FEBRUARY 5, 2013
Trustees PresentTrustees Absent
Ann RittmanLydia Puening
Judy McCroddenPat Keltner
Robin WilsonJan Towsley
Kelly BeiswengerGreg Gawlik
Rob ErickCheri Homaee
Gretchen MatesMaureen Price
Leah Prebles
Pam Spencer
Denise Schier, Advisory Board
Dave Ping, Advisory Board
John Klassen, Director
Call to OrderAnn Rittman
The meeting was called to order by President Ann Rittman at 7 p.m. Ann welcomed outgoing and incoming trustees to the annual meeting.
Presentation by Business Volunteers UnitedAnn Kent
John introduced Ann Kent, Vice President, Services to Nonprofits, with BVU/The Center for Nonprofit Excellence. Ann gave a very informative presentation on trends in the nonprofit sector, lifecycle of nonprofit organizations and the role of the board of directors of nonprofits. She has met with John and Robin and is available to help BCA.
Approval of MinutesJudy McCrodden
A motion was made by Kelly Beiswenger and seconded by Gretchen Mates to approve the minutes from the December 4, 2012 BCA meeting. Motion was approved.
There was no correspondence to read. Everyone was reminded to to keep track of their volunteer hours during the year.
Rosters for Board of Trustees and Advisory Board were passed out.
Treasurers ReportAnn Rittman
The treasurer’s report was given by Ann. A motion was made by Judy McCrodden and seconded by Robin Wilson to accept the treasurer’s report. Motion was approved with the understanding that there are questions regarding the Masquerade 2012 and grant numbers.
Treasurer’s report is attached (attachment #1).
Director’s ReportJohn Klassen
John’s report is attached (attachment #2).
Past EventsAnn Rittman
A motion was made by Gretchen Mates and seconded by Rob Erick to approve Pam Spencer as a new trustee. Motion was approved.
Ann reported that the Christmas concert was very successful. Jane Petrie provided a very nice reception.
Money that has been donated in Donna Box’s memory will be earmarked for the BCA chorus’s use.
Committee Reports
Masquerade 2012Kelly Beiswenger
Kelly, Lydia and Liz will chair this event for 2013. Masquerade 2013 will be on November 2, 2013. Location to be decided.
Grant CommitteePam Spencer
The committee has been working on needed documentation for the city grant. Committee has met with Cleveland Foundation to get details for their grant applications. An audit is required. They frequently give $5000 operating grants that need no application. An organization’s name is put on a list for 3 years. This grant is awarded quarterly. BCA has been added to their list.
Long Range Robin Wilson
Committee will need some added members as Maureen and Greg will be leaving the committee. Have made some calls to organizations to facilitate our community gatherings. Survey and questionnaire being worked on.
EducationDave Ping
Dave is trying to set up another social event at The Blonde.
MembershipJohn Klassen
A new membership brochure is being developed. Campaign will be in the spring.
Reception CommitteeAnn Rittman
Robin volunteered to bring food for the reception on Saturday. Dave will help set up.
President’s ReportAnn Rittman
Ann’s report is attached (attachment #3). Judy presented Ann with flowers and gift card as a thank you for all of her work as President. Ann presented Judy with a thank you gift. Ann then turned the meeting over to Robin Wilson, the new BCA president.
New President’s ReportRobin Wilson
Robin said that a committee has been working on changes to the current by-laws. Changes will be sent out for everyone’s review. Two additional meetings will be added to the calendar.
A motion was made by Kelly Beiswenger and seconded by Judy McCrodden to approve Ann Rittman as temporary treasurer. Motion was approved.
A date for Art from the Heart was discussed. Robin will look into dates. A tentative date of May 5th was discussed.
Committees will be reforming. What committees do you think are important?
New trustees are needed. Let Robin know if you have any suggestions.
Meeting was adjourned at 9 p.m.
Next meeting will be April 2, 2013, at 7 p.m. at BCA.
Judy McCrodden, Secretary
Brecksville Center for the Arts
Honorable Jerry HrubyFebruary 4, 2013
Mayor, City of Brecksville
9069 Brecksville Road
Brecksville, OH44141
Dear Mayor Hruby,
With the City of Brecksville’s and your support, BrecksvilleCenter for the Arts was able to carry on our mission of promoting the arts in Brecksville and the surrounding communities. This annual letter is to keep you informed, and review our accomplishments and challenges of 2012.
John Klassen, Executive Director, is in his second year with BCA and continues to guide us in a very positive manner. He is friendly and open, and very capable of managing an art center. Heather Pignatiello joined BCA in March as the Administrative Assistant. Heather is well organized and is “computer talented”. We have a great BCA web site and can now register for classes and use pay pal on line! This has helped to cut back on printing costs. Heather works part time but our goal is to be able to have more hours of office help to free John from those details.
Mike Gorman, Western Reserve Bank (now Westfield bank), again allowed BCA to have the spring fundraiser, Art from the Heart, at the bank. It was a lovely April evening and a financial success for us. We served lemonade on the lawn following the Memorial Day Parade and took part in Home Days. John Poti, a well known local artist and Brecksville resident, gifted BCA with approximately 40 of his paintings. We had a wonderful exhibit of his works at the Center and also did an on line auction. This gift was greatly appreciated. BCA was awarded a grant from the Cuyahoga Arts Council to help in promoting future exhibits for 2013.
Heartfelt Holidays was part of BCA for 20 years. Unfortunately with changing times BCA made the hard decision to go in a different direction for our major fundraiser. This year, “Masquerade Party” took place at The Hermit Club. It was a wonderful evening and financially successful! Fundraising continues to be a challenge for us.
We continue to offer new classes and workshops at the Center. The numbers of participants seems to go in cycles….some very successful and some we have to cancel. Our membership numbers have declined but we plan to be more aggressive in this area. Our biggest challenge is to attract new trustee members. We are losing several long time trustees this year. They have made valuable contributions to BCA. We will have to make a concentrated effort to attract more dedicated board members.
We are optimistic about 2013! We will be re-examining our Mission Statement and working on a new Long Rang Plan. We will face the challenges with new leadership, organization and ideas! We continue to believe that the arts promote a better living environment for our communities. Again, we sincerely appreciate the help and assistance from you and the City of Brecksville.
Sincerely yours,
Ann J. Rittman
Board of Trustees, President