Annex№ 1 totheRegulationof the Administration of the Mytischi Urban Districtdate27.02.2017№ 829
1.1.This provision defines status and arrangements for the International Contest of Pop Singers ‘Pirogovsky Rassvet-2017 (hereiunder referred to as the “Contest”), requirements for Singers, conditions and dates for the Contest.
1.2.This provision is valid till the end of the Contest.
2.1.Purpose of the contest - development of international relations.
2.2.Objectives of the contest:
- promotion of the Russian musical culture among youth;
-promotion of the Russian language;
-finding new expressing and creative forms;
-career enhancement for talented young singers;
-propaganda of tolerance and friendship among nations
3.Organizers of the Contest
3.1.The organizers of the Contest:
-The Administration of the Mytischi Urban District, Moscow Region;
-MAI Center for Culture “Podmoskoviye” (hereinafter “Organizing Committee”)
4.1.Young talented singers aged 18 to 40 from any country of the world shall invited to take part in the Contest.
5.Arranging Rules
5.1.Financial Provisions:
5.1.1.The participation in the Contest shall be at no charge for all the contestants
5.1.2.The Organizing Committee shall pay for internal transportation, hotel accommodation within the territory of the Mytischi District, Moscow Region, three- meals for each contestant, his/her one accompanying person (manager) from оregions, the CIS and other foreign countries for a period not exceeding three (3) d; Transfer from/to airports and railway stations of Moscow, Russia, to/from the hotel shall provided by the host party. International (interregional) travelling to/from Moscow, Russia shall be paid by the sending party (contestants or their management).
5.1.3.The Organizing Committee shall bear the costs associated with the travelling of the Chairman and Jury members (hereinafter “Jury”) from their place of residence Moscow and back (if they do not reside in Moscow), as well as all the costs associated with internal transportation, hotel accommodation within the territory of the Mytischi Dis Moscow Region, three-day meals for the Chairman and Jury members. Transfers from/to airports and railway stations of Moscow, Russia, to/from the hotel shall be provided by the host party.
5.1.4.The Organizing Committee shall bear the costs associated with the travelling of the 2016 Grand Prix Winner from his/her place of residence to Moscow and back (if he/she does not reside in Moscow), as well as all the costs associated with internal transportation, hotel accommodation within the territory of Mytischi District, Moscow Region, three-day meals for the 2016 Grand Prix Winner. Transfers from/to airports and railway stations of Moscow, Russia, to/from the hotel shall be provided by the host party.
5.2.Technical and Engineering Support, On-Stage Accompanying Team:
5.2.1.While performing and having rehearsals, the contestants shall be provided with lighting, sound and stage equipment.
5.2.2.Each contestant shall be provided with an accompanying ballet group and video sequence.
6. Participation Rules
6.1.Package of documents for the contest includes:
-;Pdf scan of the application form of a standard pattern with all signatures required (all pages in a single file). Application form can be filled either in written form or with the help of a text editor. Application form is filled in Russian or English (enclosure №2)
-Record of the contest song transferred onto electronic mass storage media;
-Video recording by the contestant.
6.2.Each participant presents two contest songs.
One of the two songs to be performed in the Contest the singer shall represent in the official language of the country he/she represents (one of the official languages, if any).
The second song shall be performed in the Russian language.
6.3.Solo singers and duets shall be allowed.
6.4.Songs performed by each contestant are to be diverse.
6.5.Submitting of the materials for the Contest:
6.5.1.Singers are required to submit a completed Application Form (attached hereto) and the first song (to be presented in the singer’s national language)transferred onto mass storage media to the Organizing Committee by May 31st, 2016 at the latest.
6.5.2.The song submitted for the Contest may be either published or unpublished. The number of backing vocal tracks shall not be regulated. The only rule is that backing vocals shall neither duplicate the main voice on the half playback, from the beginning till the end. Form for submission: mp3 audio format, video recording of a life performance (any song) uploaded to YouTube.
