Tiffany RobertPeriod 2
ACT 1:
Banquo- He knows about the murder but doesn’t tell anyone. Isn’t completely loyal.
Fleance- Son of Banquo, loyal to father
Macbeth- kills Duncan, has conscious, un-loyal
Lady Macbeth- Evil and shows little conscious.
Porter- is drunk and is the porter for the gates of hell
Macduff- jokester, loyal to king, and discovers the king’s death
Lennox- Loyal to king, was shocked to death.
Donalbain-son of King Duncan- knows those who are involved in the king’s death, runs away and is observant
Malcolm- son of king Duncan- Knows those who are involved in the king’s death, runs away and is observant
Old man- voice of the people, horror, unnatural
Ross- believes god dislikes actions
In the space below each question write the page number, the act number and the scene number of the quotation asked for. Then copy the key lines of the quotation and write your own summary of the whole quotation.
- Find a quotation that expresses the theme of deceit and betrayal.
“Fair is foul and foul is fair” page 20, Act 1,scene 1. This says how in order to be fair, some foulness is required. And that foul is fair.
- Find four quotations that express paradox.
“Fair is foul and foul is fair” page 20, Act 1, scene 1. These two words aren’t usually associated with each other.
“ When the battle is lost and won” Act 1, scene 1, page 20. When the fight is lost and won.
“ So foul and fair a day I have not seem” Act 1, Scene 3, Page 30. He is contrasting a day that it was good and fair but was also foul.
“ Lesser than Macbeth, and greater.” Act 1, Scene 3, Page 32. He is contrasting that Macbeth is good and great but still less.
Macbeth’s Character
- Find a quotation that shows Macbeth’s courage that he is a well-respected warrior.
“ For brave Macbeth- well he deserves that name-/Disdaining fortune, with his brandished steel,/Which smoked with bloody exexcution,/ Like Valour’s minion carved out his passage…” Page 22, Act 1, Scene 2. This is describing Macbeth in war and how he was fearless and did not fear war or death but perservered.
- Find a quotation that shows Macbeth’s ambition, that he wants to be king of Scotland.
“Two truths are told/ As happy prologues to the swelling act/ Of the imperial theme.” Pg 36, Act 1, Scene 3. This quote is telling how he is excited that he has not only accomplished the task of becoming the thane of two areas, but that this power is helping him overcome the throne.
- Find a quotation that shows Macbeth’s honor, that he would prefer to become king by honorable means.
“ My thought, whose murder yet is fantastical/Shakes so my single state of man that function/ Is smothered in surmise…” Pg 38, Act 1, Scene 3. He is saying how he know that in order to become king, the old king must die. He dreads the thought of killing someone but know that’s the only way he will fulfill the predictions.
- Find the quotation where Macbeth shows that he realizes that killing the king will have innumerable, uncontrollable negative consequences.
“…if th’ assassination/could trammel up the consequence, and catch, with his surcrease, success; that but this blow might be the be-all and the end-all here…”Pg 54, Act 1, Scene 7. He understands that through this action he is causing a chain reaction of bad things. He understands that once this action is done it cannot be taken back and the results are permanent.
Banquo’s Character:
- Find the quotation where Banquo warns Macbeth not to pay too much attention to the Witches because they may intend to lead the men into evil.
“But tis’ strange:/And oftentimes, to win us to our harm,/The instruments of darkness tell us truths/ Win us with honest trifles, to betray’s/ In deepest consequence.” Page 36, Act 1, Scene 3. He is saying that the witches are saying what they want to hear but they could be setting Macbeth in a trap to teach him a lesson.
Lady Macbeth’s Character:
- Find a quotation showing that Lady Macbeth is ambitious, and thinks her husband is too “good” to commit murder.
“ …yet do I fear thy nature;/ It is too full o’th’ milk of human kindness/To catch the nearest way… That which cries “Thus thou must do’, if thou have it,/And that which rather thou dost fear to do/ Than wishest should be undone.” Page 46, Act1, Scene 5. She is telling how she belives her husband is good and that he is too scared to kill anyone but that he needs to.
- Find the quotation showing that Lady Macbeth is ruthless, where Lady Macbeth calls on the spirits of evil to make her capable of murder.
“Come, you spirits/ That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here,/ And fill me from the crown to the toe top-full /Of direst cruelty!” Page 48, Act 1, Scene 5. She is saying how she wants to so cruel that she wants the spirits to make her so she won’t feel bad when she kills someone. She wants to be able to fulfill the prophecy at any rate.
- Find the quotation showing that Lady Macbeth is deceitful, where she advises Macbeth to put on a “false face.”
“Only look up clear:/ To alter favour ever is to fear:/ Leave all the rest to me.” Page 50, Act 1, Scene 5. She is telling him that his face and emotions will give everything away and if he only will act like he doesn’t know anything than he will get away with the death.
- Find the quotation showing that Lady Macbeth is manipulative, where she goads Macbeth by challenging his manhood.
