Jesus/Sananda & Prime Creator in the “Sedona Journal” Oct. 2013
14 October 2013 – Jesus/Sananda’s Predictions for 2014 in the “Sedona Journal” – Kathryn E. May
It is a great pleasure to bring this message to such an enlightened audience. We are cooperating to create this special information to the Readers of the “Sedona Journal”, but of course it will be relevant to all those who wish to raise their vibration at this time.
It is a moment in history that will be remembered eternally, these days of balancing on the cusp of monumental change. Many who have been preparing for years are finding it difficult to understand why it is taking so long for all of you to be directed to the runway for lift-off. I assure you, Beloved Ones, it is all meaningful, all evolving in good time.
Many of you complain that times are hard, that there are so many in dire straits, losing their homes, dealing with illness, finding it hard to keep going. You have also been told that Ascension will bring perfect healing, unlimited Prosperity and the ability to manifest whatever you need. Feel your way through the old thinking to the truth behind what is happening now on the planet. For every person in need, there is an opportunity to be of service for those around them; for everyone who is ill, there is an opportunity for friends, family members and those in loving service to come forward. Never has the environment been more conducive to raising your vibrational levels through acts of kindness and Unconditional Love.
New ways of offering help, and new community organizations to care for the elderly, the sick and the poor are springing up everywhere. No more is it necessary to establish a non-profit and do fundraising to get the attention of those around you. As the wealth has shifted to the top few percent of the population, more and more of you are in the same boat together, struggling to hang on to your homes, wondering how you will pay your bills. This is no longer the province of the few poorest among you; there are few who have not learned to budget carefully and weigh your priorities where money is concerned. You now share the sense of living on the edge that used to be felt only by the few.
It is a humbling experience for those who have been used to living well to suddenly find themselves without the means to take care of themselves. Family members have moved in together, children return to their parents' homes and all begin to work anew on the relationships that may have been problematic in the past. Many find common ground, greater tolerance, and new ways to offer kindness and support, where animosity once marred the peace. It is a time of reconciliation, of forgiveness. Most of all, you are learning to feel deep empathy for each other.
Across the globe, there is a new awakening, which is gaining momentum by the day. You are all familiar with the concept of the “tipping point”. Well, Dear Ones, you have reached the glorious “tipping point” which is going to carry you into the new year in triumph and joy. You are raising your vibrations daily, as Mother Earth is joyfully raising hers. Together you will all enter the New Golden Age in a new state of mind - having raised your level of humility, kindness and empathy. It is truly a new day coming for Humankind.
Do not fear the news reports of mayhem and disaster. Although there will be some upheaval as Mother Earth stretches and expands, there will not be enormous loss of life, even though there will be challenges. As hearts grow more loving, communities will pull together to protect and shelter one another, and life will go on.
There will be a time in future years when all will be removed from the Planet to allow Mother Earth to completely cleanse and renew herself, but in the meantime, you will have a period of growth, celebration and joyful communion.
The end of wars, the arrival of your Star Brothers and Sisters, and the introduction of new forms of governance will all come to pass in 2014. You are being prepared now for the new age of reconciliation, cooperation and an end to economic suffering. The Light of Love, Harmony and Friendship is growing, as countries everywhere are ignited in the joint sense of self-respect and dignity that will not permit tyranny in any form to continue.
It has been a long evolution, with many twists and turns in the path, but Humankind is maturing, and the time of testing and challenge is coming full circle. Many of you know that I, Sananda, was one of the original Kumaras who came here from Venus to help rescue Planet Earth from the grip of the Dark Ones, because of our faith and great Love for Humankind.
That Love has grown over the eons, even though the conditions became extremely hard in recent generations. We now see you, determined, resolute and courageous, having completed your arduous task of remaining in Faith and in Love in spite of the arduous task of fending off Darkness at every turn.
You have succeeded, Beloved Ones. You have made it possible for us, your loving friends, to return to walk among you, to join you in celebrating the “New Beginning” which will come gloriously and unmistakably into fruition in 2014. We are on the ships awaiting our reunion. Our beloved Twin Flames are among you, working to bring our message and spread the Light. Many are the powerful women who will come to the fore as the Leaders of the New Era, the great time of the ascendance of Feminine strength and leadership. I will rejoin my beloved Lady Nada, and I will be with you again, this time in Peace, Harmony and Celebration.
I am your Sananda, the one you knew as Yeshua ben Joseph.
16 October 2013 - Prime Creator on your imminent Ascension - Kathryn E. May
Where shall I begin? The news for 2014 is so dramatic, so life-changing for Humankind, for Planets, Stars and all the Beings of the Cosmos that words can hardly describe it. I am delighted to have an audience in the “Sedona Journal” that is very advanced spiritually, so that I can raise the level of discourse here with confidence that it will be received and understood.
