7th Grade General Science 2009-2010
Aligned Lesson
Physical Science Unit
Properties of Matter
OklahomaPASS Content Standard:
Content Standard 1 Properties and Physical Changes in Matter: Physical characteristics of objects can be described using shape, size, and mass whereas the materials from which objects are made can be described using color and texture. The student will engage in investigations that integrate the process standards and lead to the discovery of the following objective:
Benchmark/Content standard: CS 1.1 Matter has physical properties that can be measured (i.e., mass volume, temperature, color, texture, and density). Physical changes of a substance do not alter the chemical nature of a substance (e.g., phase changes of water and/or sanding wood).
Teaching Resource(s)
7th Grade Prentice Hall Science Explorer 2007
STC Kit Properties of Matter
Physical Properties of Matter
Chapter 2 Describing Matter Page 46-79
- Identify the properties used to describe matter
- Define elements and explain how they relate to compounds
- Describe the properties of a mixture
- Differentiate between weight and mass
- Identify the units used to express the amount of space occupied by matter
- Describe how to density of a material is determined
- Describe chemical change
- Describe physical change
- Explain how changes in matter are related to changes in energy
Preteach pg 46***TE
Lab Zone Interpreting Data pg48***TE
Preteach Build Background Knowledge pg56***TE
Units of Volume pg58***TE
Instruct Weight and Mass pg57***TE
Density Math Skill pg59***TE
Our Ideas about Matter Properties of Matter Kit Lesson 1 Inquiry 1-8
7th Grade General Science 2009-2010
Aligned Lesson
Physical Science Unit
Properties of a Mixture
Benchmark/content addressed CS 1.2 a mixture of substances often can be separated into the original substance using one or more of the physical properties.
Teaching Resource(s)
7thGrade Prentice Hall Science Explorer 2007
STC Kit Properties of Matter
TOPIC Describing the Properties of a Mixture
Chapter 2 Section 1 pg 53-55
1.Describe the properties of a mixture
2.Compare and Contrast pure substances and mixtures
Video fieldtrip pg 54***TE
Concept Map
Activity 7A.4 Separating a Salt and Sand Mixture (The Life and Science of Percy Julian)
Mixtures pg 53***TE
Lab Zone Making Mixtures pg 54 ***TE
Lab Zone Separating Mixtures pg 54***TE
Countertop Chemistry
Clear Slime Polymer
The Cat’s Meow
Chapter 2 Workbook
STC Kit Properties of Matter Lesson 10-26
Section 1 Assessment pg 55
Prentice Hall Exam View Pro
Workbook pg 21-42 Student Edition Differentiated Guided Reading Workbook
Countertop Chemistry
The Cat’s Meow
Connecting Concepts pg 120 ***TE *7th Grade All In One Teaching Resources
7th Grade General Science 2009-2010
Aligned Lesson
Earth/Space Unit
Atmosphere, Weather and Climate
7th Grade
Earth/ Space Science
Standard 5: Structures of the Earth System – The earth is mostly rock, three-fourths of its surface is covered by a relatively thin layer of water, and the entire planet is surrounded by a relatively thin blanket of air, and is able to support life. The student will engage in investigations that integrate the process standards and lead to the discovery of the following objectives:
Content Standard/Benchmark 5.1 Global patterns of atmospheric movement influence local weather such as oceans’ effect on climate
Teaching Resource(s)
7th Grade Prentice Hall Science Explorer 2007 Chapters 12-14
7th Grade Prentice Hall Science Explorer 2007 Workbook
STC Catastrophic Events Kit
Atmosphere, Weather and Climate
1. State in what form energy travels from the sun to Earth
2. Explain what happens to the sun’s energy in the atmosphere and at Earth’s surface
3. Describe how temperature is measured
4. Identify three ways in which heat is transferred
5. Explain how heat is transferred in the troposphere
6. State how scientists describe and explain winds
7. Distinguish between local winds and global winds
8. Identify where the major global wind belts are located
9. Identify the major types of air masses that affect the weather in North America, and describe how they move
10. Name the main types of fronts
11. Explain the type of weather that is associated with cyclones and anticyclones
12. List the main kinds of storms and explain how they form
13. Explain how weather forecasters predict the weather
