N. Smith Knaresborough House
Clerk of the Council Knaresborough
North Yorkshire
Tel: (01423) 864080
7 October 2014
To: The Town Mayor and Members of Knaresborough Town Council
Dear Councillors:
I hereby summon you to the following meeting of KNARESBOROUGH TOWN COUNCIL (PLANNING MATTERS) to be held at Knaresborough House, Knaresborough on:
MONDAY 13 October 2014
7:30pm in the Council Chamber
Please see the Agenda for the meeting below:
Yours faithfully
N Smith
Clerk of the Council
Note: Members are reminded of the need to consider whether they have any pecuniary or non-pecuniary interests to declare on any of the items on this agenda and, if so, of the need to explain the reason(s) why. Queries should be addressed to the Monitoring Officer Ms Jennifer Norton 01423 556036.
COUNCIL AGENDA FOR Planning Matters – Monday 13 October 2014
1. To receive Apologies for inability to attend the meeting
2. To request any disclosure of an interest in relation to any matter under
consideration at this meeting (financial or otherwise) and to consider any written requests for dispensation.
3. KTC Public Speaking Session
3.1. Resident re item 9.1.3 Bond End Traffic Lights
4. To consider, and if thought fit, approve as a correct record, the Minutes of:
4.1 Monday 15 September 2014 (ca)
4.2 Monday 29 September 2014 (ca)
5. Business remaining from previous meeting:
5.1 To consider any matters arising from the presentation from Head of
Planning and Development Harrogate Borough Council re the Gladman Appeal. Appeal Ref: APP/E2734/A/13/2207338 (meeting date 15/09/14).
6. To consider the following Planning Applications relating to Knaresborough and make such observations as may be appropriate:
Ref No: / Applicant: / Details of Application:6.100.125.H.FUL
14/03072/FUL* / Three Gates Farm / Erection of 4 Lighting Columns (6m high). Re-consultation due to change in time-frame. Three Gates Farm, Cass lane, Calcutt HG5 8JZ
14/03802/PNT56* / CTIL / Replacement of existing antennas, replacement of 2 cabinets and the installation of an additional cabinet. BT Telephone Exchange, Park Row, HG5 0BJ
14/03642/ADV* / Oasis Dental Care / Display of 2 externally illuminated fascia signs and 1 non-illuminated vinyl. 69 High Street, HG5 0HB
14/03513/FUL* / Mr G Wilson / Erection of first floor and roof extension. 56 Rievaulx Avenue HG5 8LD
14/03590/FUL* / Mr A Smithson / Erection of two storey side extension, single storey rear extension and detached garage. 2 Whincup Avenue, HG5 0JH
14/03849/OUTMAJ** / Persimmon Homes (Yorkshire) Ltd / Outline application for the erection of 74 residential units with access considered. Land adjacent to Orchard Close, Knaresborough
* Item to be determined by Harrogate Borough Council Chief Planner
** Item to be determined by HBC’s Planning Committee
7. Planning Correspondence:
7.1 Email from Gleeson Developments, Proposed Housing Development, Boroughbridge Road. (previously emailed to Councillors 02/10/14)
7.2 Planning Enforcement Notice(s) x 1 (ca)
8. To note the HBC Planning Committee Meeting – Thursday 16 October 2014,
at 2.00 p.m. – Council Offices, Crescent Gardens, Harrogate, at which the
following applications for Knaresborough are to be discussed:
9. To consider the following correspondence:
9.1 The following correspondence is for discussion:
9.1.1 Knaresborough Community Centre Car Park. Letter received 24 Sept from the Community Leisure Manager (ca)
9.1.2 Harrogate Borough Council Waste & Budget Consultation 2014 – letter received 24 Sept from the Corporate Improvement Officer, HBC (ca) (deadline 21 November)
(questionnaire available from HBC website or at the meeting)
9.1.3 Email from resident re traffic lights at Bond End (ca)
9.2 The following correspondence is to be received and noted:
9.2.1 Minutes of Knaresborough Town Twinning Committee Meeting held on Thursday 18th September 2014
(emailed to members 7/10/2014)
10. Reports from the Clerk:
10.1 To consider a) draft policy – The Openness of Local Government Bodies
Regulations 2014 (filming of council meetings) (ca)
b) Amending Standing Order 1.7 (h) and new 1.7 (i) – in line
with legislation (ca)
10.2 To approve the Schedule of Accounts
(copy to be emailed and handed out in council meeting).
10.3 Knaresborough Farmers’ Market – dates for approval for 2015/16 (ca)
(approval of dates needed by OTP so leaflets can be printed)
11. Reports from Committees/Working Groups
11.1 To receive and note the minutes of Community Services Committee held on Monday 29 September 2014. (ca)
12. Information Exchange
Note: Members of the public and press are invited to attend the meeting as observers. Only Town Councillors are entitled to vote at the meetings. A list of Councillors is available on the Council’s website, and notice board at Knaresborough House. The Agenda papers may be examined and purchased at the Town Clerk’s office, Knaresborough House, Knaresborough (Monday – Friday 9 a.m – 12.30 p.m.)
A copy of the agenda in larger print is available on request.
Please contact the Clerk’s office during office hours which are (Monday – Friday
(9 a.m – 12.30 p.m.) if you have any queries or need further information on this Agenda (details above)
Emergency Procedures for Meetings – Fire
Details on fire evacuation procedures are displayed in the Council Chamber. Members and visitors are requested to familiarise themselves with these procedures and the location of fire exits, throughout the building.