Unit 1 Test

Reading (45 points)

ARead the article.

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1Visitors to Tokyo may notice a statue1 of a dog at one of the city’s busy train stations. They will probably be amazed to find out that the dog is considered one of Japan’s heroes.
2The story behind the statue began in 1924 when Hidesaburō Ueno,a professor at Tokyo University,was feeling depressed. He felt that his life was empty. In a conversation with one of his students, he was encouraged to get a dog. He decided to takea golden-brown dog called Hachiko as a pet.
3It soon became impossible to separate them. Every morning, when Hidesaburō walked to the station to take the train to work, Hachiko went with him. And every evening when the professor returned, his dog was there,waiting for him among the crowd at the station. This continued for over a year. People saw the dog waiting at the station for his owner every day and realized that Hachiko and the professor had a special relationship.
4Then one day, the professor did not return to the station at the end of the day. He had died suddenly at the university. Because Hachiko did not know what had happened, he waited all night at the station for his human friend to arrive.
5After that sad event, Hachiko went to live with Hidesaburō’s gardener, but every morning the dogstill went to the station at the same time and every evening he returned to the station and waited for Hidesaburō to come back from work. The dog continued this behavior for over ten years. People at the station knew that Hachiko was still waiting for his owner, even though the professorwas dead.
6Hachiko became a popular local hero. Once in a while, people would give Hachiko snacks to eat while he was waiting. Theyrespected the dog’s behavior,because it represented special friendship and loyalty2. When Hachiko died in 1935,people were very sad. They missed seeing the golden-brown dog waiting at the station every day. Hachiko was buried3 in a cemetery4 in Tokyo next to his owner. Thistrue story proves that a dog canreally be a man’s best friend.

1statue פסל/ تمثال3buriedקבור, טמון/ مدفون

2loyalty إخلاص، وفاء / נאמנות4cemetery בית קברות/مقبرة

BAnswer the questions about the article.

1What is unusual about the statue at the Tokyo train station? (paragraph 1)6 points


2What TWO things do we learn from paragraph 2?2 x 3 = 6 points

a.why the professor chose Hachiko from other dogs

b.how the professor was feeling

c.what subject he taught at the university

d.who sold the dog to the professor

e.why the professor decided to get a dog

f.what the student’s name was

3Complete the sentence according to paragraph 3.6 points

From Hachiko’sbehavior, we can understand that......


4Why didn’t Hidesaburō come back to the station one day? (paragraph 4)6 points



5According to paragraph 5, Hachiko… .6 points


b.did not live with anyone

c.lived with the professor

d.lived with the gardener

6In line 21, we read that people “respectedthe dog’s behavior”.7 points
What behavior is this? Find the answer in paragraph 5.



7Write TWO facts that show us that the dog was “popular”. (paragraph 6)8 points



Vocabulary (20 points)

ACompletethesentences with the words below.10x 1 = 10 points



1.I took your...... and got a pet.

2.Stop listening to our...... !It’s private.

3.People at the stadium began to...... when their team scoreda goal.

4.That song...... familiar. Where have I heard it before?

5.What is the...... of teenagers who play sports today?

6.Rachel generally...... to eat a light dinner in the evening.

7.The old man...... his back when he fell.

8.“Don’t...... me when I’m talking.”

9.John is...... He doesn’t like to meet new people.

10.I want to...... money so I can buy a new bicycle.

BCirclethe correct answer.10 x 1 = 10 points

1.My parents taught me to... older people.

a.suggest b.respect c.view

2.... it was raining, the game started on time.

a.Althoughb.According toc.However

3.Avi didn’t hear the teacher because he wasn’t... .

a.imaginingb.paying attentionc.gaining weight

4.She felt very... before the test.


5.Many teenagers... to send text messages than to speak on the phone.


6.Martin doesn’t ... to help me. He really is a good friend.


7.I enjoyed the book, but my sister said many... things about it.


8.My little brother likes to be... .

a.under pressureb.in painc.the center of attention

9.My mother and I have a very good ... .


10.They enjoy speaking on the phone, but meeting...is always best.

a.face to faceb.arminarmc.indoors

Grammar (20 points)

AChoose the correct relative pronoun.5 x 1 = 5 points

1.Last year we visited Buckingham Palace when/wherethe Queen of England lives.

2.Summer is the time of year when/whomany people go on holiday.

3.I have lost the book which/whoI only started reading yesterday.

4.My friend has an uncle which/whoworks in Hollywood.

5.That’s the teacher that / whosedaughter is my best friend.

BComplete the sentences. Use who, which,where, when or whose.5 x 1 = 5 points

1.Seven o’clock in the morning is the time......

2.I know a man......

3.I want a computer......

4.That is the restaurant......

5.My friends and I like movies......

CComplete the passage with the correct form of the verbs below.10 x 1 = 10 points
Use thePresent Simple, positive or negative form.



Writing (15 points)

Describe a special person in your life and explain what makes him or her special
to you. Write at least 80 words.











