commentator’s script THIRD Sunday of Lent

It is important for the Cantor/Commentator to have (and refer to) the PEW CARD so that s/he may recite the proper responses throughout the entire liturgy. Such responses should be declared clearly and with appropriate cadence so that the rest of the Faithful may join together in declarations/responses.

2 minutes prior to the Introductory Rites, the Commentator begins:

CWelcome to ______on this Third Sunday of Lent. We invite you and encourage you to sing all of the music, and speak all of the prayers this morning with great energy and volume, for then we will be worshiping and praising God well.

Announcements to be made by the Commentator are inserted here:

...see separate sheet if provided. If not provided, move on…

RCIA (8:30am) When I prove my holiness among you, I will gather you from all the foreign lands, and I will pour clean water upon you, and cleanse you from all your impurities, and I will give you a new spirit, says the Lord.

non-RCIA (11:00am) My eyes are always on the Lord, for he rescues my feet from the snare. Turn to me and have mercy on me, for I am alone and poor.

Immediately, the Commentator continues:

CLet us call to mind our personal intentions

and prepare to worship God in this liturgy.


Additional special Instructions by the Commentator to the Faithful throughout the Liturgy, only if needed:

Immediately after washing hands/lavabo:Please stand.

Immediately after the sanctus:Please kneel.

Immediately after the Great Amen:Please stand.

At the conclusion of the agnusdei and

before the Priest consumes the Host:Please remain standing

untilallof the faithful

haveparticipated in Holy Communion…

after which you may kneel.

Prayerof the Faithful (or Universal Prayer) THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT

YEAR C______

Introduction to the Prayer by the Priest Celebrant

†God is kind and merciful.

He hears the pleas of his people,

and brings them to the promised land.

Let us place our needs before him.

[Petitions of prayer are proclaimed by the Lector]

Concluding Prayer by the Priest Celebrant

†Loving Father,

receive the prayers of a penitent people,

who come before you in humility and faith.

We ask this, through Christ our Lord. ‡Amen.

YEAR A (RCIA)______

Introduction to the Prayer by the Priest Celebrant

†God gives us the living water,

our true salvation.

Let us pray to the Father

for all who thirst for his divine life.

[Petitions of prayer are proclaimed by the Lector]

Concluding Prayer by the Priest Celebrant

†Most loving Father,

through Jesus we have entered the life of grace,

and your Spirit has been poured into our hearts.

Receive the prayers we offer in faith,

through Christ our Lord. ‡Amen.

Prayerof the Faithful (or Universal Prayer) THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT YEAR C

For Benedict our Pope, and Howard our Bishop, may they inspire us all to a more fervent devotion to Christ… We pray to the Lord.

That the peoples of the world may always be reverent in the presence of God, as was Moses before the burning bush… We pray to the Lord.

That we may take practical steps to help the poor and starving have a more equal share in this world’s goods… We pray to the Lord.

That those entering our church through the Sacraments may discover the Lord’s presence in their own lives, and be nourished by the Word of God as they journey into this faith community … We pray to the Lord.

That our community may bear the fruit of prayer and penance, andnot deserve God’s just judgment… We pray to the Lord.

For the suffering, (especially ______), may they receive love, strength and peace from the members of this community… We pray to the Lord.

Finally, for those who have died, especially…



maythey be purified in the mercy and compassion of God… we pray to the Lord.

Prayerof the Faithful (or Universal Prayer) THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT YEAR A (RCIA)

For Benedict our Pope, and Howard our Bishop, may they inspire us to respond to the Word of God during this holy season… We pray to the Lord.

That God’s people may worship him “in spirit and truth”, and reject the temptations of evil… We pray to the Lord.

That those who have rejected God may turn to him and know his loving mercy in their lives… We pray to the Lord.

That those entering our church through the Sacraments may discover the Lord’s presence in their own lives, and be nourished by the Word of God as they journey into this faith community … We pray to the Lord.

That, through sincere confession of their own sins, those gathered here may be at peace with God and one another… We pray to the Lord.

For the suffering, (especially ______), may they receive love, strength and peace from the members of this community… We pray to the Lord.

Finally, for those who have died, especially…



may their bodies be transfigured into copies of Christ’s glorious body… we pray to the Lord.