Draft Renewal Strategy launched for Toombul Nundah
March 2011
Planning for the future of Toombul and Nundah
Brisbane City Council has been working with the Toombul and Nundah communities to prepare a renewal strategy. The Toombul Nundah Draft Renewal Strategy will determine where residential, commercial and other land uses will be located and will form the basis of a new neighbourhood plan for the area.
The draft Renewal Strategy proposes an increase in development in and around the Toombul and Nundah centres. These areas will accommodate a mixture of offices, residences, entertainment facilities, cafes and shops.
The draft Renewal Strategy proposes to retain the unique village atmosphere along Sandgate Road in Nundah. It also allows for new residential and commercial development to occur on the Toombul Centro site, to complement the existing shopping precinct.
Improvements to pedestrian and cycle connections are proposed to encourage the use of more sustainable methods of transport.
Get to know your renewal strategy
You are invited to learn more about the Toombul Nundah Draft Renewal Strategy.
Two ‘Talk to a Planner’ sessions will be held, where you can:
- view the draft Renewal Strategy
- talk directly with a Council planner
- ask questions
- obtain further information about the draft Renewal Strategy.
No registration required. Session details are as follows:
Session time / Date / Venue11am-2pm / Thursday 17 March / Nundah Village Shopping Centre
(Corner Sandgate Rd and Buckland Rd)
9am-1pm / Saturday 19 March / Nundah Village Shopping Centre
(Corner Sandgate Rd and Buckland Rd)
Toombul Nundah draft renewal strategy key proposals
- Allow for higher density development, up to 12 storeys, around railway stations and in centres.
- Promote expansion of retail, commercial and residential uses in centres.
- Investigate providing a plaza space at the western entry to Nundah Station.
- In Nundah, promote Sandgate Road as a ‘high street’.
- Investigate consolidating community facilities in Oxenham Park.
- Retain significant areas of character housing.
- Investigate opportunity for a new town square as part of any new development on the Centro site.
- Create high-quality pedestrian paths along Union Street and in Nundah Village.
- Improve pedestrian links to rail and bus stations through new development.
- Allow for mixed use development up to 5 storeys.
Overall Strategy Plan
What’s been happening?
Council started working with the community on the Toombul Nundah Renewal Strategy in July 2010.
Figure 1 illustrates the process for preparing the Renewal Strategy and subsequent Neighbourhood Plan.
Figure 1: Renewal Strategy
Working with the local community
At the start of the renewal strategy process, a Community Planning Team (CPT) was formed. This group consists of approximately thirty people who live or work locally and have a good knowledge of the area.
Members of the Toombul Nundah CPT worked with Council to develop a ‘vision’ for the future of the area and have provided input and feedback on the draft Renewal Strategy. The minutes from the CPT meetings can be found at by selecting ‘Toombul and Nundah’, then ‘Toombul Nundah Community Planning Team’.
Other community members have also helped to shape the draft Renewal Strategy by completing online surveys about key opportunities for the area and the future vision for Toombul and Nundah.
Have your say
Council is seeking your feedback on the concepts and ideas outlined in the draft Renewal Strategy.
If you support what is proposed or have concerns or suggestions for improvement, we want to hear from you. Visit select ‘Toombul and Nundah’ and follow the link to ‘Have your say about Toombul Nundah’. You can also provide feedback via email or written submissions to the addresses listed below.
The closing date for feedback on the draft Renewal Strategy is Monday 28 March 2011. Your comments will be used to help shape the Toombul Nundah Neighbourhood Plan – the document that guides future development in the area.
More information
To view the Toombul Nundah Draft Renewal Strategy or to obtain more information:
- visit and select ‘Toombul and Nundah’
- telephone Council on (07) 3403 8888
- mail: Toombul Nundah – MMJ
Brisbane City Council
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