“ When you durst do it, then you were a man;/And, to be more than what you were, you would/Be so much more the man.” Page 56, Act 1, Scene 7. She is goading him to do things that he wouldn’t do if he wasn’t being pushed into it. The fact that she is able to challenge him makes him feel less manly and more likely to do something he wouldn’t normally would do.
- Find a second quotation showing that Lady Macbeth is ruthless, pitiless, even savage.
“ How tender ‘tis to love the babe that milks me-/ I would, while it was smiling in my face,/ Have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums,/ And dashed the brains out…” Page 58, Act 1, Scene 7. She is just saying that if she swore she would do something, then she would do it. Even if it is as ruthless as killing a baby.
ACT 2:
Banquo- aware of the fact that Macbeth is tied to murder but is scared to do anything about it
Fleance- Son of Banquo, and is trying to be killed by Macbeth and Lady Macbeth
Macbeth- is guilty and feels it and is hallucinating
Lady Macbeth- she is scared but doesn’t show it and becomes vicious
Porter- jokes, porter for gates of hell
Macduff- loyal to king, discovers dead king
Lennox- runs away from murder cuz he knows something
Donalbain- runs away from murder because he knows something
Old man- voice of people, horror, unnatural
Ross- believes god dislikes actions
In the space below each question, write the page number, the act number, and the scene number of the quotation asked for. Then copy the key lines of the quotation and write your own summary of the whole quotation.
- Find one quotation that expresses the theme of appearance versus reality.
“ Is this dagger which I see before me,/ The handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch thee./I have thee not, and yet I see thee still./Art thou not, fatal vision, sensible/To feeling as to sight? Or art thou/ A dagger of the mind, a false creation…” Page 64 and 66, Act 2, Scene 1. He is saying how he knows he has to do this awful duty and he is dreading it. He sees the tool which he will kill the king with and yet its just an illusion. He is so caught up in the killing he hallucinates.
- Find a quotation or a scene that expresses the theme of timing versus action.
“ And take the present horror from the time;/Which now suits with it.” Page 66, Act 2, Scene 1. He is talking about how the time has to be just right to do the action or otherwise the whole plan will be screwed up. Timing is crucial when an action is to be done. The action is completely dependant on the time when it is done.
Macbeth’s Character:
- Find a quotation showing what Macbeth feels right before committing the murder.
“ Come, let me clutch there.” Act 2, Scene 1, Pg. 64. Let me hold the knife. While he is eager to commit the crime, he still has guilt.
- Find a quotation showing what Macbeth feels immediately after killing Duncan.
“ This is a sorry sight.” Act 2, scene 2, pg 70. He feels extremely guilty about committing the murder.
- Find Macbeth’s first public statement after the discovery of the murder. What is he feeling? Is he sincere?
“ What is’t you say? The life?” Page 80, Act 2, Scene 3. Macbeth knows what has happened and is just acting. He is not sincere. He is scared that if he shows too much emotion it will be obvious that he had something to do with him.
Lady Macbeth’s Character:
- Find two contrasting quotations showing what Lady Macbeth feels right before the murder is committed.
- Find a quotation showing Lady Macbeth’s reaction immediately after the murder.
A)“That which hath made them drunk hath made me bold.” Act 2, scene 2, pg 68. She needed the extra thing to give her courage to go through the action.
B)“Alack! I am afraid they have awaked,” Act 2, scene 2, pg. 68. She is showing fear.
- Find a quotation that shows what Lady Macbeth believes about the dead.
“ …: the sleeping and the dead/ Are but as pictures: ‘tis the eye of childhood/ That fears a painted devil.” Page 72, Act 2, Scene 2. She is saying that people who are dead are very similar. And that Macbeth shouldn’t fear the dead because it looks as though the king is sleeping, like a picture. Only kids fear a picture even though it can’t hurt them.
Banquo’s Character:
- Find a quotation showing Banquo’s honor.
“ Against the undivulged pretence I fight/ Of treasonous malice.” Page 84, Act 2, Scene 3. He is showing that he will be there and stand up and help Macbeth even though he is in danger of getting caught.
Macduff’s Character:
“ Lest our old robes sit easier than our new!” Page 90, Act 2, Scene 4. He is saying that things may have changed for the worse and he’s hoping that everything will be ok.
- Find a quotation that reflects the theme of timing versus action. “I will advise you where to plant yourselves...for it must be done tonight.” Macbeth is planning the murder of Banquo to be at the perfect moment. p 91 act 3 sc. 2.
