Service-Learning Instructional Mini-Grants
Request for Proposals
Deadlines for proposals are set for courses or research
Beginning for Fall, Spring or Summer
The Center for Service-Learning and Civic Engagement
Tennessee State University
The Center for Service-Learning and Civic Engagementis pleased to announce the availability of service-learning and/or community-based research Instructional Mini-Grant Awards. These grants of $500 are available to fund the incorporation ofservice-learning in an existing course and/or for the implementation of community-basedresearch projects. Grants will be awarded to faculty on a competitive basis according to the selection criteria. If additional funding is available, applications for the improvement of existing service-learning courses will be considered.
The Center for Service-Learning and Civic Engagementseeks to facilitate active, experiential education that enhances classroom learning while addressing community needs.
Selection Criteria
Faculty service-learning mini-grants will be awarded to support the following: 1) a new community-based research project; 2) evaluation of a current service learning initiative; or 3) development of a service learning component in an existing course.
Proposals will be reviewed according to the following criteria:
- Project Design and Student Learning Goals: Programs must have well-defined objectives, demonstrable and realistic outcomes and a thoughtfully planned timeline. Measurement of outcomes is highly encouraged and should include feedback from partnering organization. This may include qualitative – such as focus groups or interviews – or quantitative – such as written surveys – or a mixed methods approach.
- Community Needs: Service-learning courses must have a positive impact on the community and target a specific unmet need defined in conjunction with community members. Research, instructional products and/or presentations and publications must be an innovative contribution to the academic discipline and/or the service-learning community. Where applicable, it is highly recommended to have an initial meeting between the community partners, faculty, students and any other stakeholders such as receivers-of-service to establish honorable relationships and to make sure project details are clearly outlined.
- Integration of Best Practices for Community-Based Research and/or Service-Learning: The project must demonstrate how principles related to community-based research (e.g. involvement by community; end result of research has demonstrable benefit to identified community) and/or service-learning (e.g. reciprocal relationship building with community partner, opportunities for student reflection; incorporation of academic concepts into service experience) will be integrated.
Available Funds and Size of Awards
Individual awards are $500.00 but larger allocations may be granted on a case-by-case basis with specific explanation of need. Requests for support for previously funded projects will be considered, but priority for funding will be given to new projects and/orsignificant innovations ofprevious projects.
Due Date for Proposals
Completed proposals will be accepted in the Center of Service Learning and Civic Engagement through the end of the day of August 30 for Fall courses or research; December 6 for Spring courses or research; March 14 for summer courses or research.
Proposal Contents
1. Proposal Narrative: Your proposal should describe the project details with attention to the criteria described above. Pay special attention to the quality of the service provided and the relevance of the learning to course content.
2. Budget and Budget Narrative: A detailed budget must include how funds will be spent to support the service-learning project components. Please include a timeline of expenditures.
Examples of allowable costs: materials; books; supplies; assessments.
Examples that cannot be funded: indirect costs; payment to participants; entertainment; clothing; cash incentives or awards.
Application Procedures
Applications must be submitted by August 30 for Fall courses or research; December 6 for Spring courses or research; March 14 for summer courses or research. Please submit your application through the Service Learning website which may be submitted online at
Applications will be reviewed and notifications of awards sent by January 10, 2014
Linda Guthrie, Director
Center for Service-Learning and Civic Engagement
306 Holland Hall