Thank you for your interest in becoming a volunteer with Arc Light.
Please complete the information below and return by e-mail or post to:
Arc Light, Union Terrace, York, YO31 7ES
1. Personal Details
Surname / Mr / Mrs / Miss / MsFirst name(s) / Employer
Home address / Work address (if applicable)
Postcode / Postcode
Home phone / Work phone
Mobile phone / Email
Your home contact details will be the primary contact method. Please indicate how you prefer to be contacted:
Home address / Home phone / Mobile phone / EmailPlease note that wherever possible email will be our preferred method of communication.
2. Volunteering with Arc Light
In which areas do you have skills/experience?
Advertising/marketing / Motor vehicles / Creative writingGardening / Music/arts/entertainment / Money management
Careers guidance / Fundraising / Cooking
Information technology / Sports (please specify) / Teaching/training
Practical skills, e.g. plumbing
What are your interests?
Animals / Creative writing / Outdoor pursuitsBeauty and fashion / DIY / Reading
Computer games / Gardening / Sport and fitness
Cooking / Information technology / Photography
Arts and crafts / Music / Media
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Volunteer Application Form – Page 2 of 5
Volunteer Application Form – Page 2 of 5
Why do you want to volunteer and why have you chosen Arc Light? Please tell us about any relevant volunteering experience you may have.Have you ever had contact with Arc Light before? (For example, have you volunteered before?) Please give details:
How did you hear about volunteering for Arc Light?
Another volunteer / Internet / School/collegeEmployee / Arc Light website / University
Family member / Another agency / Faith group
Friend / Word of mouth / Other
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What is your current occupation?
Employed / RetiredUnemployed / Student
Self-employed / Other
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Volunteer Application Form – Page 2 of 5
If studying, what course are you studying?3. References
Please give details of two people (to whom you are unrelated and have known for at least two years) who will be able to offer a reference about your ability to act as a volunteer in this role. References supplied will be held in the paper file only in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.
Referee 1
Name (include title)Contact address (include postcode)
Phone number / Email
Referee 2
Name (include title)Contact address (include postcode)
Phone number / Email
4. Criminal records
For all volunteering positions we require you to complete a Self-Declaration Form. For some activities we will also require a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check.
Having a criminal record will not necessarily exclude you from volunteering but this will depend on the nature, the circumstances, and the background of the offence.
If you do not consent to these checks being carried out, or if consent is withheld, we will be unable to proceed with your application.
Do you have any unspent criminal convictions? / Yes / NoAre you prepared to complete a Self-Declaration Form and to have a DBS check if needed? / Yes / No
5. Additional personal details
You do not need to complete this section; however, as Arc Light strives to ensure equality of opportunity, we wish to monitor our recruitment practices. Please note that answers given here will not affect your application.
Gender / Date of birthWhat is your ethnic origin? Please X the box that best describes you.
British / Caribbean
British English / African
British Northern Irish / Other black background
British Scottish / Other mixed background
British Welsh / Indian
Irish / Pakistani
Other White background / Bangladeshi
White and black Caribbean / Other Asian background
White and black African / Chinese
White and Asian / Other background
Traveller/Gypsy / I prefer not to say
The Disability Discrimination Act describes a disability as “a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term effect upon a person’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities”. Using the definition, please tick the relevant box:
I would / I would not / consider myself to have a disabilityI would / I would not / require any special adaptations / equipment to take up a volunteering role
If so, please specify
6. Declaration
I confirm that the information given is true and complete to the best of my knowledge.
I understand that this information may be kept for as long as I remain a volunteer with Arc Light.
I understand my right to request to see all the information held about me by Arc Light.
Signed / DateVolunteer Application Form – Page 2 of 5