Weddings atAll Hallows’ Parish Church,


We are a warm and welcoming congregation who enjoy inviting couples to celebrate their marriage in our Church. The team at All Hallows can help with providing all the elements of a traditional wedding and the Church of England website gives lots of ideas for readings, prayers and hymns for your services.

Prior to your wedding you will meet with our Vicar, Revd Amanda Grant, to talk about preparation for marriage, and we will look forward to you, and your family and friends, joining us at some of our services before your wedding day.

We like to say yes to everyone who wishes to marry here, and you just have to fulfil one of the following criteria:

  • One of you was baptised in the Parish.
  • One of you has been confirmed, and was prepared for confirmation in the Parish.
  • One of you has at any time lived in the parish for at least six months.
  • One of you has at any time regularly attended public worship in the Parish for at least six months.
  • One of your parents has lived in the Parish for at least six months after you were born.
  • One of your parents has regularly attended public worship in the Parish for at least six months after you were born.
  • One of your parents or grandparents was married in the Parish.
  • Or by Special Licence

The table below shows fees from January to December 2018.

Necessary / Service / £441.00
Necessary / Banns / £29.00
Necessary / Marriage Certificate / £4.00
For an organist, candles, heating, the tidying of the church grounds, providing parking bollards and vergering services, eg locking, unlocking of church, use of PA system, etc. / £215.00
Total: / £689.00

If a professional video company is at the service there is a £100 permission fee (of which £30 will go to the organist).

* Burton Bellringers are always happy to ring for our weddings. However, this is a separate arrangement with Burton Bells and whilst they will make every attempt to honour a commitment to a wedding date; they can only play if there are enough bell ringers available on the day of the wedding.

  • Contact Details

Wedding Administrator at All Hallows’ Church: Susan Middleton

Mobile: 07813 615224; Telephone: 01484 605274; email:

Address; 17 Hallas Road, Kirkburton HD8 0QF

An Order of Service for a Wedding usually runs as follows:

The Processional March

(Traditionally the Bridal March from Lohengrin by Wagner)

The Introduction


The Marriage Ceremony

A Reading from Scripture

The Address

The Prayers

The Blessing


Signing of the Registers

The Recessional March

(Traditionally the Wedding March by Mendelssohn)

There are ideas for readings, prayers and music on the Church of England’s website. There is a section devoted to marrying in the Church of England which provides a lot of useful information.