Upchurch’s Syllabus English IV 3rd 9 weeks
Jan. 7/8
Jan. 9/10
Jan. 11/14
Jan. 15/16Due: Pygmalion essay (test grade)
Jan. 17/18Due: Outside Reading assignment 1 (daily grade)
Due: Vocab 1 definitions (daily grade)
Vocab quiz 1 (quiz grade)
Jan. 22/23
Jan. 24/25Due: Outside Reading assignment 2 (daily grade)
Jan. 28/29Due: Vocab 2 definitions (daily grade)
Vocab write sentences 2 (quiz grade)
Computer lab (B day)
SB 2.22-2.24 and Rear Window (A day)
Jan. 30/31Due: Graff Templates 1-6 for Rsch. paper (quiz grade)
I will grade these in class and you must take them with you!
SB 2.25 pg. 141-142
Feb. 1/4 Feminist Critical Perspective essay in class (test grade)
SB pg. 143-159
Feb. 5/6 Due: Outline for Rsch. paper(test grade)
Feb. 7/8Due: Rsch. paper rough draft(test grade)
Feb. 11/12Due: Outside Reading assignment 3 (daily grade)
Feb. 13/14Due: Vocab list 3 definitions (daily grade)
Vocab 3 quiz (quiz grade)
Feb. 15/19Due: Final draft Rsch. paper (3 test grades!)
Feb. 20/21Due: Outside Reading assignment 4 (daily grade)
Feb. 22/25
Feb. 26/27Due: Outside Reading assignment 5 (daily grade)
Feb. 28/Mar. 1Due: Vocab list 4 definitions (daily grade)
Vocab 4 quiz (quiz grade)
Mar. 4/5Due: Outside Reading assignment 6 (daily grade)
Mar. 6/7Due: Outside Reading Project Short Story (test grade)
Mar. 8/18Due: Scrapbooks(test grade)
Test: Othello
Mar. 11 – 15Spring Break!
Mar. 19/20Due: Vocab list 5 definitions
Vocab 5 quiz (quiz grade)
Mar. 21/22 (last day of 3rd 9 weeks grading period)
Requirements for assignments:
Scrapbooks –
Must have 8 entries (photos or mementos) with 100 words written about each. Must include these specific types of writing: narrative, expository, persuasive, compare and contrast, and editorial. Writing types count 4 points each. Must include the logging sheet which identifies each memory, type of writing, and word count. No logging sheet, or an incomplete sheet, will reduce your grade up to 10 points.
Outside Reading –
Various responses – Follow the directions on the handout you’ve been given. Not responding as directed could reduce your grade up to 10 or more points. Put your word count at the bottom of the page. Being untruthful about your word count will adversely affect your grade and could result in a zero for dishonesty.
Short Story Project – Write a ‘short story’/fiction story based on your non-fiction outside reading book this 9 weeks. Must be 3 pages handwritten or 2 pages typed. Sign your name at the bottom to show that you read your work before you submit it to me.
Research Paper –
Graff templates – Must have at least 6. At least one must present the opposite viewpoint from yours. 2 must be from the GHS Library Database, 1 from a book, other 3 your choice.
Outline – Formal, must have a thesis statement and two levels of specificity (main points and major sub-points. Each sub point must have the quoted material you will use from your Graff templates. (See handout with outline example or see Purdue Owl online.)
Citation page – See Purdue Owl MLA formatting for sample document
Draft – Must be typed and use correct formatting. Must include citation page.
Final copy – Must include citation page. Must turn in rough draft, Graff templates, and clocking sheet with final copy.