Assessment on Integration Unit A: Microsoft Word & Excel

A spreadsheet listing the 2016 Computer Applications grades for 1st and 2nd Quarters is attached. Using the data provided, complete the following tasks to produce a final integrated product:

Part I: Semester 1 Computer Applications Grades (Excel)

SAVE AS “Semester 1 Grades, Your Name”

Main Data Spreadsheet 100 points total

  1. Calculate TOTALS where necessary. (Use formulas; do not add by hand and input sums.) 22 pts.
  1. Calculate CHANGE. (This will be the 2nd Quarter Grade – 1st Quarter Grade.) 30 pts.
  1. Use 2 different CONDITIONAL FORMULAS to represent the change:
  2. If the change is greater than 0, make the color Yellow Fill with Dark Yellow Text. 10 pts.
  1. If the change is less than 0, make the color Light Red Fill with Dark Red Text. 14 pts.

Total Grades with % Change Spreadsheet 24 pts.

  1. Use the information from the Main Data spreadsheet to fill in data.
  1. Calculate the percentage change. (A HINT to the formula is shown below the spreadsheet.)

Bar Graph 100 pts. total (each category listed below is 20 points)

  1. Create a 3D COLUMN graph to show the number of As, Bs, Cs, Ds, and Fs for Quarter 1 and Quarter 2.
  1. Title your graph “Semester 1 Grades.”
  1. First Quarter grades should have a color fill of Green, Accent 6, Lighter 40%.
  1. Second Quarter grades should have a color fill of Blue-Gray, Text 2, Lighter 80%.
  1. Data labels on graph:
  • Number of grades will be on the Y axis (vertical).
  • Grade categories will be on the X axis (horizontal).
  • “Qtr 1” and “Qtr 2” should be a bottom horizontal legend.

Turn paper over for Part II.

Part II: Letter (Word) 100 pts. total

SAVE AS “Semester 1Letter, Your Name”

Write a letter to YOURSELF. Your letter should include the following:

  1. Friendly Letter Format (Address, Date, “Friendly” Punctuation, Closing, etc.) 20 pts.
  1. LEFT Alignment (blank lines between paragraphs) 10 pts.
  1. Introduction stating the purpose of the letter (to explain the breakdown of grades and possible reasons for increases/decreases in grade categories) 15 pts.
  1. Bar Graph from EXCEL 10 pts.
  1. Reflection of YOUR own grade and reasons why you received that grade 15 pts.
  1. Personal Academic Goals for 3rd and 4th Quarters 15 pts.
  1. Hand-written signature 5 pts.
  1. Correct Grammar, Punctuation, and Typing 10 pts.

Here are some things to consider before writing your letter. You do not have to address ALL of these in your letter, but they may give you some talking points or provide interesting observations:

  1. Overall, did grades improve from Qtr 1 to Qtr 2, or did they get worse? Why do you think that is?
  1. Which category changed the most (As, Bs, Cs, Ds, or Fs)?
  1. There were 95 students in Quarter 2. 48 of those students had As, and 19 had Bs. That’s 67 out of 95. So, what percentage of grades were As and Bs?
  1. Consider the percentage of Cs… 10 out of 95 made a C. What percentage is that?
  1. Now, consider the percentage of Ds and Fs… 2 made a D, and 16 made an F. That’s 18 out of 95. What percentage of students made a D or F?
  1. Looking at this data overall, what is your opinion of the performance of Computer Apps students?
  1. How did you do? Does your grade seem justified?
  1. Is there anything you’d like to change about your experience in Computer Apps?
  1. Do you feel like you are learning things you did not know before taking Computer Apps? Is there anything specific that you want to learn?
  1. What goal(s) will you set for yourself this semester?