Gardening with perennial plants opens up a whole new palette of textures, colors and varieties of plants to choose from. While there might be a little bit more up-front preparation work to prepare a garden bed for perennial plantings, once the plants are in, you’ll be able to enjoy the show of perennial flowers each year!


  • Perennial plants can be planted any time from spring through fall, although spring planting is the best to get the most out of the growing season.
  • Amending the soil before planting is always recommended, especially in clay or sandy soils.
  • Make sure the root system of the plant is spread apart before planting, especially if the plant is “root-bound” when taken out of the pot.
  • Perennial plants need supplemental watering until they are well established.


  • Perennial plants can be fertilized with a general fertilizer (10-10-10) in May, June and July. Make sure that any fertilizer applied is watered in well.
  • Do not fertilize after July, as you do not want to encourage a flush of late season new growth.


  • Water perennial plant beds sufficiently to encourage plant roots to go deep and not stay near the surface.
  • Perennial plantings under trees may need supplemental watering to make sure that the plants are receiving needed moisture and are not having to compete with tree roots.


  • Most perennial plants can be divided in the spring once new growth has started to appear. Use a sharp spade or knife to cut the plant clump into divisions. Make sure you have a crown of the plant with each division and a good portion of the root system as well.
  • Plant the division(s) as soon after dividing as possible and make sure that the division(s) are watered in well after being planted. Do not allow the division(s) to dry out.
  • Provide winter protection for new divisions during the first winter. Four to six inches of leaves, straw or hay applied on top of the plant or division after the ground has frozen will provide the necessary protection.

Seasonal Maintenance:

  • Spring Cut back to ground level in March or April if left standing over the winter. Divide or transplant as new shoots begin to emerge. Don’t do any fertilizing until May.
  • Summer Make sure that plants receive sufficient water during the growing season. Deadhead spent blooms, stake up tall plants as needed and fertilize as needed in June and July. Application of mulch around plants will help conserve water.
  • Fall Cut back perennials to ground level once plants have died and clean up all dead plant material out of the garden beds. Continue watering until the ground freezes. Cover newly planted or first year plants with winter protection once the ground freezes.