- Find a quotation that reflects the theme of appearance versus reality. “Thou canst not say I did it. Never shake thy gory locks at me.” Macbeth sees Banquo’s ghost. P 103 act 3 sc. 4
Macbeth’s character:
- Find a quote showing that Macbeth does not feel secure in his power as king. “Our fears in Banquo stick deep...” Macbeth is afraid that Banquo will overthrow him. P 85 act 3 sc. 1
- Find the quote that indicates that Macbeth is having nightmares. “Ere we will eat our meal in fear, and sleep in the affliction of these terrible dreams...”—Macbeth p 93 act 3 sc. 2
- Find the quote where in contrast to the beginning of the play, Macbeth is now the initator of violence and evil. . “Though I could, with barefaced power sweep him from my sight...I must not.” Macbeth is plotting Banquo’s death without interference from his wife. p 89 act 3 sc. 1/lines 134-136
- Find the quote where Macbeth expresses his fears that now murdered men come back from the grave to haunt their murderers. “When the brains were out, the man would die, and there an end. But now they rise again.” –Macbeth p 105 act 3 sc. 4
- Find the quote where Macbeth plans to revisit the Witches and shows his ruthless determination to hold the power. “I will tomorrow [go] to the Weird sisters.” He goes to prove his wits and to outsmart them. P 109 act 3 sc. 4
Lady Macbeth’s Character:
- Find the quote showing that Lady Macbeth is unhappy and beginning to realize that killing the king has lead to unforeseen negative consequences. “Naught’s had, all’s spent, where our desire is got without content.” She is realizing that all the murder and violence isn’t worth it. P 91 act 3 sc. 2
- Describe how Lady Macbeth reacts to her husband’s visions of the murdered Banquo at the dinner table. “ You must leave this.” Act 3, scene 2, pg 106. She is telling him to stop this nonsense and to just forget about it because sooner or later it will get in the way.
Banquo’s Character:
- Find the quote showing that Banquo is suspicious that Macbeth killed Duncan. “ and I fear thou play’dst most foully for’t:”… pg 92, Act 3, scene 1. He is hinting that he knows something but he’s not giving it away.
ACT 4:
In the space below each question write the page number, the act number and the scene number of the quotation asked for. Then copy the key lines of the quotation and write your own summary of the whole quotation.
- Find the quotation that shows Macbeth is willing to use any means to gain his desire for power. Act 4, Scene 1, Lines83 and 84 “ But yet I’ll make assurance double sure, / And take a bond of fate: thou shalt not live.” He is saying that just to make sure that the fates are right he is willing to kill someone to get his power.
- Summarize what Macbeth is told by each of the three apparitions and one vision. What is the paradox contained in what each apparition says?
1. The first apparition is saying to beware of Macduff . Macduff is his friend so the fact that he’s suppose to fear him is a paradox.
2. The second apparition is telling Macbeth to not change his mind and to be strong. And he’s suppose to laugh at the power of man. And that nobody who is born of woman will kill him. Everyone is born of woman and to laugh when your suppose to scorn is a paradox.
3. Telling him that nothing bad will happen until the woods of Birnam move to the hill of Dunsisane. It is a paradox because the woods cannot move by themselves so it seems that Macbeth will never fall.
4. The vision is of the dead kings and Banquo is one of them. And they are haunting Macbeth. The paradox in this is that Macbeth is about to be king and these dead, ghost kings are terrifying him of what may come.
- Find the quotation that shows Macbeth has abandoned reason in favor of acting on impulse to gain power. Act 4, Scene 1, Lines 150- 154. “ The castle o Macduff I will surprise,/ Seize upon Fife, give to the’edge o’th’sword / his wife. His babes, and all unfortunate souls / That trace him in his line. No boasting like a fool; /This deed I’ll do before this purpose cool.” He is saying that he wants to act before he gets the chance to think about what he’s about to doing.
- Find the quotation where Malcolm lies to Macduff in order to test his honesty. Act 4, Scene 3, Lines 78-80 “ I should cut off the nobles for their lands,/ Desire his jewels and this other’s house.” He is trying to trick Macduff into saying things by revealing information about himself.
- Find the quotation where Macduff refuses to support Malcolm as king unless he is sure that Malcolm will be a reasonably honest king. Act 4, Scene 3, Lines 112- 114 “ These evils thou repeat’st upon thyself/ Hath banished me from Scotland. O my breast,/ Thy hope ends here!” He is saying that Malcolm comes from a wicked family and that he cannot be different from his ancestors.
- Find the quotation where Malcolm reassures Macduff that he is truly virtuous and will be a fit king. Act 4, Scene 3, Lines 130 –134 “ No less in truth than life: my frist false speaking/ Was this upon myself: what I am truly/ Is thine and my poor country’s to command: /Whither indeed, before they here-approach,” He is saying and convincing Macduff how great he is and how truth is his high point.
- Find the quotation where Macduff shows that he can both feel deeply and act strongly. Act 4, Scene 3, Lines 230- 235 “ O I could play the woman with mine eyes,/ And braggart with my tongue!… Within my sword’s length set him’ if he ‘scape.” He is saying that he wants to cry like a woman but yell like a man. He wants to kill this man but he will confront him first.
ACT 5:
Macbeth’s Character:
- Find a quotation that shows how Macbeth’s life has become empty, that he is surrounded by lies and betrayal. Act 5, Scene 3, Lines 22-27 “ I have lived long enough: my way of life…I must not look to have; but, in their stead,/Curses, not loud but deep, mouth-honour, breath/ Which the poor heart would fain deny and dare not.” He is saying how worthless his life is and how he is surrounded by lies and betrayal.
- Find a quotation that shows Macbeth’s concern for his wife’s condition.
Act 5, Scene 3, Line 37 “ How goes your patient, Doctor?” He is asking about his wife because he can easily forget about her with all of his problems.