental review.

2.3Which areas of concern were reviewed?



2.4You collected data about:

Electricity consumptionWater consumptionWaste generated

other (please specify): ______

Include copies of the results obtained from the review.

2.5Didyou communicate the results of the environmental review to the whole school community?  Yes  No

You may include any relevant documents/photos which give an idea of the methods used to make the results of the environmental review public.

2.6How long did it take you to finish off the whole review? ______

2.7Is the environmental review carried out on a yearly basis? Yes No

3. Action Plan

3.1Is the action planpart of the School Development Plan?  Yes No

Include a copy of your action plan/s with this portfolio.

3.2Who was involved in the compilation of the action plan?

 student committee members  adult committee members

 others (please specify): ______

3.3From where did the ideas to address these environmental concerns originate?

 student committee members  adult committee members

 others (please specify): ______

3.4Did you implementany of theAction Plan targetsthrough:

(a) other FEE programmes (i.e. YRE)?  Yes No

(b) other non-FEE programmes (e.g.Dinja Waħda,Global Action Schools, etc.)?

 Yes No

(If YES, please name these programmes/activities): ______


3.5Did you consider thecost implications of the proposed activities? Yes No

3.7Did you consult anyone before proposing any activities? Yes No

3.8Was anyone responsible for monitoring progress along the plan? Yes No

3.9Did you have any back-up plansin case things went wrong? Yes No

4. Monitoring and Evaluation

4.1Who carried out the tasksoutlined in the action plan?

as per action plansome but not all persons mentioned in the action plan

others (please specify):______

4.2Did you keep a record of your progress?  Yes No

Include any relevant documents that show how progress was recorded.

4.3Were all the tasks completed?  Yes No

4.4Were all the tasks completed on time?  Yes No

(If NO, why? You may tick more than one answer)

poor planningunforeseen circumstancestargets were too ambitious

people responsiblefor the implementation were not up to it

other reasons (please specify): ______

4.5Was there any change of plans? Yes No

(If YES, why did this happen?)



4.6Was the whole school communityinformed about the results of the monitoring exercise?  Yes  No

4.7Did you celebrate your success when targets were achieved? Yes No

If YES, kindly include evidence showing how you did this.

4.8The committee analysed andreviewed the data collected. Yes No

4.9Was any of the data gathered during the monitoring exercise used for curriculumwork?  Yes  No

5. Curriculum Work

5.1Does the school have a named individual responsible for the implementationof Education for Sustainable Development?  Yes  No

5.2Education for Sustainable Developmentis:

presented as a separate subjectinfused in already existing subjects

5.3Do teachers meet to discuss/plan curriculum work vis-à-vis the LEAF programme?  Yes  No

5.4Do teachers include any of the Action Plan targets in their lesson plans?  Yes  No

Provide any three lesson plans and/or learner’s work that support this?

5.5Did you use any of the curriculum resources featured in the LEAF website/EkoSkolaFronter classroom?  Yes  No

5.6How many teachers include Action Plan targets in their lessons?

all school teachersthe majority of school teachers

only a small number of school teachers

5.7Is the work done as part of the LEAF process consistent with the work done in class?

(On the scale below mark the degree of consistency)

Not consistent / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / Very consistent

6. Informing and Involving

6.1Does the school community know who the Committee members are?

(On the scale below mark the degree of popularity of the committee members)

No one knows them / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / Every one knows them

6.2How many students were involved in theLEAFprogramme?

all the students in the schoolonly the interested students

only the academically weak students only students not preparing for exams

other (please specify): ______

6.3Do you have an LEAF/EkoSkolanotice board?  Yes No

6.4How often is this noticeboard updated?

every dayevery weekevery fortnightevery monthevery term

others (please specify): ______

6.5Who are the person/persons responsible for the update of the noticeboard?


6.6Does LEAF feature in your school website?  Yes No

6.7Which of the following were used to inform the school community / wider school community about LEAF initiatives /activities? (You may tick more than one)

talksspecial assembliesSDP sessionsopen daysprize days


others(please specify):______

6.8Which of the following was involved in activities organised by the Committee?(You may tick more than one.)

NGOsSchool CouncilLocal CouncilLocal business

others (please specify): ______

Includeany evidence that supports this.

6.9Your school was involved in anLEAFactivity with: (You may tick more than one.)

a school in Malta/ Gozo a foreign school

Give details about the activity and provide any evidence that you may have.

7. Forest Code

7.1Briefly explain how theForest Code was compiled?





Please include a copy of your school’sForest Code.

7.2Where is the Forest Code displayed?

on the noticeboardin classroomson school websitein school diary

other (please specify): ______

7.3Does the Forest Code reflect the priorities listed in theAction Plan? Yes No

7.4Is the Forest Code reviewed to make sure that it remains relevant? Yes No

8. Additional questions

8.1One of the main aims of LEAF is empowerment of students. On the scale below mark the degree of empowerment that you feel that you have achieved.

Low student empowerment / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / High student empowerment

8.2On the scale below mark to what extent your school has managed to infusesustainable practices in its day to day running throughawhole school approach.

Low whole school approach / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / High whole school approach

8.3How has your school benefitted from the LEAF programme?











8.4What are your school’s plans for future LEAF activities?











9. An outdoor learning experience

In this section,briefly describe (in not more than 500 words) an outdoor activity that you have organised during the period covered by this report. We intend to disseminate your initiative (together with examples from other schools) to showcase the impact LEAF is having on our educational system.

Please include (a maximum of 6) photos of your activity.

Evidence Sheet (You may use as many of these sheets as necessary)

The evidence in this sheet is related to question no:

Briefly explain the evidence included on this page:


LEAF / Green Flag Application – PortfolioPage: ______

[*]When applying for this award, you need to accompany the application with a brief one-page report (written by the students) about why (in their opinion) the school should receive the award.

[* * ]**Applying for the Green Flag Award requires that you compile a detailed report highlighting and evidencing your progress along the seven steps of the EkoSkola process. For this purpose you are advised to use the Guidelines for the compilation of a report portfolio.

***Schools applying for the LEAF Award and the Green Flag Award need to include any relevant LEAF material where and when appropriate in this portfolio.