
Andy Coates, Sarah Jenkins, James Titley, Cat Darkins, Louisa Pittman, Nathan Joss-Pothen, Kirsty Borthwick, Vanessa Hadley-Spencer, Ruth Quanrud, Tom Pote, Cameron Abernethy, Chris Campbell, Sophie Schuil-Brewer, Philip Murray, Alice Jolley, James Gilder

CAopened the meeting in prayer at 11.15am

Apologies for Absence

Michael Currans, Sam Peters, Roxane Liddell

Minutes of Last Meeting

Minutes were accepted as a true and accurate record, CD proposed, LP seconded, all in favour.

Matters Arising

-Subs (PM) - will be dealt with under separate agenda item

-Hospitality – AC has spoken to Principal and tutor groups. VHS said common room not being left very tidy although the rota-filling is better. CC thanked VHS for sorting out fridges

-Orthodox (AC) – will be moving from September 2018 so should be no issues from then on

-Card machine – TP confirmed arrives today, will be up and running for Monday evening test run, app we’re using can also register cash sales so will be helpful to avoid incorrectly entered large sums on till. Action - TP

-Tithe (AC) – EACH and Toilet Twinning have been voted as charities CR will support. PM to process, we’ll receive 3 representations of toilets which will be placed in CR toilets. Action – PM

Tithe/Budget/Subs (PM)

-£205 will be sent to each charity and confirmation that the house will be praying for both charities. Action - PM

-Subs collection – everyone has paid for Michaelmas/Lent terms except for one person who has paid half and one who hasn’t paid anything – AC will be talking to that person. PM looked at previous budgets, subs at good level as likely to have less ordinands in future years so helpful to leave level as is. AC thanked PM for chasing subs payments and difficulty involved. Action - AC

-Schedule 1 of constitution sets out responsibilities and duties of CR, under Treasurer it mentions 2 things about budget. PM proposed to delete “To produce, each Easter term an annual budget” as the budget is usually set in Michaelmas term and there is further mention on page 11 of setting an annual budget. As it’s in the schedule rather than the constitution it can be voted on by CRC – proposed by PM. SSB asked why Easter term – PM explained historical. JG seconded. All in favour. Action – PM/AC

Changes to Constitution (AC)

-AC explained about proposed changes discussed in previous meetings. Removal of worship reps, grievance reps down to one. Meeting of whole CR after notices on 8/3/18 before hustings in dining hall. AC asked for full attendance if possible. AC has spoken to JG about chairing meeting. Proposed by SP, seconded by AL, SSB/PM will count numbers to ensure quorum. JG will offer opportunity to ask questions. SJ to send out notification 48hrs before meeting. CD asked if it will be enclosed in e-notice this week and clarification that tutorial staff can also vote. JG will make clear at start of meeting, ordinands, partners who pay subs, tutorial staff including chaplain may all vote. TP asked about quorum - CR is 85, we need 34 there, as its Thursday most people should be there. Action – AC/SJ/SSB/PM/JG

Elections (AC)

-No plans to change hustings process. JG to chair, take place in CR, 1 minute to speak for each candidate, 2minutes for senior student, speeches submitted to AC who will distribute on Friday. JG will dictate order of questions. Candidates will speak on order on the list. AC absent but will send JG voting apparatus. Tutorial staff have a vote, Principal doesn’t vote. Action – AC/JG

Any Other Business

-Next open day 12/5/18. AC proposed that House allowed to use CR on that day, PM seconded, all in favour.

-AC thanked all those standing down at the end of this term. SSB thanked AC who is also standing down.

The meeting closed with the grace at 11.35am.