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1. Target Audience(s)
Describe the person that you want to reach with your communication. What do they value? How do they see themselves? What are their aspirations? Include a primary & secondary (influencer) audience if appropriate. Include any relevant audience research.
Uncircumcised Luo Men, Aged 25 -35 yrs, Living in rural areas, Sexually active with MCP, HIV Negative
Self employed.
Values: Family, Culture, respect by peers,
Aspirations: Prosper in business, increased ability to provide for the family,
2. Objective(s)
What do you want your target audiences to think, feel, or do after experiencing the communication?
Increase demand and utilization of VMMC using the Shang Ring by 25-35 yr old men in Home Bay
• Knowledge that:
– About availability of the device
– Where services are available
– Benefits of VMMC by Shang ring
– Partial protection of VMMC
• Believe
– VMMC does not affect sexual performance
– VMMC does not change your identity
• Behavior
– To get the procedure performed
– Adhere to the six week abstinence period after MC
– Continue using other prevention methods
– To encourage their peers to go for VMMC
– Discuss with sex partners about VMMC
3. Obstacles
What beliefs, cultural practices, pressure, misinformation, etc. stand between your audience and the desired behavior?
· Peer pressure
· Distance to and from facility
· Loss of income during recuperation
· Pain
· ‘Loss’ of cultural identity
4. Key Promise
Select one single benefit that will outweigh the obstacles in the mind of your target audience. Suggested format: If I (desired behavior), then (immediate benefit).
If you undergo VMMC using the Shang ring you will experience less pain and bleeding.
If you undergo VMMC using the Shang ring, you will feel good about protecting and satisfying your sexual partners.
If you undergo VMMC using the Shang ring, you will feel proud about making your own progressive decision.
5. Support Statements
This is the substantiation for the key promise; i.e.; the reasons why the promise is true. Oftentimes, this will begin with a ‘because’.
Because the Shang ring is efficient and does not require suturing
Because VMMC reduces the risk for STIs and has no effect on sexual performance
Because VMMC is a new (modern?) way of circumcising
6. Tone
What feeling should your communication have? Should it be authoritative, humorous, emotional, etc…?
Masculine (tough), rational
7. Communication Channels
What channel(s) will you employ for the communication? TV spots? Radio Spots? Print Ads? Point-of-purchase (service) materials? Promotional giveaways? Earned Media (PR)? Interpersonal? Interactive Theatre? Community Mobilization Meetings? Broadcast Drama? All of the above?
Radio (Local FM station)
TV spots
Bill boards
Posters (in urinals, gyms, sports clubs)
Social media (Blogs, Face book etc)
IPC (Peer-to-Peer)
Ads or articles in men’s magazines
Online (eg. Jaluo.com)
Co-branding with men’s products (condoms, deodorant etc)
Brand ambassadors
Community theatre
8. Openings
What opportunities (times and places) exist for reaching your audience? When is your audience most open to getting your message? Examples: World AIDS Day, Mothers Day, etc…
Fathers Day
World AIDS day
Sporting events
9. Creative Considerations
Any other critical information for the writers & designers? Will the communication be in more than one language or dialect? Should it be tailored to a low-literate audience? Are there any political considerations? Any red flags/words or visuals to stay away from? Should there be space or time available to include local contact information?
English, Swahili and Luo
NOTE: All creative Briefs must be accompanied by a page summarizing the background& program.