14. Identify factors that influence temperature and precipitation
15. Explain what causes the seasons
16. Identify factors used to define climates
17. Describe the six main climate regions
18. Identify factors that can cause climate change
Target Reading Skill pg 380***TE
Transparency ES166
Preteach Build Background Knowledge Properties of Air pg 416***TE
Preteach Build Background Knowledge What is Climate pg 452***TE
All In One Teaching Resources What Causes Climate Workbook
Preteach Build Background Knowledge Hot Air Rising pg 386***TE
Lab Zone Teacher Demo Modeling Front Formation pg 421***TE
Preteach Build Background Knowledge What is Climate? Pg 452***TE
Target Reading Skill pg 462***TE
Go online links on energy and Earth’s atmosphere
Transparency ES 168, 169, 170, 171,179,180,185, 186, 187, 188, 189,190,199, 200, 201, 202, 203
All In One Teaching Resources Energy in the Earth’s Atmosphere
Lab Zone Heating Earth’s Surface pg 384***TE
Lab Zone What Happens When Air is Heated pg 186***TE
All In One Teaching Resource Heat Transfer
Go online links on heat transfer pg 388***TE
Lab Zone Build Inquiry Modeling Heat Transfer pg 388***TE
Explain and Describe Winds pg 391***TE
All In One Teaching Resource Winds
Comparing Local and Global Winds pg 393***TE
Prentice Hall Presentation CD ROM
Classifying Air Masses pg 417***TE
All In One Teaching Resources Air Masses and Fronts
North American Air Masses pg 418***TE
Comparing and Contrasting Fronts pg 420***TE
Go Online Active Art Weather Fronts Activity Web code CFP-4031
Areas of High Pressure and Low Pressure pg 422***TE
How Thunderstorms Form pg 425***Te
How and Where Tornadoes Form pg 427***TE
Discovery School Video Field Trip pg 430***TE
How Hurricanes Form pg 430***TE
Precipitation in Winter pg 432***TE
All In One Teaching Resources Storms
Lab Zone Tracking a Hurricane pg 434***TE
All In One Teaching ResourcesTracking a Hurricane
Tropical Climates pg 463***TE
All In One Teaching ResourcesClimate Regions
The Dry Climate Regions pg 466***TE
Lab Zone Observing Plant Adaptations pg 466***TE
Types of Temperate Marine Climates pg 467***TE
Humid Continental and Subarctic Climates pg 469***TE
Go online links on climates of the world
All In One Teaching ResourcesClimate Regions
Lab Zone Cool Climate Graphs pg 472***TE
Evidence of Climate Change pg 475***TE
All In One Teaching ResourcesLong Term Changes in Climate
Discovery Video Field Trip Climate and Climate Change
Climate Change pg 477***TE
Go online links Continental Drift Activity
Chapter 12 Section 1 Assessment pg 383***TE
Chapter 12 Section 2 Assessment pg 389***TE
Chapter 12 Section 3 Assessment pg 396***TE
Chapter 13 Section 1 Assessment pg 423***TE
Chapter 13 Section 2 Assessment pg 433***TE
Chapter 13 Section 3 Assessment pg 442***TE
Discovery School Video Assessment Weather Patterns pg 447***TE
Chapter 14 Section 2 Assessment pg 471***TE
Chapter 14 Section 3 Assessment pg 478***TE
Prentice Hall Exam View Pro
Lab Zone Modeling Global Winds pg 393***TE
DiscoverySchool Video Assessment Climate and Climate Changes
7th Grade General Science 2009-2010
Aligned Lesson
Earth/Space Unit
Atmosphere, Weather and Climate
Standard 5.2 - Clouds formed by the condensation of water vapor, affect local weather and climate.
Teaching Resources - Prentice Hall Science Explorer – grade 7
Prentice Hall Explorer Workbook – grade 7
Describe how water moves to and from the atmosphere during water cycle
How clouds form
Name the three main types of clouds
Target reading:
Section 4 water in the atmosphere pages 398 – 409
Transparency ES 175
Chapter 12 Section 4 Assessment page 409***TE
Discover Activity P.398 Lab Zone How does fog form?
7th Grade General Science 2009-2010
Aligned Lesson
Life Science Unit
Standard 4: Behavior and Regulations – All organisms must be able to grow, reproduce, and maintain stable internal conditions while living in a constantly changing external environment. Behavioral response is a set of actions determined in part by heredity and in part by experience. The student will engage in investigations that integrate the process standards and lead to the discovery of the following objectives:
Content Standard/Benchmark 4.2 Living organisms have physical and/or behavioral responses to external stimuli (e.g., hibernation, migration, plant growth).
