Assessment Materials in Mundt Library


Achieving assessment goals using evaluation techniques / Peter J. Gray, editor. San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, 1989. MAIN COLLECTION LB2331.62 .A355 1989

Applying the science of learning to university teaching and beyond / Diane F. Halpern, Milton D. Hakel, editors. San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, c2002. MAIN COLLECTION LB2331 .A632 2002

Assessing academic climates and cultures / William G. Tierney, editor. San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, 1990. MAIN COLLECTION LB2341 .A751 1990

Assessing educational outcomes / Peter T. Ewell, editor. San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, 1985. MAIN COLLECTION L11 .N494

Assessing impact : evidence and action : presentations from the 1997 AAHE conference on assessment & quality / Ellen Earle Chaffee ... [et al.]. Washington, DC : American Association for Higher Education, c1997. MAIN COLLECTION LB2331.63 .A77 1997

Assessing learning in the classroom / [prepared by Jay McTighe and Steven Ferrara]. Washington, DC : NEA, Professional Standards and Practice, 1994. MAIN COLLECTION LB3051 .M743 1994

Assessing students' learning / James H. McMillan, editor. San Francisco ; London : Jossey-Bass, c1988. MAIN COLLECTION LB2366.2 .A87 1988

Assessment and curriculum reform / James L. Ratcliff, editor. San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, 1992. MAIN COLLECTION LB2361.5 .A847 1992

The assessment debate : a reference handbook / Valerie J. Janesick. Santa Barbara : ABC-CLIO, c2001. MAIN COLLECTION LB3051 .S66 2001

Assessment for excellence: the philosophy and practice of assessment and evaluation in higher education / Alexander W. Astin. Phoenix, Ariz. : Oryx Press, 1993. MAIN COLLECTION LB2366.2 .A89 1993

Assessment in the learning organization : shifting the paradigm / edited by Arthur L. Costa and Bena Kallick. Alexandria, Va. : Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, c1995. MAIN COLLECTION LB2822.75 .A87 1995

Beyond standardized testing : assessing authentic academic achievement in the secondary school / Doug A. Archbald, Fred M. Newmann. Reston, VA : National Association of Secondary School Principals, c1988. MAIN COLLECTION LB2822.75 .A72 1988

Changing the way we grade student performance : classroom assessment and the new learning paradigm / Rebecca S. Anderson, Bruce W. Speck, editors. San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, c1998. MAIN COLLECTION LB3051 .C43 1998

Classroom assessment and research : an update on uses, approaches, and research findings / Thomas Angelo, editor. San Francisco : Jossey-Bass Publishers, c1998. MAIN COLLECTION LB2822.75 .C55 1998

Classroom assessment techniques : a handbook for college teachers / Thomas A. Angelo, K. Patricia Cross. 2nd ed. San Francisco : Jossey-Bass Publishers, c1993. MAIN COLLECTION LB2822.75 .A54 1993

Dancing with the devil : information technology and the new competition in higher education / Richard N. Katz and associates. San Francisco, Calif. : Jossey-Bass Publishers, c1999. MAIN COLLECTION LB2341 .K35 1999

Dollars, distance, and online education : the new economics of college teaching and learning / edited by Martin J. Finkelstein ... [et al.]. Phoenix, Ariz. : American Council on Education : Oryx Press, 2000. MAIN COLLECTION LB2395.7 .M26 2000

Educative assessment [electronic resource] : designing assessments to inform and improve student performance / Grant Wiggins. San Francisco, Calif. : Jossey-Bass, c1998. E-book in Netlibrary: bookid=26052

The Effect of assessment on minority student participation / Michael T. Nettles, editor. San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, 1990. MAIN COLLECTION LC3727 .E3 1990

Effective grading : a tool for learning and assessment / Barbara E. Walvoord, Virginia Johnson Anderson. San Francisco, Calif. : Jossey-Bass Publishers, c1998. MAIN COLLECTION LB2368 .W35 1998

Evaluating students by classroom observation : watching students grow / Richard J. Stiggins. Washington, D.C. : NEA Professional Library, c1984. MAIN COLLECTION LB3060.37 .S75 1984

Great performances : creating classroom-based assessment tasks / Larry Lewin, Betty Jean Shoemaker Alexandria, Va. : Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, c1998. MAIN COLLECTION LB3051 .L462 1998

Implementing outcomes assessment: promise and perils / Trudy W. Banta, editor. San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, 1988. IN COLLECTION LB2322.75 .I6 1988

Issues in student assessment / Dorothy Bray, Marcia J. Belcher, editors. San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, 1987. MAIN COLLECTION LB3051 .I8 1987

Learning through assessment : a resource guide for higher education / Lion F. Gardiner, Caitlin Anderson, and Barbara L. Cambridge, editors. Washington, D.C. : American Association for Higher Education , c1997. MAIN COLLECTION LB2331.63 .L427 1997

A practitioner's handbook for institutional effectiveness and student outcomes assessment implementation / by James O. Nichols ; resource sections by Sheri Blessing ... [et al.]. New York : Agathon Press, c1991. MAIN COLLECTION LB2331.63 .N54 1991

Techniques and strategies for interpreting student evaluations / Karron G. Lewis, editor. San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, c2001. MAIN COLLECTION LB2331 .T43 2001

Technology and teaching / Les Lloyd, editor. Medford, NJ : Information Today, 1997. MAIN COLLECTION LB2395.7 .T425 1997

Technology-enhanced teaching and learning : leading and supporting the transformation on your campus / Carole A. Barone, Paul R. Hagner, editors. San Francisco, Calif. : Jossey-Bass, c2001. MAIN COLLECTION LB2395.7 .T43 2001

Understanding by design / Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe. Alexandria, Va. : Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, c1998. MAIN COLLECTION LB2806.15 .W54 1998

Using active learning in college classes : a range of options for faculty / Tracey E. Sutherland, Charles C. Bonwell, editors. San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, c1996. MAIN COLLECTION LB2331 .N5 no.67


Alternative assessments [videorecording] / a co-production of The Learning Channel and the National Education Association. Bethesda, MD : distributed by Discovery Program Enterprises, c1992. 1 videocassette (ca. 22 min.). MAIN COLLECTION LB3051 .A473 1994

Online testing [videorecording] : assessment and evaluation of distance learners. 1999. 1 videocassette. MAIN COLLECTION LB3060.5 .O55 1999

Portfolio assessment and high technology [videorecording]. [Los Angeles, Calif.] : National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing, [1993?]. 1 videocassette. MAIN COLLECTION LB1029.P67 P67 1993

Testing for results [videorecording] : using assessment to measure effectiveness and drive instruction / produced by the U.S. Dept. of Education. [Washington, D.C. : U.S. Dept. of Education, 2002]. 1 videocassette (60 min.). MAIN COLLECTION LB2822.75 .T47 2002