Report of ISO/TC 67/SC 4 to ISO/TC 67

1 SC Title Drilling and production equipment

2 SC Scope Standardization of drilling and production equipment used in the petroleum and natural gas industries

3 SC Secretariat ANSI (Administered by API)

American Petroleum Institute

1220 L Street NW

Washington, DC 20005


4 SC Chairman Mr. Ted E. Zaleski, Jr.
Hughes Christensen

9110 Grogan’s Mill Road

The Woodlands, TX 77380-1130


Ph: + 1 281 363 6795

Fax: + 1 281 363 6030


5 SC Secretary: David Miller (at secretariat address)

Ph.: + 1 202 682 8159

Fax: + 1 202 962 4714


6 SC Membership:

P Members (9) / O Members (6)
France / Argentina
Germany / Brazil
Indonesia / Canada
Italy / China
Netherlands / Denmark
Norway / Yugoslavia
United Kingdom

No liaison members.

Changes since 1998 September:

Brazil from P to O member

South Africa withdrew O membership

7 Organizational Structure

The organizational structure of ISO/TC 67/SC 4 is as follows:

WG 1 Drilling equipment ANSI (Mr. J. Hall)

WG 2 Drilling well control equipment ANSI (Mr. D. Tannich)

WG 3 Wellhead and Christmas tree equipment NNI (Mr. G. Janszen)

WG 4 Production equipment NNI (Mr. E. Dijkhuis)

WG 6 Subsea equipment NSF (Mr. O. Inderberg)

WG 7 Drilling and production design DIN (Mr. H. Heinemann)

(status of WG7 currently “frozen”)

8 Work Programme

There have been eleven International Standards from the ISO/TC 67/SC 4 work programme published to date by ISO:

10407: 1993 / 10423: 1994 / 10433: 1994
10417: 1993 / 10428: 1993 / 13628-1:1999
10419: 1993 / 10431: 1993 / 13628-4: 1999
10420: 1994 / 10432: 1993

A listing of published standards is attached.

9 Overall Progress/Requests for Approval from ISO/TC 67

Please see attached spread sheet for overall progress of the SC4 work programme. This information will be updated at the TC 67 Plenary Meeting.

In addition, SC4 took two resolutions in Aberdeen that require TC confirmation. Neither involve changes in scope of approved work projects, just splitting of projects and updated timelines. These are as follows:

Resolution 3 (Scotland, 1999)

ISO/TC67/SC4 accepts the proposal from WG4 to split project 17078 into three parts as follows: Part 1 - Side Pocket Mandrels; Part 2 - Side Pocket Mandrel Gas Lift Valves & Flow Control Devices; and Part 3 - Latches, Seals, & Interface Data for Side Project Mandrels and Flow Control Devices. The timelines for the three parts are as follows: Part 1 - WD at 1999-05, CD at 2001-05, DIS at 2002-03, and FDIS at 2003-01, Part 2 - WD at 1999-11, CD at 2001-05, DIS at 2002-03, and FDIS at 2003-01, and Part 3 - WD at 2000-03, CD at 2001-05, DIS at 2002-03, and FDIS at 2003-01.

Resolution 4 (Scotland, 1999)

ISO/TC67/SC4 accepts the proposal from WG4 to split project 15136 into two parts as follows: Part 1 - Pumps; Part 2 - Drive Heads. The timelines for the two parts are as follows: Part 1 - CD at 1999-5, DIS at 2000-03, and FDIS at 2001-01 and Part 2 - WD at 2000-2, CD at 2001-02, DIS at 2001-12, and FDIS at 2002-10.

In addition, while SC4 understands the need for adequate project management at the ISO CS level, it objects to the automatic cancellation of actively worked projects and took the following resolution in regards to TM resolution #55:

Resolution 11 (Scotland, 1999)

ISO/TC67/SC4 objects to the automatic cancellation of project 10424 per ISO TMB Resolution 55/98 and hereby requests its Secretariat to request ISO/CS reinstate the project at the current work item status. ISO/SC4 requests WG1 continue working on project 10424.

10 Meetings

The following meetings have been held since the May 1998 meeting of ISO/TC 67/SC 4:

SC 4 / 1999-05-20/21 / Aberdeen, UK
WG 1 / 1999-06-16 / New Orleans, USA
WG 2 / None held.
WG 3 / 1999-04-29 / Houston, USA
WG 4 / 1998-05-11/13
1999-08-24/26 / Milan, Italy
Celle, Germany
Houston, USA
Dallas, USA
Aberdeen, UK
The Hague, Netherlands
WG 6 / 1998-06-16
1999-06-16 / Dallas, USA
The Hague, Netherlands
Houston, USA
The Hague, Netherlands
New Orleans, USA
WG 7 / Temporarily frozen

The following meetings are planned:

SC 4 / 2000-05-8/9 / Bali, Indonesia
WG 1 / No plans at this time.
WG 2 / No plans at this time.
WG 3 / Next meeting depends on when comments are rec’d on DIS 10423.2
WG 4 / 1999-11-9/11
2000-05-? / Washington DC, USA
Pau, France
WG 6 / 1999-09-? / The Hague, Netherlands
WG 7 / temporarily frozen

11  SC document annex
