Tobe officially published by the North Bend Eagle


Regular meeting of the Dodge County Board of Supervisors was called to order by Chairman Missel at 9:00 A.M. on Wednesday, August 17, 2016in the Board Room of the Courthouse Fremont, Nebraska with the following members present: Synovec, George, Weddle, Strand, Osborn and Missel. Absent Beam. Prior to roll call, Chairman Missel announced the meeting to be an open public meeting and that the open meeting laws were posted for anyone’s review.

The Board unanimously declared the meeting legally convened.

The Board unanimously approved the agenda as printed, received and placed on file various county officials’ reports, correspondence from Time Warner Cable regarding programming changes, a notice of Colfax Planning Commission to amend their regulations by adding Section 4.19 FP Floodplain Overlay District on Wednesday, August 17, 2016 @ 8:00 P.M., correspondence from NDEQ (Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality) regarding list of properties that are unregistered onsite wastewater systems completed by Steve Ruda, August Nirma’s Safety Shorts, correspondence from NDEQ regarding Blaha Feedlot Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations General Permit for Operations Confining Cattle andutility installation agreement for the City of Fremont to install gas main in the SW ¼ of Section 7, Township 17N, Range 9E; and received and referred to the Finance Committee resolutions requesting preliminary levies from Cotterell Township, Winslow Rural Fire, Dodge County Historical Society and Maple Township.

The Board unanimously, with Osborn abstaining, approved the minutes of the August 3, 2016 meeting as printed.

At 9:05 A.M., the Board recessed as a Board of Supervisors and convened as a Board Corrections. Chairman Missel dispensed with roll all members being present except for Supervisor Beam.

Under any items of discussion, Supervisor George reported on an issue that had happened for the second time, prisoners not being transported from the jail facility in Saunders County toDodge County District Court on the 3rd Friday of the month. An update was also given on medical expenses of a prisoner at York, Nebraska.

At 9:08 A.M., Chairman Missel adjourned the Board as a Board of Corrections until Wednesday, August 31, 2016 at 9:05 A.M.

Immediately thereafter, the Board reconvened as a Board of Supervisors with all members present except for Supervisor Beam.

The Board unanimously approved the wage and hour claims as submitted in the amount of $169,134.94.

The Board unanimously approved the financial claims as submitted in the amount of $497,454.65.

The Board unanimously accepted the recommendation of the Convention & Visitors Bureau Advisory Committee and approved the request of the Fremont Area Art Association for funds in the amount of $20,000 from the Fremont & Dodge County Convention & Visitor Improvement Fund for Project “Expand our Vision” located at 96 W. 6th Street, Fremont NE. The original application was for $40,000. Barbara Gehringer, Executive Director of Fremont Area Art Association, remarked the $174,500 project will purchase and add on to their facility that will be ADA compliant.

The Board unanimously passed a motion recommendation the approval to the State Liquor Commission of the renewal of the Class CK License of “The Tow Line Co., dba Tow Line Co.

The County Board reviewed with County Treasurer Dill correspondence she presented regarding the tax refunds to Hormel Corp. and Lyman Richey Corp. She explained that letters were sent out to political subdivisions regarding the request for reimbursement of property taxes they received, because of the TERC’s (Tax Equalization & Review Commissions) decisions on appeals of valuations of real property thru the protest process. She explained, the political subdivisions have five years to reimburse the taxes in order for her to repay Hormel Corp. and Lyman Richey Corporation. Dodge County’s portion to be refunded is $31,877.52.

Committee Report – Supervisor Strand remarked the City of Fremont has pushed the parking and street improvement project along the front of the courthouse back another year. Chairman Missel will visit with the city over concerns with the delay of the project.

Committee Report – Supervisor Osborn reported on his tour of the new ENHSA building, which will be finished sometime next year.

Committee Report – Supervisor George reported on the updated budget with requested amounts that was given to all County Supervisors to review.

Committee Report – Chairman Missel reported on a GIS meeting he attended with Supervisor Beam, County Assessor Churchill, Appraiser Howser and representatives of the City of Fremont.

The Board unanimously passed a motion to table until the next meeting the request of Highway Superintendent Doll to purchase a 2016 Caterpillar 12M3 Motor Grader off State of Nebraska bid document. Supervisors felt they needed to have a clearer picture of the financial status of the proposed 2016/2017 budget before the possible commitment to the purchase of the motor grader.

The Board unanimously acknowledged and approved revisions to the Dodge County and Fremont Urban Maps as requested by the City of Fremont.

The Board unanimously approved and authorized the proper signatures on a Resolution authorizing an agreement in duplicate on Project HRRR-27(63) for Advanced Railroad Pavement Marking Program signing of the LPA Project Program Agreement. The county’s share of the project is 10% of the estimated cost of $25,000.

At 9:55 A.M., Chairman Missel adjourned the Board as a Board of Supervisors until Wednesday, August 31, 2016 at 9:00 A.M. and called for a recess until 10:00 A.M.

At 10:07 A.M., the Board convened as a Board of Equalization. Chairman Missel dispensed with roll all members present except for Supervisor Beam.

The Board unanimously approved tax roll corrections #4730 thru #4737.

The Board unanimously approved and authorized the County Clerk to mail 2016 Notices of Valuation Changes on parcels #270140021 to TSODG Surplus I LLC and #270139627 to Kenna Investments LLC.

The Board unanimously received form 457, Application for Exemption, from Living Word Church FCF of Fremont, Nebraska for a 2003 Ford Econoline Wagon E350 and accepted the recommendation of the County Treasurer and granted the exemption for 2016.

The Board unanimously approved and authorize Chairman Missel to sign a contract for property appraisal services with Tax Valuation Inc. of Lincoln, Nebraska. The contract calls for the appraisal work on approximately 225 improved commercial/industrial parcels and commercial land values in Dodge County at a cost of $115,000.

The Board unanimously received a letter from Sally Manka of Fremont, Nebraska requesting approval of her 2016 Homestead Exemption Application, which was filed late with the County Assessor and passed a motion approving her request and instructed the County Assessor to submit her application to the State of Nebraska for consideration of approval since this was the first time she was late in filing her application; and if the state does not reimburse the county for her exemption, her home will be taxed. Ms. Manka was present and indicated she just overlooked filing the form.

The Board unanimously received a 2016 Personal Property Penalty Protest #1 from Ralph Mainland – Altus Group of Nashville Tennessee for Surgery Center of Fremont LLC and passed a motion to waive the 10% penalty as assessed by the County Assessor, due to this being the first time Mr. Mainland was late in filing the personal property schedule for Surgery Center of Fremont LLC.

At 10:22 A.M., Chairman Missel adjourned the Board as a Board of Equalization until 10:00 A.M. on Wednesday, August 31, 2016.

Fred Mytty

Dodge County Clerk

  1. County Officials’ Reports

a)County Clerk: (July 2016) 12a.pdf

i)Marriage Licenses$800.00


iii)Miscellaneous Fees $37,383.30

b)Register of Deeds: (July 2016) 12b.pdf

i)Documentary Stamps $5,118.49

ii)Filing Fees (excluding preservation) $12,126.00

iii)Filing Fees (preservation) $1,966.00

iv)Copies & Escrow $831.50

v)Interest $2.32

c)Clerk of District Court: (July 2016) $5,140.02 12c.pdf

d)Food Pantry Report (July 2016) 12d.pdf

e)Building Inspection/Zoning Department (July 2016)$3,645.56 12e.pdf

f)Highway Department (July 2016) $45,465.37 12f.pdf