FY2016 Tribal Heritage Grant Awards
Yavapai-Apache NationGIS Mapping of Exodus Route to Identify Correct Route
This project will engage Tribal youth in documenting and mapping the 180 mile route from Verde Valley to San Carlos, AZ, when the Yavapai and Apache People were removed from their homelands and force-marched over rugged terrain. / AZ / 14,900
Karuk Tribe
Nanu'avaha: Karuk Tribe's K-12 Curriculum Oral History Documentation Project
By involving and training youth in videography this grant aims to document Tribal culture through a K-12 curriculum and to produce short documentaries on Karuk Traditional Ecological Knowledge to be used as public outreach. / CA / 39,911
Tejon Indian Tribe
Tejon Indian Tribe: GPS & GIS Capacity-Building Program
The grant will help to establish a new GIS system and training to further the building of the Historic Preservation office and the participation in efficient tribal consultation. / CA / 36,369
Mashantucket Pequot
Youth Preservation Event - Sugar Camp
This project would feature certain cultural learning centers and sites and provide interpretive signage along with historical context and significance. Highlighting the Sugar Shack cultural site, the project will include a youth event and produce a book on the traditional skill of syrup making. / CT / 5,848
Nez Perce Tribe
Niimiipuum Tit'waait: Bringing Legend Stories into the Classroom and Community
Cultural Resource Program will have 33 old recordings transcribed which are specifically focused on compiling place and story-based knowledge centering on important cultural and legend sites on Nez Perce land. / ID / 39,681
Seminole Tribe of Florida
Red Barn preservation, A Symbol of STOF Cattle Industry
The grant will help in the preservation of The Red Barn which became central to the Seminole cattle industry and served as a “town hall” for the formation of a tribal government. Constructed by the Civilian Conservation Corps-Indian Division, the structure represents the first major financial venture for the Seminoles, in an “industry” that they have been involved in for centuries. / FL / 48,070
Keweenaw Bay Ojibwa
Honoring Our Past, Restoring Our Future
With the involvement of students from Keweenaw Bay Ojibwa Community College, oral histories will be conducted of elders on tribal traditions and everyday life, with an emphasis on memories of key historic events and developments integral to Keweenaw Bay Indian Community. The project will include an exhibit to help in community outreach and education and promote the oral history collection. / MI / 40,000
Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians
St. Martin Island Light Station Preservation and Management Plan
As stewards of St. Martin Light Station, the Tribe will address the preservation needs of this site which provides access, safe harbor, and biological services in important Treaty fishing waters. Funds will be used to conduct a predevelopment study and management plan. / MI / 15,091
The Pueblo of Jemez
Pueblo of Jemez Restoration Project at Giusewa (the Place of the Boiling Springs)
The Tribe will conduct a comprehensive structural stabilization of San Jose de los Jemez Mission and Giusewa Pueblo ruins at Jemez Historic Site. The Site is recognized as an ancestral village associated with the aboriginal peoples of Jemez Pueblo and was designated a National Historic Landmark. / NM / 41,437
Pueblo of Pojoaque
Pueblo of Pojoaque Ancestral and Historic Sites Survey and Database
The grant will help fund an archaeological survey of the Pueblo’s land base and create a database of past and present land use on Pueblo of Pojoaque land, both Native and non-native, to guide the use and stewardship of the land. / NM / 39,920
Pueblo of Zuni
Development of a Historic Property GIS Database for Zuni Pueblo
This project will develop a centralized GIS database which will equip the Zuni Tribe with a critical tool in the documentation and management of historic, heritage, traditional cultural properties and sacred places, in addition to understanding and disseminating Zuni heritage on the Zuni Indian Reservation. / NM / 39,966
Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe
PLPT THPO Ethnographic Study of Sacred Sites
The Tribe will initiate an ethnographic study on sacred sites and/or possible Traditional Cultural Properties within the reservation boundaries and ancestral territories in an effort to ensure stories and information will be preserved for the education of community members. Information will be used to evaluate eligibility for inclusion in NRHP or Tribal Register. / NV / 39,050
Kaw Nation
Kaw Nation Historic Preservation Education and Training Initiative
The purpose of this grant is to provide training and skill-building activities, including GIS, laws and planning, survey methods and GPS to the Kaw Nation Preservation Committee in order to build a Historic Preservation Program. / OK / 36,000
Muscogee Creek Nation
Cultural Preservation Educational Project for High-Risk Tribal Youth
As part of a program to reconnect high-risk youth, grant funds will involve mentoring and teaching by tribal elders on the traditional ways of the Muscogee people, imparting life skills, customary use of traditional items, and the meaning of ceremonial grounds and traditional dances. / OK / 29,690
Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua, and Siuslaw Indians
Ntlaxam (I am speaking): Documenting Oral Fishing History and Culture
In their commitment to preserve and protect their unique culture, the Tribes will interview Tribal Elders to collect traditional fishing stories, locations, techniques, tools, cooking, etc. thus preserving and recapturing the Tribes fishing history and culture. Interpretive kiosks will be established in each of the three Tribal Governments for use by members and guests. / OR / 25,254
Coquille Indian Tribe
Comprehensive cultural survey and inventory of the historic Sek-Wet-Se forest
In an effort to integrate best-practice methods for providing stewardship, the Tribe will complete a cultural survey and inventory of approximately 30 acres of the Sek-Wet-Se forest to ensure sites of cultural significance are preserved and protected. / OR / 40,000
TOTAL / $531,187