First, I will tell you that the path to Ascension is now filled with hard-working Masters who are eager to take the next step into the Higher Dimensions. We have a dilemma here, however. I will describe it to you. The Councils who have their “fingers on the button”, so to speak, are troubled by one persistent problem for Humankind. Because of the thousands of years of lack, and the psychological programming which convinced most that this lack is permanent, irreversible and irreparable, there is a vague but pervasive current of despair, hopelessness and resentment underneath all other emotions, even for those who are trying diligently to raise their vibrations.
These underlying feelings which have been so familiar for Lightworkers over the eons have become a part of your psyche, so much so that you think of them as inherent in your expression of generosity and kindness to others. Your concern for the suffering of others contains within it a strain of impatience and begrudging resentment against those who have oppressed the entire population for thousands of years. Of course this seems natural to you, since it springs from your warrior mentality, and your wish to defend and protect those who have been abused. From a 3-Dimensional perspective, it makes perfect sense.
Now, as the New Golden Age dawns, I ask you to turn 180 degrees from the feelings of desperation, even if that desperation is for the plight of others. Look to the Sun, Beloved Ones, and find it in your hearts to offer forgiveness to those who have been the oppressors, for in your past lives many of you have played the role of powerful leaders who abused their powers. It was part of your agreement with Us, that you would experience every possible kind of life, in order to develop empathy for others. This you have done, and now it is time for you to resolve all of it, relinquishing every shred of resentment and blaming of others for any plight you observe in the world.
You will not completely understand the complexities of this arrangement you made with your Higher Self and with Us until you Ascend, but you will not be able to Ascend until you are able to leave behind all lower vibrational feelings. Look inside yourselves, Beloved Ones, and identify any feeling of impatience, frustration, resentment, anxiety or depression, for these things will hold you back from joining the “First Wave” of Ascension, which is to begin imminently and continue through to the first months of 2014.
Here is the dilemma which is holding up the “First Wave” at this time: The frustration you are feeling, which you blame on the suffering around you, keeps you locked in a lower vibration, which you say will be relieved by the release of “Prosperity Funds”. From our point of view, we see that this is not the high vibration needed for Ascension, because you are seeing your emotional state linked to economic conditions. This is the 3-Dimensional trap which has held the Planet captive for centuries, reflected through the eyes of a Lightworker's empathic state.
This is not a “chicken-and-egg” dilemma. We are asking you to place yourselves in an “Ascended” feeling state. This alone will make it possible for you to lift yourselves into the 5th Dimension. This Ascended state of which we speak is one in which you understand that even starving to death or suffering physical pain is not a troublesome issue for a Soul in Ascension, for it is only the outward condition of the body. Similarly, losing a house or apartment, even if you had to live in a shelter, is not crucial, because it is only a matter of physical comfort, not genuine survival, for your Soul lives on eternally regardless of the state of this temporary body.
It is a difficult challenge, to forgo anxiety over the physical state of yourself and the families around you. Leaving behind the anxiety does not mean you do not care or want to help; it simply means you are aware of the greater picture, which is the development of your Souls. And so we ask, Dear Ones, that you turn away from the thoughts of “Prosperity” and the comforts it will bring for Mother Earth and all her creatures, and turn instead to the tasks in front of you. Help where you can, raise your Light energies, and join Us in the celebration of the triumphant elevation of the Souls of all those who are living now in Human bodies.
There is no physical comfort or relief which will ensure your passage. The “Prosperity Funds” are intended only to offer a respite for those “Sleeping Ones” who were focused on their financial worries, in order to allow them the breathing room to look around them and begin to awaken to the New Beginning. The suffering you have experienced on the Planet was part of the “Agreement” you signed on to before you came here, not something that necessarily needs to be changed or eliminated. In fact, it is the condition which has spurred you to greater compassion, tolerance and Service to Others. Instead of cursing the Dark, as you have been told, light your candle, and let it burn brightly, fearlessly and in complete and endless Love.
Only Faith, Love and Forgiveness will give you wings to lift your hearts and accomplish the Great Shift of 2013-2014 which is your birthright. I can tell you this, Beloved Ones, that if you can accomplish this, and the other Ten Commandments for Ascension I have laid out for you as guidelines, as a part of Sananda's New Scriptures, every one of you reading this will be embracing your Brothers and Sisters in higher dimensions before the first Equinox of 2014, and many of you will have completed your Ascension before the turn of this historic calendar year.
I believe in you, and support your magnificent Grand Plan for the Ascension of Planet Earth and all her inhabitants. You will succeed triumphantly in this coming year, and all the Cosmos will rejoice with you. You are the children of my Heart, and I give you my unending Love.
Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, PsyD
The “Sedona Journal” is published by Light Technology Publishing, LLC () and the “Sedona Journal” at: (
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