New Orleans Kids Partnership (NOKP) and America’s Promise

An End-of-Year Survey for Students in Grades 4–8

at Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Charter School for Science and Technology

This questionnaire asks about your reactions to some of the activities that you might have taken part in at school this year.

1.Do you remember learning about any careers from books or videos your teacher used in class? (Circle one answer.)


2.Do you remember listening to any workers in the community come talk to you at school about their careers? (Circle one answer.)


3.Do you remember taking any field trips into the community to talk to workers at their places of work? (Circle one answer.)


4.Can you name one career you learned about this year?


5.Do you know something about at least 5 careers—like what those workers do at work or what education they needed to get their jobs? (Circle one answer.)


6.How much did you enjoy learning about careers this year? (Circle one answer.)

A lotSomeNot muchNot at allI don’t remember learning about any.

7.Do you usually have a positive attitude about learning things in school? (Circle one answer.)


8.Do you usually have a positive attitude about helping others in school? (Circle one answer.)


9.Do you usually have a positive attitude about helping others at home? (Circle one answer.)


Please finish answering the questions on the back of this page.

10.Do you plan to graduate from high school? (Circle one answer.)


11.Do you plan to continue your education after high school at a college or at a school where you can learn career skills? (Circle one answer.)


12.Do you look forward to working when you are an adult? (Circle one answer.)


13.Do you look forward to thinking about different career opportunities and choosing a career for yourself? (Circle one answer.)


14.Do you feel better about school now than you did at the beginning of the school year? (Circle one answer.)


15.Do you feel like there were adults who came to work with you at school who cared about you? (Circle one answer.)


16.What grade are you in? ______

17.What is the name of your teacher? ______

Thank you for completing this questionnaire.