31 January 2012, 3pm

Present: Leigh Hankinson (Chair), Daniel Ridsdale (Officer Trustee), Phill Gray (Trustee), Zoe Douglas-Judson (Trustee) Victoria Broadley (Student Trustee), Andy Winter, (General Manager) David Findlay (Officer Trustee)

In Attendance: Louise Aiken (Committee Secretary), Janet Vowles (SU Finance Manager), Chris Bateman (SU Commercial Services Manager), Guy Ward (SU Auditor)

1. Apologies for Absence.

George Birchieri (Student Trustee),

Absent without Apologies


2. Conflicts of Interest

There were none

3. Any Other Business & Reserved Business.

LH submitted one item

AW submitted one item

4. Minutes of the Previous Meeting (TB/1112/02/1)

The minutes were agreed

5. Matters Arising

Point 7 - AW noted the changes

Point 8 – noted

Point 11 – completed

Point 14 – received weekly

Point 15 – No further pensions in place.

6. Strategic Plan (TB/1112/02/2)

AW presented the strategic plan and noted that most areas are on schedule. AW highlighted the following points:

Theme A – no progress due to the Academic Co-ordinator leaving post. A paper will be going to the University to ask for funding for that position (item 8). AW will highlight the areas affected if funding for the position isn’t made available.

Theme E – ahead plan to progress with the loyalty card rolled out today. CB gave a verbal report on the loyalty scheme using the NUS card and into the future using the new Epos system to collate data to be used in targeting students more effectively.

Theme B – Soapbox highlighted in NUS Spotlight magazine as good practice.

The Update was noted

7. Risk Register (TB/1112/02/3)

AW presented the paper and noted the latest updates in red. LH asked that the subvention income wording ‘possible’ be changed to ‘likely’. AW suggested we keep ‘possible’ as we were unsure about funding until after the University meeting. It was agreed to keep to ‘possible’.

8. Programme Rep Proposal (TB/1112/02/4)

DR gave a verbal report on the proposal and noted the difficulty since the Academic Development Co-ordinator had left post. The proposal had been discussed with Deputy VC and the Deans and they had been very supportive of the proposal. JV suggested that the financial costs should be broken down to include projects. PG suggested swapping items round on paper to make it more linear. Action: DR

9. Community Strategy (TB/1112/02/5)

LH gave a verbal report on the paper and an update on the joint community strategy with York University, York Council and the other FE institutions in York. A meeting with residents had identified key initiatives to work towards. The next draft of the document would be sent to the student partnership at York Council. PG asked the wording be looked at carefully before submitting. AW confirmed that the paper would be re-written before publicising. LH would be looking at the funding of management costs in delivering the project.

The document was noted

10. University Corporate Strategy

AW presented the University Corporate Strategy and the key areas to consider. It was noted that the document was currently in consultation with University staff. It was agreed that AW write a paper cross referencing to show to the University what the SU already provided. Action:AW/LH

11. University Sports Plan ((TB/1112/02/6)

DF presented the paper and stated that it should be seen as a positive for the SU. It was noted that the Sports & Societies Development Co-ordinator and DF had contributed to the document. The University are looking into facilities for students and the local community and have acknowledged the excellent management of clubs and societies that the SU does. DF stated he would respond back to the University and keep the group updated on progress. Action: DF

12. Monthly Management Accounts (TB/1112/02/07)

Guy Ward (SU auditor) gave verbal report on the current financial situation. GW felt it was necessary to attend the meeting to the make trustees aware of the seriousness of the current situation and also to note as trustees they could become liable. He noted the SU had substantial amount of reserves only 2 year ago and was still in a good financial position in July 2011. This position changed due to a major capital spend of £91,000 in August 2011 which reduced the cash and bank balances substantially. If the sports and societies requested all paid in monies this would mean for the first time ever the SU would be left with a deficit balance. GW noted he had spoken to the University and they have agreed a loan to the SU. AW will present a paper in the next two weeks to the University with £35,000 of cost savings. LH requested he attend any discussions with the University over these cost savings. GW confirmed the accounts would be signed off next week.

13. Subvention bid

AW gave a verbal report on the process for the subvention bid. AW is breaking down the subvention into core and projects and the document will be sent to the University by the end of February. A visit from Matt Hyde the NUS chief Executive is planned for the 16th February and a meeting with the VC will form part of his visit. LH confirmed that the University have been kept informed of our financial position.

14. i) General Manager (TB/1112/02/08)

GM gave a verbal up-date on SUEI (discussed under 16.3). PG asked how the data sharing had progressed. AW confirmed that he was still awaiting a meeting. PG noted our inclusion in the Spotlight magazine which came from the link that AW had sent to NUS. LH noted his frustration that nationally YSJSU was highly regarded with the Higher Education Academy suggesting other institutions visit us for good practise, yet the University did not appreciate the high standard of work by the SU.

14. ii) Commercial Services Report (TB/1112/02/08)

CB gave a verbal over view of the following:

Winter Ball – had been a good event and had built strong relationships within the University but disappointing tickets sales. ZDJ asked what feedback and monitoring of students comments had been conducted. LH confirmed good comments had been received. AW noted that the event should be considered a success.

Catering – first few weeks good figures this had since slipped considerably. All feedback from students is reviewed with a representative from Aramark at the weekly meetings.

15. i) to note the minutes of Union Council (TB/1112/02/8)

Item 16 – PG questioned how the no smoking on campus had affected students. LH confirmed that he had feedback to the University estates that students disliked the policy and noted that the Students’ Union would not be policing the smoking ban. Residents had also complained about the mess outside due to staff and students smoking at the back gates.

15. ii) to note the minutes of Finance Committee (TB/1112/02/09)

Item 7.2 LH noted that not all KK’s comments had been minuted. AW confirmed that the minutes were still in draft form and would not be signed off until the committee agreed at the next meeting.

15. iii) to note the minutes of the Staffing Committee (in camera)

Item 10 – AW noted that recruitment was underway for a replacement.

15. iv) To note the minutes of AGM (TB/1112/02/12)

PG presented the minutes and noted a large turnout. No questions were asked regarding the constitutional changes. LH noted that this was due to the amount of information given prior to the meeting which had answered student queries.

Item 6 – Trustee requirements -LH confirmed that he would carry out a skills audit to determine what skills were required for an additional external trustee. LH had met with two possible candidates with financial expertise. Action: LH

16. Any Other Business

16.1 Trustee Meeting – LH asked if the external trustees would like to attend the event in London on 1st March. ZDJ agreed to attend dependant on the cost. LH would contact NUS to see if a similar event would be held in the North region. Action: LH

16.3 SUEI – AW presented the draft report which allows for any amendments that YSJSU do not agree with to be changed before the report is sent to the panel. AW has re sent the risk register which had been omitted from the original report. LH thanked LA for her on-going work on the project.

16.i. Reserved Business

Held in camera

19. Board Reflection


Date of next meeting: 17 May 2012

There being no other business the meeting closed at 7.45p.m.

Signed______(Chair) Date______