4 Week Be-Fit-B-Day Challenge Training Program is brought to you by

Lance Pannigutti of Without Limits Performance

Bronze Level: (1 Workout/day – heavy focus on the swim segment)

Week 1: Base/Intro


Bike: 30 hr ez spin Zone 1, small chainring only


Run Intervals: 20min warm-up 8min @ half marathon pace, 4min recovery, 6min @10k pace, 4min recovery, 4min @ 5k pace, 2min recovery 10min cooldown


Swim: Warm-Up:

200 – Easy

1 x 200 [(Kick/Swim/Drill/Swim by 50), 50 Build to Over Kick, 50 Build]

Preparation Set:

1x [ 50 perfect / 25 build the kick to over kick / 50 perfect / 25 build to all out]

100 easy

Main Set:

1x [100 from a dive at pace – 40 sec rest / 175 holding 2 sec above pace – 1 min rest / 75 building from pace to 90% 40 sec rest / 3x 50 1st and 2nd @ 90%, 3rd all out on 20 sec rest] – easy 200 recovery in between

Kick Set:

1x [100 1 length fast, 100 2 lengths fast, 75 1 length fast, 75 2 lengths fast]

100 Cool Down Minimum


Run: ez 25min run +or- 10min all zone 1


Swim V02max swim

Preparation Set:

1x [ 100 perfect / 50 build to 90% / 100 perfect / 50 build from 90% to all out]

- The last round of this set should be swum with fins :45 sec rest after each round

100 easyMain Set:

200 with fins from a push swum at 200 PR

5 min recovery in after

1x100 at 100 PR

5 min recovery after both

1x100 negative split – 2nd 50 should be at 50 PR

200 easy

100 Cool Down Minimum


Bike/Run Brick 50 long ride all zone1/2, then hop off and run 10min all zone 1 – just get the feeling of what it’s like to run off the bike (jello legs)


Long Run: 30hr all Zone 2 (Focus on stay light on your feet, upright running position)

Week 2: Base/Build/LT


Swim: Distance Workout: Pace = 100yrd split for a mile


400 – Easy

3 x [200 (Kick/swim by 50), 200 (Drill/swim by 50), 100 Build] 1500 yards

Main Set:

100 – 3 sec faster than pace on 2 Min or :20sec rest

200 – Steady recovery on 3 Min

100 – 3 sec faster than pace on 2 Min

200 – Steady recovery on 3 Min


Run Intervals: 20min warm-up 2x8min Building to Zone 3 with 5min rest in between: 10min run progression starting at zone 3 and building to zone 4…cooldown 15min


Bike: 50 min ride + or – 20min on rolling terrain


Run: 25 min very ez run all Zone 1 on flat terrain


Swim V02 MAX Workout #2: Target is 500-1650 race training. Decreasing segments of a 500 are swum at pace, negative split, and all out with full recovery in between. The set is a progression from “VO2 MAX Workout #1” as the intensity has been ramped-up.


400 – Easy

1 x [100 perfect, 75 drill/swim/drill, 50 Kick, 25 Build]

Preparation Set:

1x [ 75 perfect / 50 build to 90% / 75 perfect / 50 build from 90% to all out]

100 easy

Main Set:

200 @ 500 Pace

5 min recovery in after

1x100 negative split from a push

5 min recovery after both

100 Cool Down Minimum


Bike/Run Brick: 1.25 hr ride Negative Split(ie 2nd half faster than the first half) hop off and run 15min building the run as a progression to 10k race pace by the end (caution: start off slower than you want to Zone 1)


Long Run: 45 all Zone 2 for the first hr then build to Zone 3 LT Pace (ie Half marathon pace) for the last 15min (Focus on stay light on your feet, upright running position)

Week3: Build/LT/Speed Work


Bike: 35 ez spin Zone 1, small chainring only


Run Intervals: Speed Ladder: 15min warm-up starting at 3min slower than your best mile time: (eg. 5min mile starts at 8min pace) 30 sec @ 8min pace, 30sec ez, 30sec @ 7:30pace, 30sec ez, all the way down to your mile pace and then back up the ladder. So you will have a total of 14 running intervals of 30sec running/30sec ez (Great workout to do on the treadmill to self monitor and control pace)


Bike: 50min ride + or – 30min on rolling terrain: All zone 2 on the flats and downhills, stay seated for the climbs but push to Zone3-4 and ride through the crest of the hill.


Run: ez 20min + or – 5min


Swim: Warm-up: 300, MS: 400 drill/swim by 50, 300 Kick/Swim by 50, 200pull/ez, 100 Build (RI: 40s)

Main set: 4x50 (D1-4 to 300 pace on 2min)

300pull (steady)

4x75 (Odds: Build, Evens: drill/swim/drill)

300pull Build each 100 to goal 500 pace

50 ez


Bike/Run Brick: 1.5hr ride + or – 30min Build the last 30min the race pace (ie sprint or Olympic distance pace) hop off and run 15min starting at 10k pace and building to 5k for the last 5min


Long Run: 40min all Zone 2 for the first 40min then 2x15min sessions at Zone 3 LT Pace w/5min recovery in between – remaining run at Zone 2 aerobic pace(Focus on stay light on your feet, upright running position)

Week 4: Volume reduction/Speed Work/Rest/Be-Fit Challenge


Bike: 30min ez spin Zone 1, small chainring only


Run Intervals: 20min run – 10min warm-up with [1x(5min at zone 2 w/2min rest, 4min at zone 4 w/2min rest, 3min at zone 5 w/3min rest)] Cooldown


Swim: 1,000yrds to help loosen up from the week [200 warm-up, (3x100 Kick/Swim on :20sec rest), (4x50’s Descend 1-4 on :25sec rest), 100 Build to mile pace, 200 cooldown]


Run: ez 20min run all zone 1




10min run with some light 30 sec pick-up

300 yrd ez swim with 2x75 at Mile Pace


Be-FIT-B-Day! Challenge!

Gold Sponsors:

RudyProject is a modern, marketing oriented company that has established itself as a leading brand worldwide. Rudy Project designs and manufactures hi-tech sunglasses, goggles, helmets and accessories using the application of science, advanced materials and computer technology to create functional, aesthetically superior and technologically advanced products.

Hornet Juice is a powdered sports drink based on the scientific research of the giant hornet's advanced endurance. The secret? It's 17 amino acids found in the hornet's nutrient liquid. HJ is a replicated mixture of this power-inducing cocktail to help athletes boost their endurance and use fat reserves for energy. Used by olympic marathoners and ordinary athletes .