University of Pittsburgh/University of Pittsburgh Physicians
Department of Pathology
The Department of Pathology supports business travel for the purposes of professional and intellectual development. Faculty are encouraged to represent the Department in professional, medical and biomedical conferences. As with all financial transactions, travel expense receipts are audited for propriety and purpose by both the University and UPP. Due to the size and diversity of the Department, and to ensure that resources are expended in the interest of Department, Divisional and individual faculty goals, the Chairman and Division Directors have approved additional travel guidelines, effective January 1, 2005.
1. Department business travel reimbursement that does NOT require justification/prior approval from the Division Directors must meet ALL of the following criteria:
- The conference is organized by a national professional biomedical society.
- The conference location is within the United States or Canada
- The faculty member will use annual CME funds (BDT) or other earned discretionary funds (travel using Start-Up or Bridge Funds, see 2c below).
2. Department business travel reimbursements that REQUIRE justification and Division Director approval PRIOR to travel arrangements using the Pathology Travel Justification Form (attached):
- International Travel Expenses
· In general the Department expects that faculty expenses for invited lectures will be paid by the organization extending the invitation. If this is not the case, a request for an exception must be included on the Justification Form (attached below).
· If faculty is not an invited presenter with expenses covered, international conferences will only be considered if there is not an equivalent meeting held within the U.S. The Justification Form must clearly demonstrate the intellectual/professional benefit would be significantly higher than conferences available within the U.S.
· Justification for international travel regarding “collaborations” must be detailed and must demonstrate that telephone and email communications would be insufficient. Approval will be rare.
- Research/Other Collaborations
· In general, the Department expects that travel related to research projects should be included in the grant budget; however, any research or clinical collaborations requiring support of Department (non-grant) funds should be approved by the Division Director prior to making arrangements.
· Justification for US and Canada travel regarding “collaborations” must be specific and must demonstrate that telephone and email communications would be insufficient.
- Start-up or Bridge Funds
· All travel on Start-up or Bridge Funds must be approved by the Chairman prior to making travel arrangements
- Support for Technical Staff or Trainee Business Travel
· All non-faculty travel must be justified and approved by the Division Director.
3. Procedure for Justification and Approval:
- For the specific categories of travel requiring a Justification Form, please complete Pathology Travel Justification Form PRIOR to making travel arrangements. Failure to comply will result in denial of reimbursement requests.
- Submit form to the Division Director (or Chair) for signature approval. Forms may be submitted by FAX or email.
· Chair will approve travel justifications for all Division Directors
· Chair will approve travel justifications using Start-Up or Bridge funds
· Division Directors will approve all other travel justification forms.
- Fax copy of approved Form to Administration at 412-383-7969 (this will prevent delays in airfare approvals etc).
- Proceed with travel arrangements and scheduling.
- Submit copy of approved form with Travel and Business Reimbursement Requests after travel is completed.
4. All business travel charged to faculty CME accounts (or other accounts) must have sufficient funds to cover the expense. Overdrafts will be taken from another faculty account or from the next year’s CME allocation.
(Form NOT required for certain US travel, please see Guideline 1)
Faculty Name: ______
Purpose of Travel (check all that apply):
____ Travel Outside of US and Canada
____ Attendance of Conference
____ Invited Speaker for Conference
____ Using Start-up or Bridge funds to support travel (requires approval of Chair)
____ Collaborative travel (not attending/presenting an organized meeting)
City/State/Country Destination ______
Travel Dates ______
Sponsor Organization for conference ______
Are you a member of this organization? ______
Estimated Expense:
Airfare ______
Hotel ______
Car Rental ______
Per Diem ______
Misc ______
TOTAL $______
Business Purpose and Justification:
Name of Division Director ______
Division Director or Chair signature ______