Executive Meeting 1/22/18

DRAFT Minutes

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Executive Committee Meeting

January 22, 2018

DRAFT Minutes

Action Items:

  • Ms. Walela will research the possibility of returning the Systems Change Grant to a Sole Source process.
  • Mr. Duron will develop calculations to show how the proposed funding formula will work for the centers, and present those funding scenarios at the February Executive Committee meeting.
  1. Call to Order
  1. Introductions

Lisa Hayes – C and C Chair

Jacqueline Jackson – SPIL Chair

Ardis Bazyn – Governance Chair

Linda Schaedle – SILC Member

Dani Anderson – SILC Member and Independent Living Resource Center (ILRC)

Larry Wanger – Resources for Independence Central Valley (RICV)

Tink Miller – Placer Independent Resource Services (PIRS)

Elsa Quezada – Central Coast Center for Independent Living (CCCIL)

Irene Walela – Department of Rehabilitation (DOR)

Victor Duron – DOR

Liz Pazdral – SILC Staff

Cheryl Kasai – SILC Staff

Danielle Hess – SILC Staff

  1. Public Comment
  1. Review and approve minutes from December 14, 2017, Committee Meeting

Ms. Bazyn motioned for approval of the minutes, and Ms. Jackson seconded the motion. It passed unanimously by roll call vote.

  1. Approval of SILC Social Media Posting Policy

Ms. Jackson motioned for approval of the SILC Social Media Posting Policy, and Ms. Bazyn seconded the motion. It passed unanimously by roll call vote.

  1. DOR Updates
  2. Systems Change Network Funding – no interruption in service

Initially, this item was placed on the agenda to ensure there was no interruption of service under the Systems Change grant while appeals moved forward. Since that time, the grant review committee has completed their work and issued a final decision to uphold the award to California Foundation for Independent Living Centers (CFILC). There will be no further opportunities to appeal this decision and the grant will be moving forward.

Ms. Miller reminded the group that in the past this was awarded as a Sole Source Grant to CFILC. She asked about the possibility of putting that system back in place, and Ms. Walela agreed to research and find out if that option is still available.

  1. Number of VR youth who may qualify for self-advocacy training

DOR is looking into ways to track students who are taking part in pre-employment transition services and will be eligible for self-advocacy training upon graduation. The goal is to build capacity for tracking this data and sharing it with networks and partners as appropriate.

Ms. Miller asked about youth in school receiving self-advocacy training, focusing on where it comes from and how it is funded. Ms. Walela stated that students still in high school may receive self-advocacy training from DOR counselors. There is also a conversation about allowing DOR to contract with agencies such as Independent Living Centers to provide that training.

  1. ILATS Project - creating an equitable funding formula

Ms. Walela repeated DOR’s support of the SILC taking lead on funding formula discussions, and their offer of operational and technical support for these discussions. DOR has also been working with CFILC and will be speaking at both their Public Policy Committee Meeting on February 6 and their statewide meeting on February 12. Their goal is to support the conversation as a neutral partner.

Mr. Duron brought up the concern that the current funding formula is not equitable. There has been a lot of feedback on the elements of an equitable funding formula. DOR reiterated the success the I.L. Network had with the formula developed during the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (ARRA) response. That included a base, a percentage based on population, and a percentage based on geography. Everyone on the call agreed a true formula should have the ability to be adjusted to fit with any funding level, to account for possible increases or decreases in funding.

Ms. Pazdral stated that she has received feedback from the I.L. Network that centers are not interested in a funding formula that would reduce existing funding to centers. She stated the work the SILC said they wanted to do was to learn more about what centers would want to have happen with new, permanent funds after the third tier was fully funded.

Mr. Duron stated that there are two separate parts of this discussion. First is looking at what the funding formula would look like in an ideal world. The second part is taking this funding formula and finding a way to make it work in the real world. He acknowledges that centers have funding obligations, and it will be necessary to work toward a new funding formula over time rather than immediately implementing it.