6.5.3.The lyrics of the song shall not contain obscenities, hate speech or incitement of ethnic hatred.
7. Contest Procedure
7.1.The Contest shall be held in two rounds.
7.2. Round 1 - remote auditions: February 28th and May 31st 2017,
7.2.1.Submissions presented by the Contestants are considered for the contestants qualified for Round 2. The materials submitted for audition and consideration shall not be subject to noticing or return.
7.2.2.Following the audition, an official invitation shall be emailed to the singers qualified for Round 2.
7.2.3.After receiving an invitation contestant shall send written confirmation for his participation in the Contest to the Organizing Committee email address
Confirmation letter shall contain attachment ofportrait (artistic) photo of high quality and an artistic CV.
7.2.4.The contestant may also choose any Russian song at his/her own discretion, but he/she must make a selection from the Soviet “golden oldies” or popular modern Russian pop-songs, and only if agreed upon with Organizing Committee (minimum requirements to half playbacks: MP3 format, bit rate of 320).
7.3.Round 2 - the Final, shall be scheduled for August 5th, 2017.
7.3.1.Round 2 is held in a form of a single concert event in the sequence determined by the drawing procedure.
7.3.2.Each of the contestants shall perform two (2) songs (one by one, in succession):
1)song in the official language of the country he/she represents (that very song that was submitted for audition);
2)song in Russian.
7.3.3.The contestant shall perform live, using a half playback of his/her songs. The half playbacks of both songs shall be provided by the contestant. Should the contestant fail to meet this requirement in respect of the Russian song, Organize Committee shall provide him with the MP3 half playback of the Russian song, with a bit rate at least 320.
7.3.4.The onstage competition of singers and the Awarding Ceremony shall be held in Russian and English.
8. Criteria for the Contest
8.1.Evaluation of Contestants is performed in accordance with the following parameters:
-compliance with the requirements for material presentation;
-vocal skills;
-technical skills;
-culture of singing;
-artistic impression;
-ingenuity of the artistic look.
9. Procedure for the Winners Selection
9.1.The winners of the Contest are defined by the competent jury panel during Round II.
9.2.The holder of a special Certificate “The Audience Choice Award”.
9.3.Contest Jury:
9.3.1.The Jury Panel shall be formed by the Organizing Committee out of the sphere of Arts’ representatives.
9.3.2.The Chairman shall be appointed annually, individually for each Contest.
9.3.3.The number of judges shall total a minimum of seven (7).
9.3.4.The Jury Panel shall judge the contestants individually, given that the duo formally represents a single participant.
9.3.5.Decisions rendered by the Jury Panel shall be deemed final and shall not be subject to revision.
9.3.6.The Jury shall vote ' open voting after each contestant has finished his/her stage performance.
9.4.Organizing Committee shall appoint a counting board to process the voting results from the Jury. The Counting Board shall consist of three persons, one appointed the secretary of the Counting Board.
9.5.In the course of voting, the Counting Board members shall make entries into special blank forms, recording points given by the Jury. The contestant list shall be formed in accordance with the order of their appearance on stage, pursuant to the results of the drawing procedure.
9.6.Performances of contestants shall be judged using a 10-point scale, with points 5 to 10. Any Jury member may give the same points to different contestants.
9.7. The resulting points of each contestant shall be announced immediately after his/her stage performance, with thetransmission of the result table to the screen mountedon the stage.
9.8.The Counting Board shall determine winners, by way of mathematical calculation.
9.8.1.The contestant given the maximum points shall be awarded the Grand Prix., 2nd and 3rd places shall be distributed proportionally to the resulting points.
9.8.3.Should two and more contestants get equal points and in case of other disputes with respect to determining any winner in any category, the Chairman of the Jury Panel may exercise his right of casting vote.
9.8.4.Decisions rendered by the Jury Panel shall be deemed final and challenged neither by the contestants/organizers nor by any third party.
