Company Build Out Workbook

Congratulations! You have a new client. Your team has been meeting with the law firm, Emily Conlan and Associates, for quite some time and have finally closed the deal! This workbook will provide all of the information you need to get this group up and running. However, like any client, Emily Conlan is somewhat unpredictable, sometimes indecisive, and may change things up on you along the way. This book will prepare you for those scenarios.

Company Build Out Workbook

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 – Adding a Company

Chapter 2 – Company Settings

Chapter 3 – Basic Plan Builds

Chapter 4 – Importing

Chapter 5 – Employer Paid Benefits

Chapter 6 – Voluntary and Buyup Disability Plans

Chapter 7 – Voluntary Life Insurance

Chapter 8 – Cafeteria and Consumer Directed Health Plans

Chapter 9 – Customizing the Employee Experience

Chapter 10 – The Employee Experience

Chapter 1 – Adding a Company

Chapter Objectives:

  • Identify Company information required to strategically use Employee Navigator
  • Create a Company from your Agency HOME page

When adding a group to Employee Navigator, you will want to gather as much information as possible from the group up-front to save you time in the long run. Gathering information such as Class Structure, Payroll Calendars, Benefits offered which also includes the company contribution structures, and tracked Employee Demographic data will simplify the build out process. You should also speak to the group to verify which features they want to utilize within the system. For more information and a sample Data Gathering Form, see the article on Group Setup Checklists.

Exercise 1.1:Adding a Company

To Add a Company, from the Agency level:

Go to HOME > add a companyAdd a company (start from scratch)

Company Name / Emily Conlan and Associates
Unique Identifier / [Your Name] EConlan
State / Massachusetts
SIC Code: / 8111 - Legal Services
Agency User Access / Select your name only

Chapter 2 – Company Settings

Chapter Objectives:

  • Build a Class Structure to align with a Company’s organizational benefit structure
  • Configure Payroll Groups
  • Describe the Pay Frequency hierarchy for Class Structures and Payroll Groups
  • Create HR users with defined permissions
  • Customize Employee Profile fields


The company Profile stores basic company demographic and industry information. To access and complete the company profile:

Go to SETTINGS > COMPANY > Profile


Keep track of your company contacts in Employee Navigator so that you have all your information in one place. Company Contacts can also be set to Display for Employee which will post the contact information on the Employee Home Page. You might decide to add carrier or broker information to allow easy access to these contacts for employees. To add Contacts:

Go to SETTINGS > COMPANY > Contacts > Add a contact +

Class Structure

The system is built upon a rules engine which uses class structure as the foundation for all rules. You will be able to use the rules engine to build benefit eligibility rules, varied benefit or contribution structures, assign onboarding tasks and even determine which employees can view specific documents. Once you have a good understanding of this feature, you will be able to review each new group to determine how the class structure should be configured instead of using a piecemeal approach and having to back track later. For more information on this important foundation of the system, see the article on Defining Class Structure.

Exercise 2.1: Adding Class Structure

At Emily Conlan and Associates, there are three classes of employees and two divisions with differences in the pay frequency and the benefits available to these classes of employees: The table below has this information populated. The HR department also wants to make sure that they can run reports and separate employees by Division so you need to make sure to build out the class structure appropriately. Let’s do this now.

Go to SETTINGS > COMPANY > Class Structure.

You will see the default Class is already set up for you. Since Classes are required for all employees, the system is prepopulated with the default Class, but this can be changed by simply clicking the Edit link. To add additional Classes, click on Add a class +.

The Class structure for your group is as follows:

Class Name / Pay Frequency
Partners / Monthly (12 periods)
Associates / Bi-Weekly (26 Periods)
Staff / Bi-weekly (26 Periods)
Part Time-Ineligible / Bi-weekly (26 Periods)

TIP: It is important to always add an ineligible class to each group you build, even if the group does not currently have ineligible employees. Doing so allows you to easily add any additional class in the future and keeps your plan builds clean.

Now you will add the Divisions. Click the Divisions link at the top of the Class structure setup page. You will see there is not a default Division created, so use the Add a division + link to add the law firm’s two Divisions below:

Division Name

Payroll Group Setup

Payroll groups are not currently required for all groups, but we strongly recommend you add them. Configuring Payroll groups allows you to set the pay frequency and build a payroll calendar which will be used throughout the system to determine per pay costs, PTO accruals on a per pay frequency, YTD contributions to cafeteria and consumer directed health plans, etc. For more information on when Payroll groups are required, see the article on Payroll Setup.

TIP: By adding a Payroll Group you are telling the system that you are configuring the pay frequency and pay dates for each employee. This means that the pay frequency on the Class setup will no longer be used to determine per pay costs. Payroll Groups always trump the pay frequency set on your Classes.

Exercise 2.2: Adding Payroll Groups

You will now add the Payroll Groups for Emily Conlan and Associates.

