Ms. Murphy
Class Preparation
I expect everyone to come to class with their binder, graphing calculator, and a pencil. There is a class set of books, so your textbook does not need to be brought to class. If any book is lost/damaged there will be a fee assessed in order to replace it. Calculators will not be provided by the school; it is your responsibility to have your own. The model calculator suggested for purchase is the TI-84 Silver Edition (students will not be permitted to use the TI-89 or TI-Nspire). Cell phones are not permitted to be used as a calculator and it is strongly encouraged that all cell phones be kept in the classroom holder.
Your participation and preparedness grades are entered on the first day of each quarter. Coming to class with all the necessary items is part of your preparedness grade. Items that need to be borrowed from the teacher will result in a loss of points. It is your responsibility to keep the materials distributed during class. Extra copies of handouts are not made. If any additional copies are needed, this will negatively impact your preparedness grade for the quarter. You are expected to be in class at all times and participate by taking notes, doing classwork, and answering questions. If you are not prepared, fail to participate in class,or leave class for any reason, you will need to update your participation and preparedness log. This log will help you monitor your progress throughout the year.
Attendance will be taken daily when the bell rings. Lates and absences will be counted. Please review your student handbook for all attendance policies.
Class Rules
- No use of cell phones/iPods during class
- Respect both myself and your peers
- No eating or drinking in class (water is acceptable)
- No swearing in class
- Remain in your seats until you are dismissed
- All school rules apply and will be enforced
If any rules are broken, the following may occur:
- Phones/iPods will be confiscated if used in class
- Student is kept after class to discuss situation
- Parents are notified of any problems
- After school detention is given
- Administration is notified of any problems
If you are found to be cheating on a test, quiz, or homework a zero will be given.
Cheating includes:
- Looking on someone else’s paper or copying their work
- Letting someone else look at your paper or copy your work
- Using notes or formulas without teacher permission
- Looking at your cell phone, iPod, iPad, or any other electronic device, even if it is to check the time
Everyone is expected to have a three-ring binder which must come to class every day. Notes will be taken on most days, so if you are absent be sure to get the notes from myself or a classmate. Classwork is used to reinforce the concepts taught throughout the course. Students are encouraged to use their notes to help with the completion of any classwork assignments. All collected assignments/assessments must be done in pencil. Those not done in pencil, will lose points. If you were absent from class, be sure to check the folder on the side of the room to ensure that you receive all of the handouts that were distributed. It is your responsibility to make up the classwork, homework, and homework quiz missed from the previous class within two weeks.
Tests & Quizzes
We will be having a test for every unit we study and quizzes throughout the quarter. If you are absent on the day of a test/quiz, you should be prepared to take the assessment upon returning to school. Missing the review day does not exempt you from taking the assessment with the rest of the class. If you are absent for an extended period of time, please speak with me regarding a time frame for completion of test/quiz. You can make up a test/quiz during your class period, lunch, study hall, or after school if arrangements have been made with me. If a test/quiz is not made up within two weeks, you will receive a zero for that assessment.
For each unit test, you will receive a review packet which will be checked and reviewed the class before the test. This review packet will be handed in the day of the test. Before each test, you may also go to my faculty page for practice problems with answers as well as a list of topics on the test. Students must be conscious of time during assessments. Assessments have been given a specific time limit and it will be adhered to. Students who do not finish the assessments in the allotted timewill not be given additional time.
Homework will be assigned every night. Two points will be given for full completion (attempting all problems) of the homework. One point will be given for partial completion of the homework. A zero will be given for no homework or homework missing a majority of problems. Missed homework turned in the next class will receive half credit, one point. After reviewing homework in class (approximately 10 minutes) a homework quiz may be given. This will be graded by the accuracy of your answers. Problems on the homework quiz will be similar to the ones assigned in the homework, in the notes, and on worksheets. Homework, notes, and classwork assignments can be used as an aid on the homework quizzes. Students must be careful of the time; no extra time will be given on homework quizzes.
Homework is assigned in class and can also be found on my faculty page calendar. While homework is generally posted online, a missing assignment from the faculty page does not excuse you from completing it. If you are absent, it is up to you to make up the homework and homework quiz within two weeks. Missing homework assignments will not be accepted after the unit test. There is also an online book that can be accessed should you not have your book. Please reference the online book letter given to you in class.
Remember, homework is extremely important in math because it allows you to practice skills we learned during class.
Extra Credit
There will be no individualized extra credit assignments available. Every unit test will have an extra credit question at the end. There may be other opportunities throughout the marking period for extra credit. It is imperative that students take advantage of all extra credit assignments when they are assigned.
Grading Policy
Your grades will be determined by adding all the points you earn on tests, quizzes, projects, etc. and dividing by the total points possible. The letter grade is based on the school policy below. A breakout of predicted points for each quarter is also provided. Grades can be viewed on Parent Portal.
A100% - 90%
B89% - 80%
C79% - 70%
D 69% - 65%
F64% - 0%
Extra Help
Extra help will be available after school in Room 9. The extra help day will be posted in class each week. There is also extra help during lunch/study hall ribbons Tuesday – Thursday. A copy of the study hall extra help schedule will be posted in the classroom, as well as my faculty page. You may go there to work on homework, get help, or make up assessments. It’s better to get help early before it’s too late!
I can be reached by email