The Principal provides professional leadership, vision and direction for the college, securing its continuing success and improvement through ensuring a high quality education for all its students.
Working with the leadership team, governors, and partner schools, the Principal is responsible for managing staff, students and resources, and for maintaining and promoting the college within the wider community.
The Principal will be responsible to the Governing Body and will support it in carrying out its statutory duties.
Strategic direction and vision for the Community College
The Principal will:
Lead by example, providing ideas, inspiration, and motivation.
Provide educational vision and direction for the whole college.
Secure commitment to this vision from the students, staff, governors and parents.
Work with the governors and the leadership team to analyse and plan for the future needs and further development of the college.
Establish the annual College Improvement Plan, and ensure its coherence with other developments, including opportunities for collaboration with other schools.
Work effectively and openly with the Governing Body, providing information, advice and support to enable it to meet its responsibilities for securing effective teaching and learning, improved standards of achievement and best value.
Leadership and management
The Principal, working with governors and the leadership team, will lead and manage the whole college workforce to deliver the highest quality education for all its students. This includes:
Establishing positive relationships with governors. Being open and frank about successes and challenges to enable Governors to support effective leadership and management.
Recruiting and retaining high quality staff.
Ensuring that teachers are appropriately trained, monitored, assessed (where appropriate), developed and supported throughout their careers, through high quality continuing professional development based on assessment of needs.
Motivating and empowering all staff to carry out their roles to the highest standard.
Establishing appropriate structures to support leadership at all levels, ensuring clear delegation of tasks and responsibilities.
Maintaining effective systems for the management of staff performance.
Ensuring that priorities identified in the College Improvement Plan are met, managing self-evaluation, review and accountability processes.
Managing and organising accommodation efficiently and effectively to ensure that it meets the needs of the curriculum and health and safety regulations.
Establishing a budget for the college, agreeing priorities for expenditure, allocating funds and ensuring effective and efficient administration and control.
Identifying and attracting all sources of additional funding, where appropriate.
Ensuring that the financial stability of the college, including its self-funded Extended activities, is maintained at all times.
Teaching and learning
The Principal will have overall responsibility for the curriculum and its assessment, including:
Determining, organising, implementing, monitoring and evaluating the curriculum.
Establishing a positive climate which ensures high quality teaching and successful learning.
Monitoring and evaluating the quality of teaching and standards of learning and achievement of all students.
Making effective use of student and teacher performance data in order to set and meet challenging and realistic targets for improvement.
Maintaining an effective partnership with parents and the wider community to support and enhance the achievement and personal development of all students.
Ethos and pastoral care
The Principal will be responsible for enhancing an environment which promotes effective learning and high standards of achievement and behaviour. This includes:
Involving all students in the success of the college, through appropriate support and acknowledgement of their academic and extra-curricular achievements.
Promoting equal opportunities, inclusion, social, moral, cultural and spiritual values.
Establishing effective systems of pastoral care and guidance to support the personal development of all students.
Promoting good behaviour, courtesy and respect for each other and for the environment, and ensuring the effective implementation of an appropriate code of conduct.
Ensuring appropriate support and training for all staff.
Ensuring the safety of staff and students.
Building effective partnerships with parents, so that they have confidence in the college and feel actively involved in their children’s progress.
The community dimension of the College
The Principal will be responsible for fostering positive relationships between the college and the wider community. These include:
Effectively developing and supporting the success of the Uplands Sports Centre, the Uplands Children’s Centre, and Youth opportunities including Duke of Edinburgh Award provision.
Maintaining positive working relationships with partner schools.
Active partnerships with external agencies, local business and community groups.
Developing college facilities to serve the needs of the local community.
This job description sets out the main duties of the post as currently envisaged. These duties, which must be read in accordance with the current School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions document may change over time, without changing the general character of the post, or the level of responsibility involved.