The Payroll group information for this company is below:

Payroll Group Name / Pay Frequency / First Pay Date of the year / If pay date falls on a weekend, when will checks be dated?
Monthly / Monthly (12 periods) / 01/31/2017 / On the Friday Before
Bi-Weekly / Bi-weekly (26 periods) / 01/06/2017 / On the Closest Day

Go to Payroll > GENERAL > Dashboard > Add a group

Add the Name and Pay Frequency for your group and Save.

Calendar > Define Pay Dates > enter the first pay date > select the appropriate option to indicate when the check will be dated if the pay date falls on a weekend. Review and Save your calendar! The system will then auto-populate the payroll calendars through 2022.

The Payroll groups for this company are below:

TIP: If you are building prior year plans in the system, it is important to build payroll calendar dates to coincide with the plan effective date (i.e. it is 2018 and you are building plans effective 08/01/2017, make sure that you add payroll dates on the entire 2017 calendar)

HR Users

Adding HR Users to the system allows HR to have administrative rights in the system and take on some of your workload. You can set permissions and access controls for HR Users if needed. This is a nice way to prevent them from messing up your hard work versus telling them “Don’t touch the plans!”

To add an HR User:

Go to SETTINGS > COMPANY > HR Users > Add a new user +

Depending upon if the HR user is also an employee, this process can get a bit tricky. Make sure to read the HR Users and HR Permissions article for detailed instructions on this process.

HRIS Field Tracking

The HRIS Field Tracking tool allows you to customize the Employee Profile fields and indicate which fields are being tracked for changes, which fields are visible to HR, and which fields are required to be completed by HR for every employee. For more information on configuring these settings, see the article on HRIS Field Tracking / Employee and Dependent Profile Fields.

Exercise 2.3: Setting your HRIS tracked fields

You are almost finished with your basic group setup. Let’s set up the group so that the Division will be required for all employees to make sure it doesn’t get skipped.

Go to SETTINGS > COMPANY > HRIS Field Tracking > Profile > Division > check off HR Required > Save

Chapter 3 – Basic Plan Builds

Chapter Objectives:

  • Define the components of a Basic Plan
  • Create a base medical model plan using the new Add Plan
  • Create a medical model buyup plan using the new Add Plan

In this chapter, you will learn how to build a Basic Plan in Employee Navigator. Basic Plans are all medical model plans meaning that each of the plans in the Basic Plan List have consistent features and are built the same way. When you are familiar with one of these plan builds, you will be able to apply your knowledge and build additional plans which utilize the same Basic model.

For more information, read the Basic Plans article.

The first steps to adding a plan are the same no matter what type of plan you are building. We will go over the initial steps to building a plan below and then you can utilize these steps for every plan build.

Go to BENEFITS > BASIC > Add A Plan> select from the following options:

  • Add a new plan: Select a plan model and build the plan from scratch
  • Copy a plan from this company: Copy a selected plan from the current company and only make the necessary changes.
  • Copy a plan from another company: Copy a selected plan form another company under your Agency and only make the necessary changes.
  • Copy a plan from library: Copy a selected plan from a Company Librarycreated at the Agency level. This option will only be visible if a Company library with existing plans was previously created.

When using the Add a New Plan option, continue as follows:

Select Plan model > Select Carrier > Enter New Plan Name > Save

Included below are details on the primary building blocks of Basic Plans. Keep in mind, Policy Information and Eligibility Rules are consistent through all plan models.

You will notice that on each plan model there are required fields which must be completed to turn on a plan for enrollment. There are also optional fields which can be built out to provide additional information for employees and utilize advanced tools and functionality in the system. Click on the hyperlink for each Plan Setup Tab to review the detailed support article.


Policy Info
  • Plan Name – Name this something unique from year to year so that you don’t get confused as to which plan you are reviewing (ex: 2017 HMO Gold Plan)
  • Carrier
  • Plan Type
  • Start and End Dates
  • Policy #
  • Customize the employee experience by adding optional plan resources and documents. Employees can access this information during enrollment by clicking on a plan's details link, or throughout the year from their Benefits Overview page.


Eligibility Rules
  • Eligibility:
  • Everyone – all employees are eligible for the plan
  • Rules Based (Class, Division, Is Exempt, etc.) – use one of these options to indicate which group(s) of employees are eligible for the plan – We recommend this option every time.
  • Coverage Waiting Period
  • Can be based on Everyone or rules based.
  • Enter numeric value and select from Days, Months, Quarters
  • Coverage Begins/Entry Date (After Waiting Period)
  • Can be based on Everyone or rules based
  • Select from the following options:
  • Hire Date
  • 1st of Month after
  • 1st of the Month Coinciding with or after
  • 15th of the Month after
  • 15th of the Month Coinciding with or after
  • Termination Date
  • Can be based on Everyone or rules based
  • Select from the following options:
  • End of Month of Termination
  • Employment Termination
  • 1st of the Month after Employment Termination

TIP: Plan Termination rules must be assigned to ALL groups of employees regardless of the plan eligibility. They can be rules based but each employee must have a termination rule. Whenever possible, use the Everyone rule.

