Meeting Title
/April 13, 2009
/Jimi’s Restaurant in Royal Oak
Meeting called by / Susan WozniakType of meeting / MDONS Board Meeting
Facilitator / Susan Wozniak
Note taker / Anne Marie Campbell
Attendees / Sheryl C., Monica W., Angela M., Grace M., Nancy M., Deb W., Susan W., Anne Marie C.
Meeting started at 5:35pm. Meeting minutes approved by Deb and Angela.
Agenda topics
National News
/Susan W.
Discussion / No new national news to report.Conclusions
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
Treasurer Report
/Nancy Morrow
Discussion / 1st Quarter: Checking= $19,684.28Savings= $12,565.70
Total =$70,827.35
-Further discussion was made about the possible need to have another member of the board added to the checking account.
-Annual conference profit= $998.00
/grace marshall
Discussion / -Currently 184 members. There are currently more new members compared to those that renewed their membership.-Further discussion was made about how to recruit new members.
Conclusions / -Ideas such as displaying information about MDONS on the bulletin boards in conference rooms on nursing units.
-Sheryl was going to look on the ONS website to order free supplies for recruitment.
/deb ward
Discussion / - May meeting is the Presidents dinner.-June meeting is still to be detmerined.
Discussion / -Nothing new on COMONConclusions
Annual conference
/mary ann ducharme
Discussion / -Revenue from 2009 conference= 19,130.00-Expenses from 2009 conference= $12,498.11
information technology
/Monica Wi
Discussion / -Monica mentioned that ONS is asking MDONS to participate in either TWITTER or FACEBOOK.-Susan informed the group that the Yahoo Briefcase will be closing.
Conclusions / -We will defer the plan to participate in TWITTER or FACEBOOK until we see how other groups are using these sites.
- Susan will open a Google Briefcase to take the place of the Yahoo briefcase. Susan to send an email to all members on how to access the Google Briefacse.
/angela maynard
Discussion / Angela asked again if anyone would be interested/ or do we know anyone who would be interested in running for secretary and president elect.-Discussion was made about the best way for the members to vote. Mail ballot versus email ballot.
Conclusions / -Anne Marie stated that she would run for secretary again.
- Board decided that Angela would give the members an option. Either the member can mail the ballot or email.
/susan wozniak
Discussion / -Applications for Outstanding Oncology RN/ and Advanced Practice RN is due on May 1st. Currently only one application for Oncology RN-The following applications are due November 1st:
- ONCC certification/ renewal; Bachelor degree scholarship; Advanced practice scholarship; Institutes of Learning; and Nursing student scholarship.
- Congress Award given to Lynn Carpenter
Discussion / 1. Further discussion was made about where to have our board meetings. Jimi’s is problematic for those that call in via conference call for the meeting.2. Further discussion was made by Angela about the fact that ONS changed the Strategic Plan for 2009. Angela revised the MDONS Strategic Plans and Goals for 2009. Board reviewed these revisions.
3. Further discussion was made about the need to buy a pointer for our meetings.
Conclusions / 1. Susan mentioned that the American Cancer Society (ACS) asked what they could do for MDONS. ACS asked about us having our board meetings at the ACS building or any of our monthly meetings. Susan to inquire further.
2. Revisions were discussed by board and final revisions were made. Board had finalized these Goals for 2009. Angela will finalize the document and email to the board. See attachment A
3. Susan to buy a pointer from Office Max.
meeting adjourned / Meeting adjourned at 7:05pm
Resource persons
Special notes
Attachment A
MDONS Mission and Strategic Goals 2009-2012MDONS will afford a foundation for promoting the Oncology Nursing Society’s standards of oncology nursing. Through various programs and activities, MDONS will provide direction to the oncology nurse, in providing high quality, evidence based cancer care.
- Promoting advocacy, knowledge, and partnership for both the profession on oncology nursing and people with cancer.
- Promoting the highest professional standards of oncology nursing
- Studying, researching and exchanging information, experiences ideas leading to improved oncology nursing.
- Encouraging nurses to specialize in the practice of oncology nursing
- Fostering the professional development of oncology nurses, individually and collectively
- Fostering a culturally diverse organization that is responsive to the changing needs of ONS members and the population they represent and serve
Strategic Goal 1: Knowledge: Provide learning experiences that contribute to professional development of future and current oncology nurses.
Sub-Goal A: Provide access to educational opportunities in Oncology Nursing.
- Continue to provide monthly educational programs within the tri-county area.
- Continue to host an annual oncology conference.
- Promote the ONS online educational services.
- Promote attendance at ONS national conference by offering scholarships and encouraging members to apply for ONF scholarships.
- Sub-Goal B: Develop and implement educational strategies, which enhance the diverse oncology nurses.
- Support MDONS PEGs (Professional Educational Groups) to reflect a broad scope of practice. Current PEGs – Patient Education, Solid Tumor, Clinical Trials, Advanced Practice, Radiation Therapy, Chemotherapy, Home Care/Hospice, Bone Marrow Transplant.
- Promote credentialing of oncology nurses within MDONS. Provide Scholarships for certification. Assist members to apply for national certification scholarships.
- Provide quarterly newsletter (MDONS Chapter Capsule) to all MDONS members.
- Utilize virtual community (VC) for announcement of educational opportunities.
- Sub-Goal C: Support research activities to develop evidence - based practice within oncology nursing.
- Promote the implementation of ONS Standards of Oncology Nursing in practice.
- Provide member education relative to current research efforts in practice.
Strategic Goal 2: Partnership: Partner with professional organizations, community groups, advocacy groups to promote quality cancer care and the oncology nursing profession.
- Sub-Goal A: Promote careers in oncology nursing.
- Continue to offer oncology nursing student scholarships
- Continue to offer student rates for the annual conference.
- Collaborate with undergraduate nursing programs to encourage specialization in oncology nursing.
- Sub-Goal B: Enhance leadership development within MDONS
- Send new board members to ONS Mentorship Weekend
- Provide support system to members interested in leadership roles
- Sub-goal C: Promote community education.
- Grow and promote the Annual Lung Cancer Awareness Program for school-aged children.
- Identify, pursue and promote the formation of collaborative relationships with community partners.
Strategic Goal 3: Advocacy: Increase MDONS visibility in the oncology profession and cancer care.
- Sub-Goal A: Promote MDONS as influential voice on the oncology profession and cancer care.
- Inform members of legislative issues affecting oncology via newsletter, board meetings, virtual community, and program meetings.
- Promote ONStat membership.
- Sub- Goal B: Partnership with groups that promote nursing and cancer advocacy.
1.Attend COMON meetings
2. Maintain supporting membership MCC
Revised by MDONS Board – 4/13/09