DOR proposed looking at a funding formula closely based on that developed during the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (ARRA) period. This would be done by pooling all funds allocated to IL programs and distributing the money to each center using a base, a percent determined by population, and a percentage determined by geography.

Ms. Miller asked if this would include the Assistive Technology (AT) grants and Seymour incentive funds, and Mr. Duron answered that these sources would not be included in the pool of all IL funds. Mr. Duron agreed to develop mathematical models of different scenarios so that this can be looked at in a more practical way.

Ms. Schaedle reminded committee members of the importance of correctly framing and providing context for any communications that are distributed around the funding formula.

  1. Committee Updates and Rubric reviews
  2. Executive Committee Rubric
  3. Fund development sub-committee

Present members didn’t have an update on this subject.

  1. SPIL

The SPIL Committee met on December 18. Ms. Pazdral reported to them that the 704 report had been completed and submitted to DOR for final review and submission. In addition, the one-year assessment of SPIL activities has been completed and a draft has been distributed to committee members.

  1. DOR updates

The DOR Updates were covered earlier in this meeting.

  1. Continue surveys to Non-ILC Consumers at Abilities Expo in Los Angeles, February 23 – 25, 2018

SILC Staff and Members distributed surveys to Non-ILC consumers at the Abilities Expo in San Mateo, and the SPIL Committee has indicated that the same should be done at the Los Angeles Abilities Expo. SILC staff will be attending, and Peter Mendoza, Jimmie Soto, and Lisa Hayes have volunteered to help represent the council at the booth.

  1. Needs Assessment

DOR has stated their willingness to support the SILC in facilitating a conversation around a new funding formula. Ms. Pazdral has distributed a survey to ILC Directors to determine their interests in spending carry-forward funds, as reported at the January SPIL Committee meeting.

Work is beginning on the 2020-2022 SPIL, so it is recommended that any money is spent within the scope of the current SPIL so there doesn’t have to be an amendment.

  1. Governance

The Governance committee did not meet in January.

  1. Review of ILC/Member chart for SILC liaison activities

The initial email to SILC members with topic suggestions is being developed. Ms. Hess reported that she has received confirmations from all SILC members on which centers they have committed to contact, and there are only three northern California centers which have not been paired.

Ms. Miller recommends the SILC sends out a communication to ILC directors giving an idea of the scope and nature of this project. Ms. Schaedle gave some background on the goal of developing stronger relationships between the SILC and ILCs.

  1. New member recruitment

Three completed applicant packets were forwarded to the Governor’s Appointments office January 9, 2018.

  1. Communication and Collaboration
  2. Legislation and other Committee updates

The C and C Committee met on January 12 and welcomed Jimmie Soto as their new member. Ms. Kasai reported that there is some empty space on the Legislative Agenda, and the Committee anticipates following some legislation that will be introduced in February and March. The Committee did agree to add AB1250 about contracting in counties to the legislative agenda with a position of opposing.

Ms. Hayes reported that the Committee chose social media posting themes for the first quarter of 2018.

Ms. Kasai has been facilitating visits between elected representative staff, other organizations, and their local ILCs. The most recent visit was with the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) state director and Ms. Miller at PIRS.

  1. Executive Director Update
  2. SILC Internal Capacity Building status

Ms. Pazdral reported that the SILC is fully staffed, and Ms. Kasai is on track to successfully complete her probation on February 1. The SILC website is up and running and now has an automatic redirect from calsilc.org. She has put out inquiries to learn what the costs for Department of General Services (DGS) Contract Fiscal Services (CFS) will be in FY18, and to find out what our options may be to separate from them.

  1. Budget/financial statement
  2. Current budget estimates

Committee members had no questions on the current budget estimates.

  1. Future In-person Meetings
  2. Next meeting - April 9 and 10, 2018, at the Courtyard Marriott Downtown Long Beach

Ms. Hess will be sending out information about the hotel and reservations this week.

  1. Summary of activities requiring follow-up at next meeting
  2. Next meeting – February 26, 2018, from 1:30pm to 3:00pm

See action items