Substance Abuse and Mental Health


FTP Delete File Error Correction Guide

(Version 1.00)

(Effective July 1, 2006)

State of Florida

Department of Children & Families

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Program Offices

PURPOSE: This guide is to assist providers who will be submitting data to the Program Office using file transfer protocol (FTP) and correcting records that are rejected during the process.
Under each file name is a list of the error codes, followed by the data element with the error reason. This should provide users with the necessary information to correct the error and resubmit the record.
Questions about the content of this guide should be directed to one of the following individuals:
Jodi Riley at (850) 410-1184
Ronald A. Morrell at (850) 410-1190
Russell Stovall at (850) 413-0933

Childrens Functional Assessment Rating Scale (CFARS)

Non-Client Specific Service Events (EVNT)

Mental Health Performance Outcome (PERF)

Client Specific Service Events (SERV) 6

Substance Abuse Performance Outcome (OUTC)

Functional Assessment Rating Scale (FARS 8


Childrens Functional Assessment Rating Scale (CFARS)

1.Provider Id: The value submitted cannot be found in the look-up table of the entry is blank.

2.Client: The value submitted cannot be found in the look-up table of the entry is blank.

4.Purpose: The value submitted cannot be found in the look-up table of the entry is blank.

5.Cfar Date: The CFARDATE is either blank or invalid.

6.Evaldate > Today’s date.

7.Evaldate < Date of Birth.

8. Record not found.

35. Invalid SSN.

36. Admission not found.

Non-Client Specific Service Events (EVNT)

0. The record does not exist given the Provider, Site, AgeGroup, Facilityp, Progtype, Costcent, Procode, Servdate and Raterid.

1. PROVID: The value submitted cannot be found in the look-up table or the entry is blank.

2. SITE: The value submitted cannot be found in the look-up table or the entry is blank.

4. AGEGROUP: The value submitted cannot be found in the look-up table or the entry is blank.

5. Facilityp: The value submitted cannot be found in the look-up table of the entry is blank.

6. CostCent: The entry is not a two-digit number.

7. CostCent : The value entered does not equal “04”, "07", “15”, ”16”, ”30” or ”34”.

10. ProgType: The value submitted cannot be found in the look-up table of the entry is blank.

11. Procode: The value submitted cannot be found in the look-up table of the entry is blank.

12 Servdate: The value submitted is blank.

13. Servdate > SysDate: The sevice date is greater that the System date, the date the record is processed.

19. RaterId: The construct for the RaterId is not valid.

20. Subcontractor Id not found in lookup table or entry is blank.

Mental Health Performance Outcome (PERF)

  1. PROVID: The value submitted cannot be found in the look-up table or the entry is blank.
  2. Client Not Found: There is no demographic record (Demo) for the client in your agency in SAMH..

4. Purpose: The value submitted cannot be found in the look-up table or the entry is blank.

5. Evaldate: The date value entered is invalid or the entry is blank.

70. Evaldate < DOB: The Evaluation date is less than or before the date of birth (DOB).

71 Evaldate > system date.Client Specific Service Event (SERV)

0. Record not found based on key fields.

  1. PROVID: The value submitted cannot be found in the look-up table or the entry is blank.

3. Client Not Found. There is no demographic record (Demo) for the client in your agency in SAMH.

5. ServCont: The value submitted cannot be found in the look-up table of the entry is blank.

6. COSTCENT: The value entered is not a two digit number.

7. COSTCENT: The value entered is greater than ‘47’.

8. COSTCENT: The value entered is not a valid cost center.

11. PROGTYPE: The value submitted cannot be found in the look-up table or the entry is blank.

12. Servdate: The value submitted is blank.

13. SERVDATE: The value submitted is not a valid date format or the entry is blank.

17. Setting: The value submitted cannot be found in the look-up table of the entry is blank.

18. BeginTime : The value submitted is not a valid time entry or the entry is blank. Data is submitted in military time format or the 24-hour clock format.

26. Subcontractor Id not found in lookup table or entry is blank.

31. The record does not exist given the Provid, Client, ServDate, BeginTime, Costcent, Progtype, Procode, Subcont, Setting, County.

Substance Abuse Performance Outcome (OUTC)

1.PROVID: The value submitted cannot be found in the look-up table or the entry is blank.

2.Client Not Found: There is no demographic record (Demo) for the client in your agency in SAMH..

4. Purpose: The value submitted cannot be found in the look-up table or the entry is blank.

5. Evaldate: The date value entered is invalid or the entry is blank.

70. Evaldate < DOB: The Evaluation date is less than or before the date of birth (DOB).

71 Evaldate > system date.

Functional Assessment Rating Scale (FARS)

  1. Contractor ID Invalid: The value submitted cannot be found in the look-up table or the entry is blank. The provider identifier must be in the Provider table. If not, then contact the Program Office to have your agency registered.
  2. Client not found.
  3. PROVID: The value submitted cannot be found in the look-up table or the entry is blank. The provider identifier must be in the Provider table. If not, then contact the Program Office to have your agency registered.
  4. PURPOSE: Value entered is not equal to 1-5 or the entry is blank.
  8. RECORD NOT FOUND. No record to delete.
  1. Invalid SSN.

American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM)

  1. CONTRACTORID invalid or the entry is blank.
  4. PURPOSE invalid or the entry is blank.
  5. PROVID invalid or the entry is blank.
  1. Admission not found.


Revised 11/28/2007