Minutes of a Meeting of the Council held on

Tuesday 21st June 2016 at 7pm at JuliArnos Meeting Room


1. Apologies for absence were received from Philip Duggleby

2. The Minutes of the council meeting held on 17th May 2016 were approved and signed

3. There were no Declarations of interest in respect of any Agenda item

4. There were no Matters Arising not covered elsewhere on the Agenda and Action List

5. Cuadrilla

Jenni Shields had previously sent round an email of the presentation by Cuadrilla at Wetwang. Wetwang Parish Council is to organise a residents meeting for the same parishes that were represented at the meeting, namely: Wetwang, Fridaythorpe, Fimber and Huggate when, and if, Cuadrilla accept the fracking licenses for our area.

6. Planning

a)  Carters Barn, Silver Street, Huggate – Certificate of Lawfulness for the Erection of a Conservatory.

The Council Recommends approval.

7. Planting Beneath Village Signs

Nothing further to report at present

8. War Memorial To discuss expenditure and faculty payment

The approximate cost of the works to be carried out to the War Memorial is going to be £1500.00 which was approved by Councillors, of which 75% will be refunded by the war faculty on receipt of the completed invoices. The Stone mason will require payment in two halves which was also approved by the Councillors. Gerry Whelan is to arrange photos of before and after the work has been carried out.

9. East Riding and Hull Joint Minerals Local Plan Revised Preferred
Approach Consultation This email has been acknowledged by Councillors.



10. Fracking and Yorkshire Water The point was made at the Village Meeting that a request should be made to Yorkshire water asking for their opinion on fracking in this area in connection with the Aquifer. Jenni Shields to send letter.

11. Finance

A payment of £40 to Helen Bowman for the hire of JuliArnos for the months March to June 2016 was approved and a cheque signed

12. Pond Throw Lines – Gerry and George to check

It was agreed that Gerry Whelan and George Fuller would check these lines on a regular basis for any safety issues.

13. Ideas for Seating & Display notices around Village Well

Jane Leaver has received an offer of some form of seating made locally. After Councillors decided what form the seating is to take, Jane will approach the joiner with ideas.

14. Mail any other action required

Neighbourhood planning lessons learnt - Clerk to request a copy of the minutes for the Parish Council Liaison Meeting and notification of future meetings.

15. Items for next Agenda

Bottom pond - Clerk to request Richard Baines’ report


Streetscene follow up to go on agenda quarterly next time will be September.