Teaching Resource(s)
7th Grade Prentice Hall Science Explorer 2007
7th Grade Prentice Hall Explorer 2007 Workbook
Animal Behaviors and Animal Behaviors in the News
Explain what causes animal behavior
Describe what instincts are
Describe four types of learned behavior
List the three main ways animal communicate
Give examples of competitive and cooperative behaviors
Describe cyclic behavior
Lab Zone Discover Activity pg 316***TE
Complex Adaptations pg 317***Te
Go online animal behavior pg 317***TE
Behavior That Isn’t Learned pg 318***TE
Learning pg 319***TE
Automatic Responses pg 319***TE
Discovery School Video Field Trip Animal Behavior pg 320***TE
Lab Zone Becoming A Learning Detective pg 323***TE
Go online Active Art Pheromones pg 325***Te
Animals Compete For Resources pg 326***TE
Living In a Group pg 328***Te
Behavior Cycles Circadian Rhythms pg 330***TE
Section 1 Assessment pg 322***TE
Section 2 Assessment pg 331***TE
All In One Teacher Resource Patterns of Behavior pg 331*** TE
Prentice Hall Exam View Pro Chapter 10
Discovery School Video Assessment Animal Behavior pg 339***TE
7th Grade General Science 2009-2010
Aligned Lesson
Life Science Unit
Heredity and Genetics
Standard 3 Reproduction and Heredity – Reproduction is the process by which organisms give rise to offspring. Heredity is the passing of traits to offspring. All organisms must be able to grow, reproduce and maintain stable internal conditions while living in a constantly changing external environment. The student will engage in investigations that integrate the process standards and lead to the discovery of the following objectives:
Content Standard/Benchmark 3.1 Characteristics of an organism result from inheritance and from interactions with the environment
Teaching Resource(s)
7th Grade Prentice Hall Science Explorer 2007
STC Kit Human Biology
Heredity and Genetics
Chapter 5 Genetics: The Science of Heredity
Describe the results of Mendel’s experiments
Identify what controls the inheritance of traits in organisms
Define probability and describe how it helps explain the results of genetic crosses
Explain what is meant by genotype and phenotype
Tell what codominance is
Describe the role chromosomes play in inheritance
Identify the events that occur during meiosis
Explain the relationship between chromosomes and genes
Explain what forms the genetic code
Identify how mutations can affect an organism
Target Reading Skill
Outlining pg 158***TE
Preteach Build Background Knowledge Family Resemblances pg 158***TE
Lab Zone Discover Activity pg 158***TE
Lab Zone Teacher Demo Observing Crosses in Fruit Flies pg 162***TE
Target Reading Skill pg 166***TE
Preteach Build Background Knowledge pg 166***Te
Go Online probability and genetics
Preteach Build Background Knowledge Relating Genetics and the Cell Cycle pg 174***TE
Chromosomes and Inheritance The Role of Chromosomes pg 175***Te
Go Online meiosis
Line Up of Genes pg 178***TE
Lab Zone Can you Crack the Code? Pg 179***TE
How the Genetic Code Works pg 180***TE
Lab Zone Drawing Conclusions pg 181***TE
Discovery School Video Field Trip Mutations
Understanding Mendel’s Crosses pg 159***TE
Observing Pistils and Stamens pg 160***TE
Pea Plan Crosses pg 161***TE
Lab Zone Build Inquiry Inferring the Parent Generation pg***TE
Lab Zone Take a Class Survey pg 164-165***TE
Principles of Probability pg 167888TE
Math Practice pg 167***TE
All In One Teaching Resource worksheet Probability and Heredity
Genetics with a Smile
Genetics word search
Genetics challenge puzzle
DNA challenge
Probability and Genetics pg 168***TE
Transparency LS 35-42
Interpreting Punnett Squares pg 169***TE
Plastic Egg Genetics
Lab Zone Teacher Demo Observing Crosses in Tobacco Plants pg 169***TE
Math Analyzing Data pg 170***TE
Lab Zone Make the Right Call pg 172-173***TE
Writing in Science Compare and contrast Paragraph Writing about Mutations
pg 185***TE
Prentice Hall Presentation Express
Section 1 Assessment pg 163
Section 2 Assessment pg 171
Section 3 Assessment pg 178
Section 4 Assessment pg 185
Prentice Hall Exam View Pro Test Generator Chapter 5
Phschool.com Self Assessment
DiscoverySchool Video Assessment pg 187***TE
7th Grade General Science 2009-2010
Aligned Lesson
Life Science Unit
Internal Environment
Standard 4: Behavior and Regulation – All organisms must be able to grow, reproduce, and maintain stable internal conditions while living in a constantly changing external environment. Behavioral response is a set of actions determined in part by heredity and in part by experience. The student will engage in investigations that integrate the process standards and lead to the discovery of the following objectives:
Content Standard/Benchmark 4.1 Living organisms strive to maintain a constant internal environment (i.e., temperature regulation)
Teaching Resources
7th Grade Prentice Hall Science Explorer 2007
Internal Environment
Identify the factors that regulate internal environment
Project Wild
Project Learning Tree
7th Grade General Science 2009-2010
Aligned Lesson
Life Science Unit
Reproduction and Heredity
Standard 3 Reproduction and Heredity – Reproduction is the process by which organisms give rise to offspring. Heredity is the passing of traits to offspring. All organisms must be able to grow, reproduce and maintain stable internal conditions while living in a constantly changing external environment. The student will engage in investigations that integrate the process standards and lead to the discovery of the following objectives:
Content Standard/Benchmark 3.2 Reproduction is essential for species survival. Individual organisms with certain traits are more likely to survive and produce offspring.
