Royalties for Regions

WheatbeltRegional Grants Scheme

2014-15 Guidelines

Grants from $20,001 to $300,000

Applications that do not include the required information may not be competitive.

Applications must be received at the Wheatbelt Development Commission post box, email inbox or Northam officeby

4.30pm on Thursday,11 December 2014

This funding is for projects starting after 1 June 2015.

How to submit your application:


Wheatbelt Development Commission (WDC)

PO Box 250



WDC Northam Office at: 298 Fitzgerald Street


WDCdoes NOT accept late or faxed applications.


  1. Objectives
  2. What type of support is available?
  3. Who can apply?
  4. What criteria will the Development Commission use to assess my application?
  5. What items are ineligible for grant funding?
  6. Guide to completing the application form
  7. What is the decision making process?
  8. Who can I contact for further information?
  9. How does the Freedom of Information Act 1992 and privacy apply to my application?
  10. What are the conditions and obligations that apply to successful applicants?
  11. Disability Access and Inclusion Plan
  12. Tax information

Why we do not accept faxed applications:

  • Because of the need for attachments and the potential for transmission problems faxed copies are not accepted.


The primary objective of theRegional Grants Scheme is to improve economic and community infrastructure and services in the WheatbeltRegion through funding projects that will assist in attracting investment and increasing jobs or help to improve the quality of life in the region.

Funding is available to assist the development of infrastructure, services and community projects, and to assist in the broad development of the community, including the establishment of services and programs. Funding is intended to support the development of resilient communities and contribute to regional areas being vibrant and interesting places in which to live.

The Regional GrantsScheme is administered by the Wheatbelt Development Commissionas part of the Royalties for Regions Program. Royalties for Regions is a State Government program designed to promote long-term development in Western Australia’s regions. It aims to help local communities grow and prosper through the promotion of local decision-making and is specifically designed to help regions attract the resources needed to support development. The Regional Grants Scheme’s broad objectives are to:

  1. Increase capacity for local strategic planning and decision-making.
  2. Retain and build the benefits of regional communities.
  3. Promote relevant and accessible local services.
  4. Assist communities to plan for a sustainable economic and social future.
  5. Enable communities to expand social and economic opportunities.
  6. Assist regional communities to prosper through increased employment opportunities, business and industry development opportunities, and improved local services.

Consideration will be given to all proposals that will contribute to achievingthe objectives of the Regional Grants Scheme and Royalties for Regions. In addition, theWheatbelt Development Commissionwill consider the proposal’s that align with existing regional strategic planning (see section F item 5, pg6).

B.WHAT type of support IS available?

A total of $1.1 million has been allocated tothe Wheatbelt Development Commission for this Regional Grants Scheme and associated administration for the year 2015.

All projects must be approved and grant agreements signed prior to project commencement to be eligible for a financial contribution. No retrospective payments will be made.

  • Regional Grants Scheme ($20,001 to $300,000)

The current round of contestable funding will open on 31 October 2014 and close on Thursday,11 December 2014.

The Regional Grants Scheme provides grants for infrastructure projects, project development activities, non-capital projects such as community development activities, establishment of new services and increasing access to information.

Grant funding is also available to assist with costs associated with headworks undertaken by essential service providers to connect businesses to water, electricity, gas, telecommunications, drainage and sewerage.


The Regional Grants Scheme is targeted at providing financial assistance to regionally based organisations. Eligible applicants may include local governments, voluntary organisations, educational institutions, philanthropic foundations and community organisations.

All voluntary and community groups applying for funding must be incorporated or have equivalent status.

State and Federal Government agencies may apply, but projects deemed to be within their core business functions will not be supported.

Organisations outside the region are invited to apply, but will need to demonstrate significant, sustainable regional benefits and a commitment to local decision-making and planning.

The Regional Grants Scheme is not intended to provide support to individuals or businesses.

Preference will be given to projects that can demonstrate that a grant from this Regional Grants Scheme will leverage funds from other sources.


