Algebra I – Period 2

Teacher: Mrs. Carpenter Room: G-207

Email: School Web Site:

Phone: School: (605)336-3644Google Classroom:

Classroom Code:bdj1xb

Text Book Online:

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2.Click Login

Username: first initial last name og

Example: John Doe – Username: jdoeog

Password: algebra1

3.From the Home Page, click My Account.

4.Click Add Class/Group.

5.Type the class access code: B94E811473A631B40380


Course Description:

Algebra I will focus on building algebra skills. Students will build a foundation of algebra skills that include: solving linear equations and inequalities, solving systems of equations, graphing linear, exponential, and polynomial equations, working with linear, exponential, and polynomial functions. The focus will be on using these skills to problemsolve and analyze higher level thinking problems.


Algebra I will increase the students’ algebraic problem solving abilities, critical thinking and reasoning skills, and use of modeling in mathematics. Algebra I will expect students to persevere in solving problems, find errors in work, look for patterns, and construct viable arguments for reasoning.


Students will bring their textbooks, binders/notebook, paper, homework, any handouts or other materials, calculator, and a pencil to class everyday—these will not be provided for the student.

A TI-84 graphing calculator is recommended. This is the calculator that is required for all high school math classes at O’Gorman.


Each student is responsible to find out about any missed notes, information, assignments, and/or tests, and to insure that work missed during an excused absence is made up in time to receive full credit. Any student with an excused absence has 2 school days for every day of absence to get his or her make-up work completed and turned in. If the absence is school related, the student is expected to complete the work before the absence, unless other arrangements have been made with the teacher.


Keeping up with homework on a daily basis is essential. Failing to do the homework or falling

behind in the homework is a critical error which will affect your grade. Homework will be collected randomly at the beginning of class when it is due.Late assignments will be deducted 20% for the first day late,40% for the second day late, and 50% for the third day late. After the third day, students may then turn in the assignment for 50% credit until the end of the semester.


100-93 / A
92-85 / B
84-77 / C
76-69 / D
68 or less / F

Collected homework, quizzes, and test will be used for 90% of the students’ grades and the semester test will be 10% of the grade. Semester grades will be computed on weighted percentages:

Daily Grades = 20%

Quizzes = 30%

Test= 40%

Semester Test= 10%

Make Up Quizzes and Test

If you miss a test or quiz and have been absent for only one day, you will be expected to make up the test or quiz the day you return or before school the following day. For example, a missed quiz on Monday must be made up before 1st period on Wednesday.


Students, who receive below an 80% on a quiz, may request to retake that quiz. When retaking a quiz the two quiz scores will be averaged and the student will receive the average score for that quiz with a maximum score of an 80%. If the average of the scores is above an 80%, the student will receive an 80% for that quiz. Retakes must be done within a week of the first quiz and after meeting with the teacher to discuss errors.

Academic Integrity:

Academic dishonesty is contrary to the moral standards of O’Gorman High School and will not be tolerated. Anyone who is caught cheating on any graded assignment will receive a zero for that assignment. This includes test.

The following is a PARTIAL LIST of behaviors that are considered to be dishonest.

  1. Asking, discussing or divulging any part of a test or quiz with other students.
  2. Looking at someone else’s test or quiz.
  3. Copying and taking credit for someone else’s work.(this includes copying answers from the back of the textbook)
  4. Using notes without permission.
  5. Putting notes on your body, clothing, textbook cover, calculator cover, in the calculator, or anywhere else and using them on test or quizzes.
  6. Talking during a test or quiz.
  7. Texting on a cell phone.
  8. Letting someone copy your work.
  9. Using a calculator/computer in an unfair way including, but not limited to:

a. Storing unauthorized information in your calculator’s memory for use on a test or quiz

b. Removing test questions using your calculator

c. Passing your calculator to someone else during a test or quiz

Extra Credit:

Students will be given one opportunity for extra credit each semester.

Things to Remember:

  1. Use your time wisely. Remain quiet when finished with test and quizzes and use class time to do homework whenever possible.
  2. Treat your book like it is borrowed. Books must be covered at all times.Do not carry notebooks, pencils, or papers in it.
  3. Refrain from writing on desk, walls, in books, or on any school property.
  4. Make a contribution to class it is your education.
  5. Keep up with your work.
  6. Use all class time wisely, be seated and prepared when the bell rings, and remain working until the bell dismisses you.
  7. Come to class prepared. Bring a pencil, your book, notebook, calculator, and completed homework.
  8. Follow all school rules, especially dress code, cell phone, and food and beverage rules.
  9. Do not prevent others from learning.
  10. Playing Games on the Calculator is strictly prohibited.
  11. I reserve the right to reset the memory of a calculator at any time.