“Why?” you ask. Think about this. An employee is in the Executive class and is eligible for the STD Buyup plan. The employee then has a class change and is now in the Staff class. The employee is no longer eligible for the plan, but if there are no termination rules for that class, the system is unable to terminate coverage for the employee. Therefore, all employees must have a termination rule assigned for every plan.

Demographic Change Rules

Change Rulesallowa different set of rules to be configured for newly eligible employees. This would be used if a company has a waiting period such as 30 days for a new hire, but if an employee has already been employed more than that period, they wouldn't need to complete the waiting period again once they become benefit eligible. If nothing is set on "Change Rules", the new hire rules will be applied. See the article on Demographic Changes for more information.


If enrollment in the plan is dependent upon enrollment in another plan, Restrictions can be configured based on enrollment in a specific plan or a benefit category. Additional configuration options such as ‘Enforce same coverage level’ and ‘Require enrollment if restrictions are satisfied’ are also available. See the article on General Plan Ruleson the support site for more details.


  • Monthly Carrier Rates
  • Composite Rates – One set carrier rate for each coverage tier. Does not consider Employee or Dependent demographics.
  • ACA Rates – allows for configuration of rates based on individual age, geographic rating area, and tobacco usage. Rates are calculated for each individual enrolled (employees and dependents).
  • Banded Rates – Carrier rates are Banded and based on the Employee’s Age, Gender, Tobacco Use status, or any combination of the three. Does not consider dependent demographics.
  • Individual Banded – Employee and Spouse are rated individually based on their own age and gender. Children are given a flat rate based on each enrolled child, instead of an age-based rate.

Medical contributions can be set up to apply to all employees or use the rules engine to define different contributions for employees based upon Class, Department, Tobacco use, Wellness participation and other settings.

When adding plan contributions, you must always enter a monthly amount. Select from the following contribution configuration options for each of the applicable coverage tiers:

  • The Employee Cost $: Amount the employee pays per month
  • The Company Cost $: Amount the company pays per month
  • The Company Contribution %: Percentage of the total cost the employer pays. Useful when rates are age banded.
  • Additional Employee Cost $: (Dependent only option) Amount of $ the employee pays in addition to the cost of the Employee Only coverage in the same plan.
  • Additional Company Cost $: (Dependent only option) Amount of $ the employer pays in addition to the cost of the Employee Only coverage in the same plan.
  • Additional Company Contribution %: (Dependent only option) Additional % the employer pays in addition to the cost of the Employee Only coverage in the same plan.

Exercise 3.1 Building a Basic Plan

Emily Conlan and Associates offers two medical plans for their employees to choose from. The firm covers 75% of the cost of the Base Plan for their employees and the employee is responsible for the remainder of the employee cost, any dependent costs, and the difference in cost when the buyup plan is selected. This might seem a bit complicated, but rest assured, we have this configuration covered.

Follow the steps below to build the Medical Plans for this group.

Go to BENEFITS > BASIC > Add A Plan> Add a new plan > under the Basic models, select Medical.

  • Carrier = Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield
  • New Plan Name = 2017 Base Medical Plan
  1. Build Your Base Medical Plan

Be sure to hit Save after each section.

Field / Entry
Policy Info
Plan Name / 2017 Base Medical Plan
Carrier / Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield
Plan Type / HMO
Start Date / 01/01/2017
End Date / Will populate to 12/31/2017 but can be modified
Eligibility Rules
Eligibility / Based on Class > Associates, Partners, and Staff
Coverage Waiting Period / Based onClass> Partners > 0 Days
Based on Class > Associatesand Staff > 30 Days
Coverage Begins/Entry Date / Based onClass> Partners > Hire Date
Based on CLASS > Associates and Staff > 1st of the month coinciding with or after
Termination Date / Everyone > End of Month of Termination
Eligibility Options
Dependent age not eligible / 26
Student Age not eligible / 26
Over age dependent drop rule / End of month
Enable auto drop of over age dependents / 
Enrollment Options
Primary Care Physician / Required
PCP Link /
Is this plan based on composite, ACA, banded, or individual banded rates? / ACA
Age child rated as an individual / 21
Max # children rated / 3
Rate based on / Based on Effective Date
ACA Rates
IN-STATE / Everyone > Add +
Upload Rate Table /
Select Worksheet > Age with Dash
Contribution Groups / Based on > Everyone Add +
Employee / Company Contribution % = 75%
Employee + Spouse / Additional Company Contribution % = 0%
Employee + Child(ren) / Additional Company Contribution % = 0%
Employee + Family / Additional Company Contribution % = 0%
Policy Info / Turn on Enrollment

2. Build your BuyUp Medical Plan