  1. The project must demonstrate how it addresses a recognised need within the community and/or region.
  2. The project must demonstrate that it will contribute to achieving at least one of the Royalties for Regions Regional Grant Scheme objectives.
  3. The project should demonstrate alignment with existing regional strategic planning (see section F item 5, pg6).
  4. Applicants should demonstrate a high level of financial commitment to the project, either through sourcing other project funding and/or a direct financial contribution.
  5. The project should have the support of local government/s and/or other key regional stakeholders.
  6. The project should promote partnerships (i.e. between the community/business sector and government; or across various levels of government or across communities).
  7. The project should reflect a commitment to local decision-making and planning.
  8. The project should demonstrate its capacity for meeting ongoing operating and maintenance costs.
  9. The proponent should demonstrate that detailed project planning has been completed (including all approvals being in place or achievable in a short timeframe), the project is ready to proceed and that it can be completed in a timely manner. (Note: This criteria will not preclude applications for feasibility studies and business planning)


The following items of expenditure are not eligible for funding:

  • Recurrent costs once the project is completed.
  • Ongoing staff salaries. Employment of personnel will only be considered for a project with specific outcomes achievable within the funding provided.
  • Retrospective Expenditure
  • Cost Shifting
  • GST Payments
  • Organisational Overheads


This information and numbering directly corresponds to the information required on the application form which can be downloaded from

  1. General project information – We need to know some basic information about your project. Please complete the details as requested.
  1. Organisation details – This information is required to enable us to process your application and to have the correct contact details should further information be required.
  1. Project description – What do you planto do? Who will benefit from the project? Please be clear and concise. Your response is restricted to no more than 200 words.
  1. Statement of need – Why is this project relevant and needed in our region now?What are the gaps that currently exist that lead to the project being required? Why are current solutions failing to provide for the needs?
  1. Funding category, sector and strategic objectives

Category – Indicate which category of funding is most applicable to your project (tick one box only).

Sector – Indicate which sector of funding is most applicable to your project (tick one box only).

Royalties for Regions Regional Grant Scheme objectives – Indicate which Royalties for Regions Regional Grant Scheme objective is most applicable to your project (tick one box only) and explain why.

Alignment with planning – Describe how your project aligns with relevant existing regional strategic planning. This may include:

  • Wheatbelt Regional Investment Blueprint
  • Wheatbelt Strategic Framework (Regional Centre Growth Plans & Sub Regional Economic Strategies)
  • Local Government Strategic Community Plans
  • Relevant Government agency planning

Please contact WDC Staff for guidance on this.

  1. Partnerships and local decision making

Partnerships –Provide evidence of partnerships and other support for your project such as between the community/business sector and government; or across various levels of government.

Letters of support – Your project should have the support of your local government/s, other key regional stakeholders and/or other organisations benefiting from, or contributing to, the project. Please list the letters of support, which must;

  • Be current to this funding round;
  • Be relevant to the specific project for which funding is sought; and
  • Be from organisations or individuals that are genuine partners, stakeholders and/or supporters of this project.

Commitment to local decision-making–Explain how you have involvedyour local government/s, the local community or others in planning and decision making for your project.

  1. Project planning and management

Project ready – Applicants are advised that the funding for the Regional Grants Scheme round will not become available until 1 June 2015and project planning must take this into account. All projects must be approved and grant agreements signed prior to project commencement to be eligible for a financial contribution. No retrospective payments will be made.

Applicants should demonstrate that the project is ready to proceedby 1 June 2015. This means that detailed planning has been undertaken, all required approvals are in place or achievable in a short timeframe and the project can be completed in a timely manner.

If applicable, attach copies of documents which demonstrate the approvals and/or that approval has been applied for.

Timeline – Applicants may wish to attach a separately formatted timeline, for example, a Gantt chart to illustrate how the project will be implemented. Alternatively, if you check the ‘no’ box, complete the timeline templateby inserting tasks, start and finish dates.

Project management–Who is going to be responsible for managing the project on behalf of your organisation and what qualifications, skills and experience do they have.

Organisational accountability– Explain the management mechanisms that will be in place to ensure the project progresses according to plan.Detail your organisation’s accountability processes, the structure of your organsiation and process for approving and monitoring the implementation of projects. Please attach your organisation’s latest audited financial statements if you have one.

Ongoing operating and maintenance costs– Give details of your project’s ongoing and maintenance costs and how they will be funded. Evidence should be provided to demonstrate project sustainability.

Previous funding support from government and other organisations – Applicants need to give details of funding received within the last three years for similar or related projects. Include the year it was received, the project title, the amount, the name of thefunding body and their contact telephone number. Please include funds received from the Wheatbelt Development Commission.The Wheatbelt Development Commissionreserves the right to discuss an application with a third party if it is judged necessary to assist in assessing the application.

  1. Project Budget and leveraged funds

Applicants should demonstrate a high level of financial commitment to the project through sourcing other project funding and/or a direct financial contribution to the project. If your project is unable to source supporting funds this should be stated with a clear explanation as to why this is the case.

Give details of the total project budget. Include details of your budget expenditure for the funds required from the Wheatbelt Regional Grants Scheme, using categories appropriate to your individual project; and include financial and non-financial contributions from all parties. It is important that this information is clearly explained.

Wherever possible, please attach documents that support the budget request.

