-Students will demonstrate an understanding of CELLS- history, composition, function, processes.
-Students will present cell information in an organized and appealing summarized format.
-Students will use a creative process to enhance their understanding & ability to explain information.
-Use the following guide to construct your cell portfolio
-Each # objective will be presented on a single page- front side only
-Make your pages interesting, complete and easy to read- quality, not quantity!
-This project will count as the EXAM GRADE for chapter 7.
-Each page will be scored on a 10 point scale (see rubric).
-Your grade will be determined by adding all points earned for each page- total of 80 pts possible. [80 pt EXAM GRADE]
The final completed Portfolio will be due on FRI DECEMBER 12th @ the beginning of class!!
Helpful hints:
-ýTEMPLATES will be provided
-!Use COLOR (pencils, crayons, ink)--this helps with neatness. Be sure everything is READABLE.
-Create interesting pages, use different textures and techniques on each page if you wish.
-Use illustrations, diagrams, borders, headings—anything that adds to the information, interest and organization.
-Keep it organized & Make it easy to read!
µ-You will have some class time to complete the Cell Portfolio, you will need to spend some time out of class also.
-In addition to the Cell Portfolio, we will also have class activities including: note taking, labs, group activities.
-As a part of this unit we will have a separate assignment to cover the Structures of the Cell.
-Title-- “Cell Portfolio”
-First/last name and hour
-You may use a large piece of construction paper to make a “book” cover for your portfolio
-Be creative and make your cover interesting & fun, include cell artwork [see image info #1]
-To embellish, use different colored paper, fabric, buttons, glitter, sequins, etc
1-History of the Cell: [7.1/P182]
-Cell Theory
-Write the 3 parts of the cell theory
-Underline 1-3 key words to summarize each part of the cell theory
-USE @ least 3 IMAGES [pictures] to represent each part of the cell theory
2-ýComparing Different Types of Cells: [7.1 /P185-6]
-Compare/Contrast prokaryotic & eukaryotic cells
-complete the provided table
-Label pictures of a prokaryotic cell and a eukaryotic cell to compare structures
- COLOR code the provided images
-Identify examples of--2 prokaryotic organisms/2 eukaryotic organisms
3-ýLevels of Organization: [P8]
-Label the levels of organization—the cell being the smallest structure
-Provide a human example on each level starting with a particular cell and identifying the next level that
would be inclusive of that particular cell (ex: nerve cell—nerve—nervous system..)
-Draw or FIND a picture from a magazine, internet, etc to illustrate each level
4-Structure of The Plasma Membrane: [7.2]
-Draw a model of the Plasma Membrane’s phospholipid bilayer and label the following:
-out side of cell, inside cell, membrane protein, transport protein, polar head, non-polar tail, phospho-lipid
bi-layer, carbohydrate chain, cholesterol
-On a second drawing of the membrane show what is meant by selective permeability—
-show which direction materials pass through the cell membrane
-(oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients, waste, water)
-List: -fluid, -mosaic, -model: Explain how they describe the cell membrane
5-ýFunction of the Plasma Membrane: [7.2]
-Create 4 sections to describe how each of these play a part in the function of the Plasma Membrane:
use bulleted lists [include these in the small box]and pictures of specific structures: [area above the small box]
1-Role of cholesterol molecules in the Plasma Membrane
2-Role of Polar and Non-polar barriers in the Plasma Membrane
3-Role of Carbohydrate chains in the Plasma Membrane
4-Functions of Proteins in Plasma Membrane
6-Cellular Transport—Diffusion: [7.4 / P201-207]
-Define-dynamic equilibrium of concentrations inside & outside the cell
-Use a diagram to show how dynamic equilibrium works
-Draw three separate diagrams showing how molecules move through the cell membrane by each of these three
passive transport methods:
2-Facilitated Diffusion by Channel Proteins
3-Facilitated Diffusion by Carrier Protein
-Be sure to label each diagram appropriately and show movement of molecules
7-Diffusion of Water: [7.4 / P203]
-Define osmosis and describe how it leads to dynamic equilibrium.
-Draw 3 diagrams illustrating the before / after location of water & sugar molecules in each of these solutions: -isotonic, hypotonic, and hypertonic
-Label each diagram appropriately
-Use different size arrows to show direction and relative amounts of water movement
-Show change in cell shape with swelling & shrinking from water movement
8-ýActive Transport: [7.4 / P206]
-Describe why active transport requires energy / IDENTIFY the energy form
-DRAW and LABEL diagrams to show the processes how molecules move through the cell membrane by the
following methods of active transport:
-Active transport assisted by carrier proteins
-Label each diagram appropriately
-Identify substances exiting/enetering
-This project is worth 80 points and takes the place of a comprehensive test over the cell.
-You will be given some class time to work on this project.
-You will, however, need to spend time out of class gathering information and completing your project.
-I will give you some tentative deadlines or approximations for how far along you should be on your project.
-We will still have class discussions, lectures & labs.
-This will enhance your understanding of the cell.
ÖThere will be NO exceptions to the due date given advance notice of the assignment and due date.
ÖDo NOT wait to complete this the last week or day, and do NOT expect to be given extra time if you are absent at anytime during the assignment.
ÖAll portfolios will be due at the same time! FRIDAY DECEMBER 12th @ BEGINNING OF CLASS.
I have read the assignment and understand that my portfolio will be due on the due date regardless of absences or computer issues at home & school. I have shared this information with my parent.
PARENT NAME (print)______/SIGNATURE______