Ways for People in the Helping Professions to Interact Positively with Gays, Lesbians, and Bisexuals Who Are Seeking Help
- Check into own feelings and thinking about homosexuality and about lesbians, gays, and bisexuals.
- Do some reading.
- Talk with gays, lesbians, and bisexuals and those who support them. Talk one-to-one and in groups.
- Provide a supportive environment for your constituents who are or think they may be homosexual. If your setting permits, have gay books and periodicals in view.
- Listen to yourself talk. Avoid the use of language that implies that all people are heterosexual and "single, married, or divorced."
- Remember that other workers at your workplace may be gay. Think about monitoring your language accordingly.
- If students/staff at your workplace fill out forms, use your influence to help create forms with language that follows guideline #2 above.
- Advocate and participate in education for your fellow workers so that gay students/staff receive service without prejudices - rather, help your team or staff provide service with the acceptance, empathy, and warmth deserved by all persons in need.
- Do not presume that all gay students/staff are unhappy about their orientation.
- Do not presume that all who try to change their orientation can do so.
- Remember that people do not choose to have gay feelings. People can choose whether to act or not on these feelings.
- Remember that "homosexual", "transvestite", and "transsexual" refer to differing sets of feelings and behaviors.
- Remember that societal oppression creates much of the unhappiness of gay people.
- Remember that many homosexual relationships fail because such relationships receive no societal support - rather, every effort is made to destroy such unions.
- Remember that the oppression visited on lesbians differs from the oppression that gay men undergo.
- Help your students/staff get in touch with their feelings and thoughts. Help them define their problems, goals, approaches to goals, action plans.
- Help your students/staff help themselves. Help them increase their sense of self- reliance and self-worth so that they can take charge of their own lives and integrate their feelings/thinking/behavior in a positive way.
- Know when your competence reaches its limit. Then, refer your students/staff elsewhere if need be.
- Know when any negative feelings you may have toward gay people prevents you from offering unbiased help. Then, refer your client elsewhere.
- Acquaint yourself with referral sources in your area, and with supportive Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual networks - get a copy of the "Gay Yellow Pages", Renaissance House, Box 292, Village Station, NY, NY 10014.
- Help work for the human and civil rights of gay people, to create a more positive environment for us all.
Source: ACUHO-I; Gay Awareness in Residence Halls, 1981.