Sample Reflective Writing Prompts for Capstones

Grant Writing for Environmental Advocacy Capstone –Reflective Writing #1

The role of individuals in advocating for the environment will play a central role in our class activities this term. With this in mind, I want you to begin thinking about the concept of “environmental citizenship” as it relates to your own life experiences.

What role has the natural environment played in your life?

  • What life experiences have shaped your relationship to the natural environment?
  • What messages did you receive about the environment as a young person?
  • How do you view or act upon environmental issues today?

In your own view, describe what it means to practice “environmental citizenship.”

The Listening Project Capstone – Reflective Writing #3

This week’s reflective writing is a “free write.” Write to me about anything related to your capstone experience. This could be something that we discussed in class, that happened at your service site, or that happened in the rest of your life but is related to the capstone in some way. Feel free to expand on your own thinking and experience related to whatever you are writing about. Above all, please write about something that interests you.

Grant Writing Capstone - Reflective Writing Assignment #3

This writing prompt requires that you read “Leave No Child Inside” by Richard Louv (

What are your initial reactions to this article?

  • What did you find compelling or disturbing?
  • How did this article relate to your own life experience?
  • What questions did this article raise for you?

Do you believe your own children or other young people have ample opportunities for outdoor play and exploration? Explain.

What arguments does this article present that could be used to strengthen your grant proposals?

Any Capstone – Reflective Writing #5

Education expert Ken Bain says that learning has happened when there has been a "sustained, substantial, and positive influence on the way (students) think, act, and feel." (Bain, 2004)

Is this happening for you in this course?

If yes:

  • HOW is this course affecting the way you think, act or feel in the world?
  • Can you provide a concrete example of something that has changed?
  • How could this be a deeper and richer experience?

If no:

  • What is the barrier that is getting in the way of real learning for you in this course?
  • What aspect of this course remains confusing or troubling for you?
  • What are your hopes for the remainder of the term?

(*This prompt was developed by Michael Chamberlain.)

Hunger in the City Capstone - Reflective Writing #6

The purpose of this reflective writing assignment is to connect course themes with personal choices and behaviors related to food. You may do this project for just yourself or for your household; it is meant to be practical and relevant to the way that you eat.

Meal Plan Assignment:

  1. Choose a 3-day period in which you plan to alter your diet based on something we have learned about in class. For example, you might choose to commit to a local, vegetarian, kosher, halal, vegan, organic, industrial or other diet for this period of time.
  2. Make a record of all that you eat during this 3-day period.
  3. Reflective Writing Component:

Respond to the following questions in your reflective writing prompt and attach a copy of your 3-day meal plan.

  • Describe your new diet and tell me why you chose it. (I.e. were you inspired by a particular reading, guest speaker, conversation outside of class, etc.)
  • What was your meal strategy during this 3-day period? (I.e. cooking at home, meals on the go, family dinners, eating alone)
  • Tell me where you purchased food for this diet. Did you find yourself shopping at store(s) or eating at restaurants that you would not normally visit? How did the cost of this diet compare to your typical food expenses? How easy/hard was it to access the food sources?
  • Explain what you think your food choices say about you, the ethics and values guiding your decisions, and the collective impact of others making a similar choice.

Any Capstone - Reflective Writing Assignment #7 (Final Prompt)

A) Reflecting on one of the University Studies Goals

Choose one of the following questions and respond to it in essay form. In your response, provide specific examples of course activities which impacted you in this area and address how your understanding of the chosen concept and/or your behavior has shifted as a result of this course.

a. How has this course strengthened your communication skills?

b. How has this course contributed to your awareness of diversity?

c. How has this course contributed to your sense of social and ethical


d. How has this course contributed to the development of your critical

thinking skills?

B) Course Feedback

What aspect(s) of this course proved most valuable for you?

What changes would you recommend for this course?

What impact, if any, will this course have on your future life?