ICP Self Determination of Point of ConnectionProcedure
OwnerName / Steve Rogers
Title / Competition in Connections Manager
Date / 13 September 2016
Name / Martyn Crocker
Title / Competition in Connections Operations Manager
Date / 13 September 2016
This document forms part of the UK Power Networks Integrated Management System and compliance with its requirements is mandatory. Departure from these requirements may only be taken with the written approval of the above authoriser.
Revision RecordVersion number / 2.0 / What has changed?
Addition of Appendix 2. POC Design Consistency checks included. Procedure Owner and Authoriser changed.
Why has it changed?
Further clarity provided on available options of self-determination of POC.
Date published / 19/09/2016
Next review date / 13/09/2019
Prepared by / Martyn Crocker
Version number / 1.0 / What has changed?
New Document
Why has it changed?
New document as a result of the introduction of the Competition in Connections Code of Practice. Replaces CON 08 106, CON 08 107 and CON 08 110.
Date published / 23/10/2015
Next review date / 23/10/2016
Prepared by / Martyn Crocker
Version number / What has changed?
Why has it changed?
Date published
Next review date
Prepared by
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1.0Introduction and Purpose
8.0Process Detail
1.0Introduction and Purpose
All DNOs are required to comply with a common Competition in Connections Code of Practice (CoP). One requirement of the CoP is for each DNO to enter into arrangements that will enable ICPs to determine the Point of Connection (POC) in prescribed circumstances.
For lower capacity connections the DNO will provide a simple “Standard Design Matrix” and for some higher capacity connections the ICP will use its technical competence to determine the POC.
This document is to set out arrangements that will allow an ICP to make the ‘point of connection’ (POC) decision for some categories of LV & HV connection.
The approach is considered as ‘a rules-based point of connection matrix for connection providers’. Whilst developed for use by ICPs and IDNOs the principles may also be used by UK Power Networks staff as appropriate.
The scope of the arrangements described below is intended to provide for ICPs to successfully determine the POC for the significant majority of straightforward connections. Other more complex scenarios have been excluded from these arrangements because of the increased likelihood of issues being identified under the inspection process resulting in the POC not ultimately being determined by the ICP. However the scope will be kept under review during implementation and may be subject to change as experience is gained.
2.1Low Voltage Point of Connection
These arrangements will apply for LV POCs and only if all the following conditions are met, as applicable:
- The Requested capacity for the site / premise is no greater than 140kVA
- The existing network is a three phase network
- The Point of Connection (POC) will be to an existing underground mains cable
- Theproposed network is an underground network
- The minimum existing mains cable size at and upstream of the Point of Connection (POC) is 120mm² Al or equivalent
- The maximum length of LV main (combined existing and proposed) between substation and end of main is 300 metres (i.e. the main subject to the new POC)
- Where the requested capacity is between 71kVA and 100kVA (after diversity) the minimum size existing transformer is 500kVA, and the minimum size existing mains cable is 185mm² Al or equivalent
- Where the requested capacity is between 101kVA and 140kVA (after diversity) the minimum size existing transformer is 750kVA, and the minimum size existing mains cable is 240mm² Al or equivalent
- The arrangements will not apply for the following circumstances:
- The POC would be in the existing LPN interconnected LV network area (interconnected area map provided on UKPN web site)
- The POC would be on an existing single phase, two phase or split phase network
- Any connections within a ‘development area’ (i.e. where other new connections to same network are expected within next 12 month period)
- Any connection for Distributed Generation (G83 single premises included)
- Any connection where demand characteristics are likely to cause disruption to other customers
- Any connection where reinforcement is required
2.2HV Point of Connection
These arrangements will apply for HV POCs and only if all the following conditions are met, as applicable:
- The requested capacity (after diversity) is up to 1000KVAin the EPN & SPN footprints only.
- The existing network is a three phase network
- The Point of Connection (POC) will be to an existing underground mains cable
- Theproposed network is an underground network
The arrangements will not applyfor the following circumstances:
- The POC would be in the existing LPN network area
- Any connections within a ‘development area’ (i.e. where other new connections to same network are expected within next 12 month period)
- Any connection for Distributed Generation
- Any connection where demand characteristics likely to cause disruption to other customers
- Any connection where reinforcement is required
To allow an ICP to determine the point of connection (POC), for some projects at LV or HV.
