St. Stephen’s Witness Night 9/16/2017
Writing Your Basic Faith Story: A Testimony
“Being a Christian is not the result of an ethical choice, or a lofty idea, but the encounter with an event, a person, which gives life a new horizon and a decisive direction.” Pope Benedict XVI Deus Caritas Est. 1
How has your encounter with Jesus given your life a new horizon and a decisive direction?
Basic Structure: Before * * * * * * * * JESUS * * * * * * * * After
Can you think of a big event where you first met Jesus and it changed your life forever?
If you were raised in a Catholic home, can you recall the moment when you decided to make your parents’ faith your own?
Or, can you think of smaller moments, where Jesus directed you? Or revealed more of Himself to you? Did you rededicate yourself to following Him?
The core question you need to answer to write your faith story is this: How did you come to know and follow Jesus? What were the circumstances and why were they significant to you? Briefly describe this moment:
· Taken from the Four Spiritual Laws, Campus Crusade for Christ, International.
BEFORE that period of your life, what were you like? What was your life like? How did you act or what did you think that wasn’t true? What were some of the things that you struggled with? Jot down some ideas.
AFTER that period in your life, what were you like? How did knowing Jesus and participating in His Church help you to overcome previous struggles or learn about what was true? How have you grown? Jot down some ideas.
Focusing your story on a particular issue or theme.
If you were to write your entire faith story down, it could take pages. We are focusing on elements of what God has done in your life, to encourage others. Think about your notes above. Consider the events, struggles, questions and people that God has used in your life, to draw you closer to Him and closer to becoming a disciple of Jesus. How have you changed? How has your relationship with Jesus changed?
Select a singular theme, trial or issue to frame your story:
An example testimony: Look at Paul's testimony as you consider how to tell your story.
His life before (Acts 22:1-5)
· Paul describes what he thought and did before he became a follower of Jesus.
· Your goal: to give specific, yet appropriate, examples of what your life was like (attitudes, needs, problems) before encountering Christ.
· Remember that examples you give will establish you as a credible witness in the minds of non-Christians. However, avoid a religious lingo. (You want to make it about Jesus and your need for Him.)
How (Acts 22:6-11)
· Paul explained how he became a believer.
· Your goal: to allow the listener to walk away with a clear understanding of how you became a Christian and how he or she can trust Christ as the payment for their sins.
· Be careful not to use clichés and church language. Talk in terms they'll understand.
After (Acts 22:12-21)
· Paul explained how becoming a follower of Jesus changed his life.
· Your goal: to explain specific ways Christ has changed your life -- to show that having God in your life really does make a difference!
· Avoid using general statements such as “I have so much peace now.” Be specific. It is the Holy Spirit’s responsibility to draw someone to Christ, but you want to communicate your story in such a way to show the listener that your life is different and more meaningful with Christ.
Helpful Hints:
Do not speak negatively about specific parishes, denominations or groups.
Always consider your audience and how your story could connect with them.
Avoid religious terms with which your audience may not be familiar (Adoration, One-on-one, in a state of grace, grave matter, etc.).
Write and speak conversationally; this not a professional speaking exercise but a conversation starter.
Avoid being sensational in speaking of drugs, immorality, crime or drunkenness.
Write down a rough first draft: