Grade Sheet for Chapters 21-25: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Class #______Name______Period____

Points: _____/20

Date of Chapters 21-25 Quiz:______

______Chapters 21-25 Vocabulary/Vocabulary Cards on Ring(Sentences-20 Words)

______Chapter 21 Highlighting /Summary/Questions/Page #

______Chapter 22 Highlighting /Summary/Questions/Page #

______Chapter 23 Highlighting /Summary/Questions/Page #

______Chapter 24 Highlighting /Summary/Questions/Page #

______Chapter 25 Highlighting /Summary/Questions/Page #

______Chapters 21-25 Standards Organizer


*If answers can not be read, they will not be graded.

*If you need help make sure you come in before class.

*Incomplete answers will result in a “0” on that portion of the assignment.

You should be reading each night and flashcarding

5 minutes each night to prepare for the daily quizzes.

Vocabulary ChartCHS 21-25

1. Highlight Blue the word in the book. Use pages given as a reference.

2. Write the sentence from the book. If it is a quote, write who said it.

3. Define each word with the definition that matches how the word is used in the sentence.


/ Sentence from book.
(AT least 20 words)
Highlight vocab BLUE
(Who said it if it is a quote.) / Definition
(represent how word is used in the sentence.)


ferule, n.
p. 125
meed, n.
p. 126
declamatory, adj.
p. 126
opulent, adj.
p. 127
edification, n.
p. 127
(gild) v.
p. 129
regalia, n.
p. 131

Vocabulary ChartReading: Tom Sawyer, CHS 16-20


/ Sentence from book.
(AT least 20 words)
Highlight vocab BLUE
(Who said it if it is a quote.) / Definition

(represent how word is used in the sentence.)

convalescent, adj.
p. 131
incongruous, adj.
p. 133
diffident, adj.
p. 139
omniscient, adj.
p. 142
slathers, n.
p. 144

**When definitions have been completed, make flash cards and place on ring.

Highlight ends of cards YELLOW.

(Definitions on one side, word on another. You do not need part of speech or the sentence on the flash cards.)

These will be checked in class when the vocabulary definitions are due.

Chapter 21 Reading Questions

Directions: Answers to questions MUSTCOMPLETELYANSWER the question and contain the evidence page.(At least 8 words)

  1. What happens to the teacher’s attitude as the school year gets near its end?

(Evidence page______)



  1. What happens to Tom when he recites his speech?(Evidence page______)



  1. What are the young ladies’ compositions like?(Evidence page______)



  1. What is the laughter about as the teacher draws a map on the board?(Evidence page______)



  1. How is the humor of that incident compounded?(Evidence page______)




Directions: Summarize each chapter read in three sentences (ex: What happened at the beginning, middle, end)These MUST be in complete sentences using AT Least8 words

#21 “Eloquence and the Master’s Dome”







Chapter 22 Reading Questions

Directions: Answers to questions MUSTCOMPLETELYANSWER the question and contain the evidence page.(At least 8 words)

  1. What are the Cadets of Temperance?(Evidence page______)



  1. Why does Tom resign from the group?(Evidence page______)



  1. Why is Tom disappointed with his summer vacation?(Evidence page______)



  1. Why is Tom at home for two weeks?(Evidence page______)



  1. What has happened to the rest of the community during that time?

(Evidence page______)



  1. What does Tom believe about the thunderstorm?(Evidence page______)



  1. What “relapse” do Joe and Huck suffer at the end of the chapter?

(Evidence page______)




Directions: Summarize each chapter read in three sentences (ex: What happened at the beginning, middle, end)These MUST be in complete sentences using AT Least8 words

#22 “Huck Finn Quotes Scripture”







Chapter 23 Reading Questions

Directions: Answers to questions MUSTCOMPLETELYANSWER the question and contain the evidence page.(At least 8 words)

  1. What event stirs the community at the beginning of the chapter?

(Evidence page______)



  1. Why do Tom and Huck start to feel guilty?(Evidence page______)



  1. How does Muff add to their guilty feelings?(Evidence page______)



  1. How do you suppose Tom ended up being called as a witness?

(Evidence page______)



  1. What effect does Tom’s testimony have on Injun Joe?(Evidence page______)




Directions: Summarize each chapter read in three sentences (ex: What happened at the beginning, middle, end)These MUST be in complete sentences using AT Least8 words

#23 “The Salvation of Muff Potter”







Chapter 24Reading Questions

Directions: Answers to questions MUSTCOMPLETELYANSWER the question and contain the evidence page.(At least 8 words)

  1. Why does Tom have mixed emotions about testifying for Muff afterward?(Evidence page______)




Directions: Summarize each chapter read in three sentences (ex: What happened at the beginning, middle, end)These MUST be in complete sentences using AT Least8 words

#24 “Splendid Days and Fearful Nights”







Chapter 25 Reading Questions

Directions: Answers to questions MUSTCOMPLETELYANSWER the question and contain the evidence page.(At least 8 words)

  1. What does Huck find to be strange about robbers?(Evidence page______)



  1. What does Huck find strange about kings?(Evidence page______)



  1. Where do the boys decide to dig first?(Evidence page______)



  1. Why does Huck think Tom’s out of his mind when they discuss how they would spend their shares of found treasure?(Evidence page______)



  1. Why do the boys come back to dig at midnight?(Evidence page______)



  1. Where do they decide to dig second?(Evidence page______)




Directions: Summarize each chapter read in three sentences (ex: What happened at the beginning, middle, end)These MUST be in complete sentences using AT Least8 words

#25 “Seeking the Buried Treasure”







Chapters 21-25

Tom Sawyer Standards Organizer

Save this paper to study for the book test and to write the RtL Essay.

Main Plot:
Subplots: secondary story lines that add depth or complicate the main plot.
4. / Conflicts:struggles between opposing forces, causing the action in the story. Conflicts may be external or internal.
Themes:Central message, concern or
purpose of the passage
4. / Effect of Setting on
Tone: author’s attitude toward the subject or reader.
Mood:atmosphere or feeling within a work.
Slang: new meanings given to old words
Dialect- the form of language spoken by people in a particular region or group-
* / Idioms:expressions that have meaning in a specific region an/or time period.