CON 00 010 / Extension of Contestability PolicyCON 08 109 / Access to ICP eMAPS Portal
EDS 06-0001 / Earthing Standard
EDS 08-0109 / 11kV/6.6kV Secondary Distribution Network Design
EDS 08-0113 / Application of ENA ER G88 and G81 Inset Networks
EDS 08-0115 / Loading of Secondary Distribution Transformers
EDS 08-0118 / Supplies to Multi-Occupied Buildings
EDS 08-0123 / LV Electrical Service Drawings
EDS 08-0129 / LV Customer Supplies up to 100A Single Phase
EDS 08-0132 / Planning Guidance for Disturbing Loads
EDS 08-0133 / LV Customer Unmetered Supplies to Street Furniture
EDS 08-0136 / LV Network Design Standard
EDS 08-0142 / Planning Requirements for Secondary Sub-stations
EDS 08-0143 / Customer LV Supplies above 100A
NOC 04 001 / Independent Connections Provider (ICP) Street Furniture Metered Connections Jointing to Mains (SFMJ2M) Procedure
NOC 04 003 / Independent Connections Provider (ICP) Unmetered Connections (UMC) Jointing to Services (UJ2S) Procedure
NOC 04 004 / Independent Connections Provider (ICP) Unmetered Connections (UMC) Jointing to Mains (UJ2M) Procedure
ADMD / After Diversity Maximum DemandDesign Activity / Activity that requires access to UKPN cable records and design/planning procedures, to enable the LV POC to be determined
DNO / Distribution Network Operator
EPN / Eastern Power Networks
G81 Appendix / The addendum appendix to the national suite of framework documents developed setting out common requirements for
(i)design and planning
(ii)material specifications
(iii)installation and records
HV / A voltage exceeding 1000 volts AC but not exceeding 22000 volts AC
ICP / Independent Connections Provider
Inter-connected Network / Part of London Power Networks low voltage Distribution System that is operated on an inter-connected basis as opposed to being radial
LPN / London Power Networks
LV / A voltage not exceeding 1000 volts AC
NERS / National Electricity Registration Scheme. The scheme for the assessment of service providers carrying out contestable work
POC / Point of Connection
Specification / The appendices (as published from time to time by UK Power Networks) to the Electricity Network Association’s document G81 which set out the design standards, the material standards, the installation standards and any other standards applicable to the Works
SPN / South East Power Networks
Standard Design Matrix / A matrix or set of rules provided by the DNO to allow connections that meet the criteria set out in them without further network analysis
The use of this procedure is conditional on ICP compliance with the requirements which should be read carefully. If the procedure is not followed correctly there is a risk of incorrect network operation that potentially could lead to interruption of electricity supply for both existing and new customers.
The ICP accepts that this procedure may only be used for so long as it:
- Has appropriate NERS accreditation for the task to be undertaken (Self-determination of Point of Connection)
- Uses suitably qualified and experienced staff to carry out the point of connection assessment
- Accepts liability for the costs of any remedial works that become necessary as a result of failing to operate the procedure as documented
- Accepts that UK Power Networks will provide information to the same level of accuracy as is provided to its own connections teams.
- Has entered into the Competition in Connections Code of Practice Framework Agreement
UK Power Networks reserves the right to withdraw use of this procedure from any ICP that does not comply with its terms.
Any information that UK Power Networks is to provide under this procedure will be to a comparable level of accuracy as is provided to its own connections teams.
UK Power Networks
To monitor performance of ICP POC designs, data will be captured and held by the Competition in Connections Commercial Analyst team. This data will be used to highlight any deficiencies in the process used to self-determine POC’s; regardless whether it is a UK Power Networks or an ICP deficiency. The data captured should also be able to provide sufficient evidence in respect to an ICP’s ability to self-determine POC’s.
The Competition in Connections Commercial Analyst team will be responsible for the control of a list detailing the performance of each ICP. This list will be regarded as ‘confidential information’ but may be disclosed to Lloyds NERS upon request.
For customer applications a project file will be created within UK Power Networks systems, all records created during the life of the project will be kept in this common file.
Independent Connection Provider
The ICP shall maintain a full and comprehensive record of information and drawings supplied to UK Power Networks, and these shall be made available at the earliest opportunity if they are required for inspection by UK Power Networks.
8.0Process Detail
General Provisions
The ICP will be provided with access to network cable records and LV operational diagrams via E-Maps.
The ICP will be provided with access to electronic copies of the HV operational diagrams for the EPN & SPN network areas.
The ICP will be provided with access to UK Power Networks systems to extract data to enable the identification of a suitable POC. This data shall include, but not limited to, secondary substation maximum demand readings, distribution transformer rating, number of customers connected at individual secondary sites and primary sub-station HV feeder load details. Other notable information, such as a sites’ ESQC rating, and access details may also be available.
The ICP Designer will not be permitted to access UK Power Networks substations, feeder pillars or link boxes without the appropriate UK Power Networks competency.
The ICP proposals must comply with all UK Power Networks design and engineering standards.
Notification of Point of Connection
The ICP shall notify UK Power Networks at set intervals when undertaking a POC proposal design; these intervals are:
- Notification of intent to self-determine POC
- Submission of POC design
- Notification of quote sent to ICP’s client
- Notification of quote accepted by ICP’s client and intention to submit network extension design
At the initial stage of confirming the intent to self-determine a POC, the ICP shall complete the UK Power Networks application form titled ‘Application for Electricity Connection Request Form’, checking the appropriate box to indicate the above.
Once this initial communication has been received by UK Power Networks a project reference number will be generated and the POC design parameters recorded on UK Power Networks ‘Pin on a Map’ system, so as to ensure a consistent POC Design is utilised for the Site. The ICP will communicate all further progress via email to the UK Power Networks Project Gateway team, not directly with the CiC Designer.
