Mikkelsen/Rodriguez Administration
Full Senate Meeting
September 7, 2016
I. Call to Order: President Mikkelsen called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
II. Roll Call: Administrative Assistant Ridge went through roll call.
III. Review of Minutes:
a. Senator moved to wave reading of the minutes.
i. Seconded.
1. Passed unanimously.
IV. Unfinished Business:
a. None
V. Executive Staff Reports:
a. Public Relations Director Steuart:
i. President’s Corner
b. Marketing Director Johnson:
i. Elections
ii. Homecoming
iii. Website
c. Special Events Director Borth:
i. Can Emporia
ii. Lecture Series
iii. Movie on the Big Screen
d. Administrative Assistant Ridge:
i. Nothing to Report
e. Budget Director Tu:
i. Nothing to Report
f. Legislative & Research Director Ingram:
i. SAC Retreat
1. Higher Ed Day ( Tentative)
a. January 31, 2017 Training For Higher Ed Day
b. February 1, 2017 Actual Higher Ed Day
ii. Voter Registration
1. Possible Tabling
g. Chief of Staff Lamb:
i. Freshman and Open Applications
ii. Retreat
iii. Homecoming
h. Vice President Rodriguez:
i. KBOR Retreat
ii. VPAT Search Committee
iii. Homecoming
iv. Food Advisory Board
i. President Mikkelsen:
i. Smoking policy
ii. Dr. Farley
iii. Program review
iv. Outlook for Android
j. Advisor Barraclough:
i. Recruit New Senators
ii. Make Sure You Serving Your Office Hours
iii. Camels
VI. Public Forum One:
a. Jasper Shrake
i. Stuck on 3rd floor of Benton and would like to get WSGA to advocate accommodations for students. Elevator was out of service for one and a half hours.
ii. Jasper Shrake thought an accessibility walk would be helpful
iii. Look to have elevators and lifts checked more often.
iv. Maybe start a committee
v. City elevator persons involved
VII. New Business:
a. Motion made to combine SB #20- SB # 26
i. Seconded
1. Motion passed unanimously
2. Bill passed animously
b. SB 16-17 #020 Gonzalez Appointment
i. Moved to vote.
1. Bill passed unanimously.
c. SB 16-17 #21 Hockett Appointment
i. Moved to vote.
1. Bill passed unanimously
d. SB 16-17 #22 K.C. Appointment
i. Moved to vote.
1. Bill passed unanimously
e. SB 16-17 #23 Pine Appointment
i. Moved to vote.
1. Bill passed unanimously
f. SB 16-17 #24 Pritz Appointment
i. Moved to vote.
1. Bill passed unanimously
g. SB 16-17 #25 Surrit Appointment
i. Moved to vote.
1. Bill passed unanimously
h. SB 16-17 #26 Zhu Appointment
i. Moved to vote.
1. Bill passed unanimously
i. SB 16-17 #27 Sigma Alpha Iota
i. Moved to vote.
1. Bill passed unanimously
j. SB 16-17 #28 Delta Gamma
i. Moved to vote.
1. Bill passed 10 ayes 0 nay 0 obstination
VIII. Public Forum Two:
a. None.
IX. Committee Reports
a. Allocations Chairman Kern: Nothing to Report
b. Campus Affairs Chairwoman Pickert: Nothing to Report
c. Communications Chairwoman Newman: Nothing to Report
d. Student Engagement Chairman Hane: Looks forward to having new senators
X. Announcements:
XI. Roll Call: Administrative Assistant Ridge went through roll call
XII. Adjournment:
a. Senator McPherson moved to adjourn to committees.
i. Senator Hanes seconded.
1. Motion passed unanimously.
2. Meeting adjourned at 7:13 p.m.