9.9.The Online Voting shall begin in June 2017. The Online Voting shall be stopped immediately upon the last contestant has finished his/her onstage performance. Everyone can take part in Online Voting.
9.9.1.Those qualified for the Finale shall take part in the Online Voting.
9.9.2.The Counting Board shall record the points received by the contestants in the Online Voting.
9.9.3.All the contestants d their national songs (those performed in the national language of their home county) shall be available at the official website of OrganizingCommittee:
10. Contest Awards
10.1.The Awarding Ceremony shall be scheduled for August 5th, 2017, the date of Round 2 of the Contest.
10.2.All contestants are awarded the Certificates “For the Participation in the Contest”.
10.3.The following awards have been established, to be given to the contestants based on the results of t age competition
1)Grand Prix - honorary certificate accompanied by the money reward of three hundred thousand (300,000.00) Russian rubies.
2)1st place - Honorary certificate accompanied by the money reward of one hundred and fifty thousand (150,000.00) Russian rubles.
3)2nd place – honorary certificate accompanied by the money reward of one
hundred thousand (100, 000.00)Russian rubles.
4)3rd place - honorary certificate accompanied by the money reward of fifty thousand (50,000.00) Russian rubles.
10.4.The Winnerof the Online Voting shall be decided based on the results of the Online Voting. The Winner of the Online Voting shall be awarded а Certificate “Audience Choice Award”.
10.5.While summing up, the Jury Panel of the Contest may establish additional certificates.
10.6. Money reward is taxed as prescribed by the law of the Russian Federation
11. Personal Data Protection
11.1 By submitting the Application Form the contestant and his/her manager give their contest to participating in photo and video shoots (in case the contestant is qualified for the Round 2) copying and distributing video and audio materials with the participation of the contestant and his/ her manager by any means for advertising and promotion of the Contest that is deemed valid worldwide for indefinite period of time.
11.2 By submitting the Application Form the contestant and his/her manager also give their contest to:
11.2.1.Providing the following personal data to third parties and distributing the same via the media or over Internet
-first, last, middle (patronymic) names;
-stage name (creative alias);
-date and place of birth;
-educational level;
-employment information;
-information on the family;
-information on the mode of life and personal preferences;
11.2.2. Providing passport (ID) number and place of registration and residence to third parties for official invitation and temporary registration on the territory of the Russian Federation.
12. Contacts
12.1.On any organizational matters contact the Organizing Committee: 141003, Russian Federation, Moscow Region, Mytischi District, Town of Pirogovsky, Pionerskaya Street, 2.д. 2.
12.2.Contact Information for obtaining data:
-mobile phone for obtaining data in English: + 7.963.619.47.81
-mobile phone for obtaining data in Russian: +7 (929) 911-82-11,
+7 (965) 163-18-48, +7(929)911-82-19
- e-mail:
- website:
Annex№3to the Regulation of the Administration of the Mytischi Urban District dated 27.02.2017 №829
Application Form
Application form shall be submitted in printed form in Russian or English language.
Application form is emailed to the Organizing Committee: . It is to be accompanied by:
-portrait (artistic) photo of high quality;
-the song presented in the singer’s national language;
- video of life performance uploaded to YouTube
-artistic CV; passport copy (ID document) of the contestant and passport copy (ID document) accompanying person
Contestant1 / First, last, middle (patronymic) names
2 / Country that you represent
3 / Registration address ( as given in passport (ID)
4 / Passport (ID) number
5 / Date of issuance
6 / Issuing organization
7 / Date of birth
6 / Stage name (creative alias)
7 / Name of the song
Copyright holder
8 / Contact phone number
9 / Email address
Accompanying person (manager)
1 / First, last, middle (patronymic) names
2 / Registration address ( as given in passport (ID)
3 / Passport (ID) number
4 / Date of issuance
5 / Issuing organization
6 / Date of birth
7 / Contact phone number
8 / Email address
Arrangement regulations are read and understood, accuracy of the data given in application form is confirmed.
Signatureprint full name
Signatureprint full name