Teaching Resources
7th Grade Prentice Hall Science Explorer 2007
Species Survival
Explain how animal activities that enable them to survive and reproduce are a result of natural selection.
Evolution by Natural Selection
7th Grade General Science 2009-2010
Aligned Lesson
Life Science Unit
Structure and Function
OklahomaPASS Content Standard
Standard 2: Structure and Function in living systems – Living systems at all levels of organization demonstrated the complementary nature of structure and function. The students will engage in investigations that integrate the process standards and lead to the discovery of the following objectives.
Benchmark/Content Standard 2.1 Living systems are organized by levels of complexity (i.e., cells, tissues, organs, and/or systems).
Benchmark/Content Standard 2.2 Specialized structures perform specific functions at all levels of complexity (e.g., leaves on trees and wings on birds).
Teaching Resources
7th Grade Prentice Hall Explorer 2007
7th Grade Prentice Hall Explorer 2007 Workbook
STC Human Biology Kit
Structure and Functions
Chapter 7-8 Human Body
- Identify levels of organization
- Define Homeostasis
- Identify the structures and functions of the skeletal system
- Identify the structures and functions of the muscular system
- Explain the structures and functions of the skin
- Identify the structures and functions of the nervous system
- Describe the structures and function of the endocrine system
- Describe the structures and function of the circulatory system
- Describe the structures and function of the respiratory system
- Describe the structures and function of the reproductive system
7th Grade General Science 2009-2010
Aligned Lesson
Earth/Space Unit
Solar System
OklahomaPASS Content Standard:
Standard 6: Earth and the Solar System – The earth is the third planet from the sun in a system that includes the moon, the sun, eight other planets and their moons, and smaller objects, such as, asteroids and comets. The student will engage in investigations that integrate the process standards and lead to the discovery of the following objectives:
Benchmark/Content standard: CS 6.1- Most objects in the solar system are in regular and predictable motion. Those motions explain such phenomena as the day, the year, phases of the moon, and eclipses.
Teacher Resource(s)
7th Grade Prentice Hall Science Explorer 2007 Chapter 16
- Identify the objects that make up the solar system
- Name the three layers of the sun’s interior
- Describe the characteristics that the inner planets have in common
- Describe characteristics that the gas giants have in common
- Identify characteristics that distinguish each outer planet
- Describe the characteristics of comets
- Identify where most asteroids are found
- Explain what meteoroids are and how they form
- List the conditions that living things need to exist on Earth
- Recognize why scientists think Mars and Europa are good places to look for signs of life.
Preteach Discover Activity – How can you safely observe the sun? Lab Zone
Preteach Discover Activity – How does Mars look from Earth? Lab Zone
Preteach Discover Activity – How big are the planets? Lab Zone
Preteach Discover Activity – Which way to comet tails point?
web code: cfp-5031
web code: cfp-5032
web code: cfh-5030
web code: ced-5034
web code: scn-0635
Transparency ES 223, 224, 225, 226,227,228,229,230,231,232,233 and 234
Chapter 16 Section 1 Assessment pg 543**SE
Chapter 16 Section 2 Assessment pg548**SE
Chapter 16 Section 3 Assessment pg555**SE
Chapter 16 Section 4Assessment pg 565**SE
Chapter 16 Section 5Assessment pg 575**SE
Chapter 16 Review and Assessment pg 577-78**SE
DiscoverySchool Video Assessment Speeding around the sun
7th Grade General Science 2009-2010
Aligned Lesson
Earth/Space Unit
Solar System
OklahomaPASS Content Standard:
Standard 6: Earth and the Solar System – The earth is the third planet from the sun in a system that includes the moon, the sun, eight other planets and their moons, and smaller objects, such as, asteroids and comets. The student will engage in investigations that integrate the process standards and lead to the discovery of the following objectives:
Benchmark/Content standard: CS 6.2 – Seasons result from variations in the amount of the sun’s energy hitting the surface, due to the tilt of the earth’s rotation on its axis and the length of the day.
Teacher Resource(s)
7th Grade Prentice Hall Science Explorer 2007 Chapter 15
STC Kit Catastrophic Events
- Demonstrate how the earth moves in space
- Explain what causes the cycle of seasons on Earth.