Parenting Education and Support
Eastern Health and Social Services Board
Tender Application
CLOSING DATE FOR TENDER: 4.00pm on 22/November/2007
Tender application – Parenting Education and Support
1. Background
The Children and Young People’s Funding Package has made available monies for parenting education and support which is to be commissioned through the Children’s Services Planning process in each Health and Social Services Board area.
The sum of £542k for the financial year 2007/08 is available across Northern Ireland, of which the Eastern Board’s allocation is £216,000. The funding is specifically for:
- Enhancing existing good practice models (including positive parenting, household management, anger/stress management, play etc….)
- Building capacity to deliver parenting education, including training (under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, this could involve training on children’s rights, in relation to both providers and parents)
- Increasing service accessibility to families usually considered hard to reach
- Increasing universal uptake of parenting support (e.g. through better advertising of services, additional crèche facilities etc. to enable parents to access education and support)
- Supporting innovative working in respect of parents’ education, e.g. for parents of older children
The services provided under this initiative can only be purchased up until 31 March 2008. The allocated money is strictly time-limited and non-recurrent.
Criteria for Allocation
In order to maximise the capacity for the funding to be allocated and used by 31 March 2008, tenders are invited from organisations that have existing Service Level Agreements with the Eastern Health and Social Services Board, the Belfast HSST, the South Eastern HSST, or have a relationship with one of the Eastern Area Surestart projects. The targeted nature of the tendering process is to meet governance arrangements relating to commissioning.
Applications must be made by existing organisations that have parenting education and support services already running which wish to provide extra services or have fully developed proposals for the usage of the additional in year funding, with the necessary staffing currently in place.
Funding must be used for additional services. Funding cannot be used to cover deficits in core services or to fund services already contracted for by the Board/Trust or any other funder.
Organisations must be in a position to demonstrate the capacity to deliver the services and have the capacity to provide the necessary monitoring information.
Value for money will be a consideration.
2. Priority Groups
The Eastern Area Children and Young People’s Committee has agreed that priority should be given to applications which target vulnerable children as set out in the Eastern Area Family Support Strategy, namely:
a) / Those living in defined adverse circumstances- Children/young people with a parent/carer who has a significant long term psychiatric condition or who has marked learning difficulties
- Children/young people with a parent/carer who has a drug or alcohol addiction
- Children/young people who live in a home characterised by domestic violence
- A child/young person who has suffered physical, sexual, emotional abuse or neglect
- A child/young person who has a parent/older sibling who is a prisoner or persistent offender
b) / Those who are already struggling to achieve reasonable outcomes
c) / Children with complex health needs and/or disability.
3.1Name of organisation:
3.3Contact person:
3.7Current contract(s) with:
EHSSB / yes/noBelfast HSCT / yes/no
South Eastern HSCT / yes/no
SureStart / yes/no
3.8Charity number ______
3.9Please outline the service you intend to provide, demonstrating how these are additional to existing services:
3.10Please indicate how and where you intend to provide the service:
3.11Please indicate the priority groups the service is to target:
3.12Please outline accountability and financial governance arrangements within your organisation (please attach a copy of your most recent audited Annual Accounts):
3.13Please detail how you propose to provide additional service by 31 March 2008:
3.14Please detail the nature and volume of the additional services to be provided, with associated costs and the monitoring arrangements you have in place to demonstrate contract compliance (please provide an organisational chart setting out the structure of your organisation):
Attention is drawn to the need to comply with all legislative, regulatory and the regional ACPC, Child Protection Policy and Procedure requirements in the provision of all additional services now being sought by the EHSSB.
Signed ______Date______
Position within Organisation ______
4.1Tender applications must be complete and should be forwarded, so as to be received not later than 4pm Thursday November 2007. Three copies of the Tender document should be provided.
To: John Duffy
Children’s Services Planner
Champion House
12-22 Linenhall St
Belfast, BT2 8BS
4.2Tenders delivered by post should be Registered or Recorded. When a Tender is delivered by hand, a receipt should be obtained. A copy of the Tender submission should be retained by you.
4.3Tenders submitted:
(a)by Facsimile Machine or e-mail will not be considered (unless in exceptional circumstances)
(b)after the closing time - will not be considered
4.4Tenderers are required to keep their Tender open for a minimum period of 3 months from the closing date.
Any tenderer who either directly or indirectly canvasses any member or official of the Board concerning the award of the Contract for the provision of the services or who directly or indirectly obtains or attempts to obtain information either from any such member, or official, concerning any other tender or proposed tender for the services shall be disqualified.
The contract period expire on the 31 March 2008
I/We hereby certify that all information of any kind whatsoever contained in this application and any supporting evidence or documentation is true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge and belief.
The Board reserve the right that, should it be advised by any of its officers that the information supplied by an applicant either in this application form or any other supporting documents or evidence is not correct, to disqualify and/or reject the application. No further correspondence will be entered into, nor will the Board give any reasons for rejecting such an application.
Tender Number:
Tender for:
- The essence of tendering is that the client shall receive bona fide competitive tenders from all firms tendering. In recognition of this principle, we certify that this is a bona fide tender intended to be competitive, and that we have not fixed or adjusted the amount of the tender, by, or under, or in accordance with any agreement, with any other person.
2.We also certify that we have not:
a.communicated to a person other than the person calling for these tenders, the amount or
approximate amount of the proposed tender, except where the disclosure, in confidence, of the approximate amount of the tender was necessary to obtain insurance premium quotationsrequired for the preparation of the tender.
b.entered into any agreement or arrangement with any other person that he shall refrain fromtendering or as to the amount of any tender to be submitted.
c.offered or paid or agreed to pay or give any sum of money or valuable consideration directly or Indirectly to any person for doing or having or causing or having cause to be done in relation to anyother tender or proposed tender for the said work any act or thing of the sort described above.
3.We undertake that we will not do any of the acts mentioned in paragraphs 2a, 2b, or 2c above at any timebefore that date and hour specified for the return of this tender.
4.In this certificate the word “person” includes any person or persons and any body or association,
corporate or unincorporated and “any agreement or arrangement” includes any such transaction, formalor informal and whether legally binding or not.
Signed (1) ______Signed (2) ______
Status ______Status ______
The Declaration should be signed:
(a) Where the applicant is an organisation/company, by two Directors, or one Director and the Secretary, each person being duly authorised for that purpose.
(b) Where the applicant is a Partnership, by two duly authorised Partners.
(c) Where the applicant is an individual, by that individual.
Please Tick if
Tender form completed in full
Certificate as to Declaration of Bona Fide
Undertaking of Probity
Last available audited accounts
Organisational chart
Copy of Child Protection Policy
Signed (1)______Signed (2)______
Status______Status ______
DATE: ______
The Declaration should be signed:
(a)Where the applicant is an organisation/company, by two Directors, or one Director and the Secretary, each person being duly authorised for that purpose.
(b)Where the applicant is a Partnership, by two duly authorised Partners.
(c) Where the applicant is an individual, by that individual.
DCarvill\C:\Documents and Settings\bbritton.LAN\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK145\Tender for parenting advice.doc