The ICP shall annotate a UK Power Networks’ 1-500 cable record to identity the proposed POC. It must be clear what cable has been selected as the POC and the proposed final connection works.
UK Power Networks, for HV POC’s, shall confirm the POC earthing parameters upon confirmation from the ICP that their quotation has accepted by their client. This earthing detail will be provided within 5 working days upon request.
Inspection of Proposed Point of Connection
UK Power Networks will inspect POC designs produced by the ICP, for loads between 71KVA and 1000KVA.
UK Power Networks will undertake the POC design inspection within 5 working days for LV POC’s and 10 working days for HV POC’s.
Part of the inspection process undertaken by UK Power Networks will check to see if the proposed POC is interactive or if 2nd comer charges are applicable. In cases where this is applicable UK Power Networks will communicate this information to the ICP.
Where the POC inspection process highlights a non-conformance or issue, the UK Power Networks designer shall notify the ICP of the deficiency and the required corrective actions. It however should be noted that any inspection completed by UK Power Networks shall be regarded as an integrity check only, i.e. the POC design is suitable to facilitate the electricity connection. Checks such as minimum cost scheme will not be inspected.
UK Power Networks will communicate, via email, any comment regarding a proposed POC, whether it be agreement with the proposed POC or identifying any required amendments. In cases where an ICP’s POC is not suitable, the UK Power Networks Designer will confirm to the ICP a revised POC location and substantiate the reasoning for this amendment.
The ICP must hold NERS accreditation for ‘self-determination of POC’ at the appropriate voltage level.
Where cases of difficulty are encountered the details will in the first instance be referred to the Competition in Connections Manager and the Regulation Manager, Connections for decision.
8.1LV Point of Connection
LV Point of Connections - Standard Design Matrix
The Standard Design Matrix will apply for connections up to and including 70kVA.
For connections up to 70kVA the ICP will:
- Assess the existing demand on the distribution substation by using the substation maximum demand readings provided
- Provide details to support the proposed POC decision
For connections up to 70kVA the ICP willnot:
- Propose a POC where the arithmetic sum of the requested capacity and the existing substation maximum demand would exceed the overload rating of the transformer as detailed in EDS 08-0115 Loading of Secondary Transformers
- Plan to split the load of the site / premise into several applications in order for each application not to exceed the 70kVA threshold
- Propose a POC where any of the conditions referred to in this paper are not met
Application table
Capacity requested / Minimum existing underground main size / Minimum existing ground mounted transformer sizeUp to 70kVA / Al 120mm2 / 300kVA
(Maximum LV distributor circuit length is 300 metres)
LV Point of Connections - Technical Assessment
Subject to the conditions described within ‘scope’ above, the ICP will be permitted to make POC decisions in the load range 71-140kVA.
In the 71-140kVA load range the ICP will:
- Recognise that the POC design will be routinely inspected by UK Power Networks
- Assess the existing demand on the distribution substation by using the substation maximum demand readings provided or taking live load readings at source
- Assess the existing demand on the LV main in relation to the premises expected to be already connected
- Assess existing domestic demands using UK Power Networks published data
- Assess existing industrial and commercial demands using the assumed loads shown for premises type and service cable size in appendix 1 (these demands include consideration of diversity with other connected customers)
- Model the proposed LV network on ‘Windebut’ (or equivalent) to check that loads, voltage and earth loop impedance at all parts of the network remain within acceptable/statutory limits
- Provide full details of the investigations and assessments carried out to support the proposed POC decision
In the 71-140kVA load range the ICP will not:
- Propose a POC where the arithmetic sum of the requested capacity and the existing substation maximum demand would exceed the overload rating of the transformer as detailed in EDS 08-0115 Loading of Secondary Transformers.
- Propose a POC where the arithmetic sum of the requested capacity and the assessed LV main existing maximum demand would exceed the operational rating of the LV main (operational rating means summer, winter, cyclic or continuous, as applicable)
- Plan to split the load of the site / premise into several applications in order for each application not to exceed the 140kVA threshold
- Propose a POC where any of the conditions referred to in this paper are not met
Application table
Capacity requested / Minimum existing underground main size / Minimum existing ground mounted transformer size71-100kVA / Al 185mm2 / 500kVA
101-140kVA / Al 240mm2 / 750kVA
(Maximum LV distributor circuit length is 300 metres)
8.2HV Point of Connections
Subject to the conditions described within ‘scope’ above, the ICP will be permitted to make POC decisions in the load range up to but not exceeding 1000KVA.
In determining the HV POC,the ICP will:
- Recognise that the POC design will be routinely inspected by UK Power Networks
- Assess the existing demand on the HV feeder and feeder group by studying the load profile data provided
- Model the proposed HV network to ensure compliance with ENA ER P2/6 – Security of Supply and UK Power Network design standards
- Provide full details of the investigations and assessments carried to support the proposed POC decision.