Give details of all of your funding sources. Identify where the funding is coming from, what it will be used for and if it is approved or requested. If it is requested but not yet approved provide details of when a decision is expected. Specify funding from any other Royalties for Regions funding sources.If applicable, attach written evidence of funding contributions from other sources.

Please consider promotional aspects (e.g. signage) of your project and include budget allocations, where relevant.

Include a budgetallocationfor an independent audit. See conditions and obligations below for full details.

In-kind support –Applicants need to give details as to how any in-kind contributions have been calculated and will be acquitted (i.e. voluntary labour time = number hours by hourly rate). In general, voluntary labour time is calculated at $15 per hour. Any specialised labour should be calculated at the current rate applicable to the particular trade/industry. Timesheets should be maintained to assist you when it comes time for you to acquit the grant. This will help to demonstrate to the Wheatbelt Development Commissionthat you have used the funds granted for your originally stated purpose.

The total value of the project is the sum of all the cash and in-kind contributions.

Audit – Applicants must include the name of the organisation completing the financial audit for this project. Please note an auditor means an accountant who is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia, the Australian Society of Certified Practicing Accountants or the Institute of Public Accountants and who is independent from the Grantee.

  1. Checklist– Please tick all boxes in this section to signify that the application form has been completed and all required information has been attached.
  1. Declaration– To be signed by the Chief Executive Officer/Chairperson or equivalent.

Additional business case information (Appendix 1)

For requests for funding of $150,000 or moreapplicants must provide the following additional information in support of your application.

  1. Objectives and Benefits

Objectives – List the key objectives of your project ensuring that they are ‘SMART’, i.e.: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and associated with a specific Timeline.

Benefits - Provide a summary of the expected benefits of your project. Where possible applicants should quantify the expected benefits with specific targets and explain how they will be measured and over what timescales theyare likely to be achieved?

Applicants should provide evidence that the targeted benefits are realistic and likely to be achieved (e.g. previous experience, studies from similar projects etc.)

Cost vs Benefit - Outline how the benefits of the project outweigh the costs. Why do you think this project represents value for money?

  1. Risk Management

Applicants must demonstrate that they will effectively identify and manage all relevant project risks. Attach the project risk management plan or alternatively complete the template provided.

The Wheatbelt Development Commissionreserves the right to request more information to clarify aspects of the application. Applications that do not include the required information as described may not be competitive/will not be assessed.


The Wheatbelt Development Commissionundertakes a rigorous assessment process of all applications.

This rigorous process, like many grant processes, takes time. We appreciate your patience during this time.

Each application will be assessed against the Regional Grants Scheme’s criteria by an assessment teamwhich will make recommendations to the Board of the Wheatbelt Development Commission.

All applications will be assessed by the Wheatbelt Development Commission Board which will make recommendations to the Minister for Regional Development.

The Minister for Regional Development will review and finalise the recommendations.

Final recommendations will be considered by Cabinet for approval.

It is anticipated that this approval process make up to six months to be completed. Please allow for this time frame as part of your project planning.


Contact our staff at the Wheatbelt Development Commission if you require assistance.



Phone: (08) 96222 7222

Street Address

298 Fitzgerald Street, NORTHAM WA 6401

Mailing Address

PO Box 250, NORTHAM WA 6401

Please note that applications will be accepted at the Wheatbelt Development CommissionNorthamOffice only.


Applicants are informed that the Wheatbelt Development Commissionis subject to the WA Freedom of Information Act 1992, which provides a general right of access to records held by State and local government agencies.

Applicants are advised that information pertaining to the receipt of State Government financial assistance will be tabled in the Western Australian Parliament. This information could include the name of recipients, the amount of the assistance, the name of the project/activity and, possibly, a brief description thereof. This could result in requests for more detail to be released publicly.

Following the announcement of the successful applications, applicants should also be aware that their organisation’s name, the name of the project/activity and the amount requested will appear on the Wheatbelt Development Commissionwebsite even if the application has been unsuccessful.

The Wheatbelt Development Commissionreserves the right to discuss an application with a third party if it is judged necessary to assist in assessing the application.

J.WHAT ARE THE Conditions and obligations that apply to successful applicants?

All projects must be approved and grant agreements signed prior to project commencement to be eligible for a financial contribution. No retrospective payments will be made.

Generally, large grants will be paid progressively by instalments based on the achievement of agreed milestones, unless the applicant can demonstrate that the project is unable to proceed without an upfront grant payment or explain satisfactorily why funds are required before a milestone is achieved or the project is complete.

Progressive payments will be made, subject to the applicant providing the Wheatbelt Development Commissionwith: