The 13th Dream Warrior
A Contemporary Aboriginal Musical
Written for Stage/Adaptable for Film
ByLynne Sealotus Edmondson
ALL Inspired by the book, The 13 Original Clan Mothers, by Jamie Sams. My Visionary Dreams,Wisdom Keepers, a Sacred Walk and Ceremonies.
Copyright 2010 Lynne Sealotus Edmondson
Firstly I would like to acknowledge the Creator. My Mentors and Teachersof High Degree.
All Our Relations on the Earth Mother.
My Family and Friends most of all, for their Patience and Understanding.
My Hope as a Writer and as an Artist, is that the Messages in this Script will Inspire us all to make a Change in our thinking to help us Walk Together with Strength as One Human Family into a Wonderful Future. Remembering Who We Really are. Many of the Dream Visions I write about Ipersonally experienced on my Life’s Journeys.
Scene 1
Opening; Music of the Spheres
Film [On Screen Back of Stage} the Earth Spinning through space the music she makes as she is spinning is heard, the other planets stars, Moon, Sun are shown.
The Environmental Tragedy She the Earth is Facing is written.
Fact: 2.8 Billion People Live in Poverty on Planet Earth, there are 7 Billion People Who Reside here as One Human Family with the Creatures that are Struggling to Survive.
Film changes to scenes of disempowerment destruction, war.
Kogi Indigenous Clan Film clip
Then changes to Earth revolving in space again
Centre Stage;
Tree of Life
Golden Flowers to the ground, Looks like a giant Weeping Willow
Rock under the Tree
Is inside a rock under the tree of life
Opening Welcome Ceremony
Is conducted by the Local Aboriginal Dancers not actors, led by the Elder of the local land we are performing on. They come onto stage from all the doors east south north and west, gifts are exchanged,go to centre stage, a smoking ceremony is done for everyone including the audience
A Wind Dancer Dances to the Elders song
Audience feels the spirit of the wind
(Somehow a gentle wind is felt by the audience]
Song of the wind, fire, water and earth from the Elders
They Weave a Rainbow Serpent Dance or their choice of dance led by their Elder, around the Tree of Life stopping at the rock.
They tap the Rock.
Earthmother comes out of the rock, earth spinning in space on theFilm backdrop
Film changes to war scenes etc
Turns to look at the Elder then film, at film she begins to cry, then turns to look at the Elder and dancers.
Film changes back to earth revolving in space
The Dancers create fire on stage and light 3 fires for earthmother.
“Earthmother, as you can see, we need your help. We can no longer sing all of the earth’s healing songs anymore. The balance on the earth has tilted towards continual destructive thoughts and beliefs. The People of Earth are The Asleep. We need to awaken them soon or there will be nothing left for the generations that are coming. Our legacy to them will be such a burden. Take this flame earthmother this flame of hope and help us unite the people around the world.”
Earth Mother
The Dancers sit and listen by the 3 fires.
“Elder,I hear, feel and see everythingthat you and your People have done for us. Youhave worked tirelessly to keep the Sacred Dances and Songs taught to you in the Aboriginal Dreamtime Alive. The Sacred Sites are still alive, though many have been destroyed by the Asleep ones, your own People included who were put there to co-exist with and protect them, not to destroy them!”
“We are aware of our shortcomings through the negative influences over the last 200 years Earthmother. We are so happy that today our song has found you Earth mother. Our future depends on you. This was the last song we had to awaken you”
Earth Mother
“Did you doubt? It has been written in the Stars that at this time I would awaken to help guide the Planet through the perilous night.”
She begins to sing here
{Changing Woman Song}
There was a time before we were born
We were the calm in the eye of the storm
We held a memory oh so deep
About the Truth and the Beauty so sweet etc
“So, you are my children and Great Mystery has not forgotten you, your faith has awakened me from the Dreamtime. It is time to teach the new generation, the young ones, what their role is to be for the future. The old ones need to awaken they have fallen asleep for too long now”
“How can we help you?”
Earth mother
“I have had three vision dreams of the changing times to come .These dreams helped to awaken me from the Dreamtime”
Film or lighting to create a Moon with a circle of gold on backdrop appears slowly
A Golden/White Lotus Flower on Film with Water Scenes
“We had the sign to sing for you”
Earth Mother
“Yes, the Circle of Gold around the Moon and the Sacred White Lotus”
“Yes, but what of Your Vision Dreams Earthmother, were they good ones? Do we have a chance for a brighter future?”
Backdrop changes to film of icecaps and polar bears, music of Native American bear song
Bear Actor enters via west door, listens then sings with filmthen leaves after mother earth speaks he bows and leaves via north door.
Earth Mother
“The first nation who came to speak to me was The Polar Bear Dreaming Nation. The guardians came from the Sacred North and South Polar Icecaps. They showed me in their Dreams, that their sleep is shorter due to the premature melting of the polar icecaps. On their sacred land, their food is harder to source, they are no longer able to reproduce and survival is threatened due to the misuse of the Sacred Fire by the SacredHumans.”
“So many of the animal nations are suffering now”
Changes film to whales and whale songs white whale migaloo
bunnah lawrie steps out from south door, to sing in front of backdrop, as mother earth is speaking then leaves via south door after earth mother talks, bows to earthmother.
“Yes you are right, they are suffering so much. Then the Whale Nationcame to petition me to awaken. They are being hunted for food.The noise in the Ocean is causing them to beach themselves, as well as the shifting of the sacred songlines , the magnetics of the Earths grid that keep everything in its place.Their songs are being badly affected. The recent oil spills are creating mass pollution.The Whale songs are like cries of help to me now, instead of songs of freedom. Migaloo is their Peace Leader a White Whale. Their Peacekeeper only shows himself to the people, when the earth is in Jeopardy and when it is time for you our Aboriginal Dreamtime People to gather teach and unite All Peoples.”
“The Whales are no longer able to follow the true Song lines, everything has shifted on the earth a half degree off axis,due to the Tsunami of 2005.”
“Oh those beautiful creatures spinning and weaving our hopes and dreams alive.Do the Sacred Humans realize what they are doing to them?”
“No, not yet, though a few of the Sacred Humans are becoming aware.The White Whale Aboriginal LawMan. He has been sent to show us that it is time for major change on a positive level. He is now attempting to awaken those people the Asleep with his special rainbow oneness song. He is a great Ambassador for Peace. The ones who are aware and listening are following.”
Bunnah Lawrie he is singing softly over the words spoken leaves via south door
Film changes to other white creatures
“There are so many of the other creatures who are choosing to show the white as a sign of Peace and change.The White Buffalo Calf, the sign forthe Red Nation to begin their Prayers around the World at the Sacred Sites, Chief Arvol Looking Horse heeded these signs and World Peace and Prayer day began aroundthe World.White Ravens and even the white spirit Kangaroos are being born at this time. It is time to awaken the white race of peoples to their true callings.”
Film changes to rainforests and spiders weaving. destruction of the rainforests by machines.
“Who else did you Dream of Earthmother?”
Spider Dancer Enters
Circus Performer Byron Bay on a wire weaving a web
“Why it wasthe Spider Nation, earths breath of life gatekeepers, whocalled to me from deep in the rainforest. They came to tell me of the mass destruction of the Lungs of the Earth the Giant Rainforests, and the sacred people who live there. Rainforests are places where clean fresh air is created for life to exist. All are now ingreat jeopardy. The Asleep ones are even trying to sell Fresh Air to make a profit! How can you put a price on the air that we breathe?It is madness!”
“Yes your words are true, this is why we have sung you earthmother. It is time for action. Our young ones are forgetting the true ways our whole future is at great risk. There is disrespect of our sacred places our ancestors burial places. Disrespect of our Ancient Elders. Even our Elders of today are losing their perspective.”
Lightning and thunder sounds and images on film of tornadoes earthquakes fires volcanoes, droughts.
Thunder Being arrives, dances, then after bowing to earthmother leaves by the east door
“The Powerful Eagle Nation called to me to tell me of the earth changes too, from the home of the mighty ThunderBeings, whose mighty wings when they fly, help to create the Lightning, the Rains that energize the Sacred Sites and keep the planet on its axis. The Thunder Nation is becoming powerless to control the weather patterns, due to the earth being mined at the sacred places, mined for its precious gold and minerals. All the weather patterns are changing now, so much erratic weather with tornadoes, floods and droughts causing huge destruction on earth and loss of life”
“We are to blame earthmother, us sacred humans, we have failed you”
Earth Mother
“Take Heart Sacred Human, we can turn this around, we need to awaken the Indigo and Crystal children without delay”
“We don’t know if they will listen to us, they only seem to listen to technology those indigo children. They don’t even hear or connect to your heartbeat within everything anymore”
Film changes to earth and her heartbeat
Earth Mother
“I will activate and call upon the 12 Sacred Dream Warriors .They will awaken the 13th DreamWarrior with the help of the Crystal Children.The DreamWarriors know how to contact the ones we seek, we will need the help of the Eagle and ThunderBeing Nations”
“Though many of the Sacred Humans on the earth are beginning to awaken, we just need more of them to listen. We will help you to call the DreamWarriors earthmother. Please teach us the Sacred Sounds Earthmother, our dancers and singers, have ears to listen”
Earth Mother
“Very well, let’s begin, for the time of earth stewardship for the sacred human’sresponsibility, is fast approaching.Soon they too will be extinct like the animals and trees and plant kingdoms they are so wantonly destroying”
Film changes to earth spinning in space and as the sounds are heard rainbow colors appear red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet.13 sacred symbols appear as she sings
Elder gathers the dancers into a circle around her
Earthmother by the sacred fires
Earthmother faces the east door
She sings as she turns in a circle her arms raised up 13 times she sings out to each of the 13 directions, the dancers and the elder call out too after her around her, beside her
Song here for the 13 Dream Warriors
She begins in the East Door
South east AHHH AYYY
South South east AH AAYYYYY
North West EEEE OO
North North West EEE OOOOOO
North North East OOOOOOO AHH
Centre of circle YUUUUUUUUUU
Film of Lightening,there is a loud thunder clap lightening and clashing sounds
Suddenly appears into the circle a ThunderBeing
Bows to the earth mother dances for her the
ThunderBeing Dance the elder and dancers join in
Song here for ThunderBeing dancer
Film back to mother earth spinning in space
“Your Sacred Sounds called to us Earth Mother, you are awake and alive!”
Earth mother
“You also ThunderBeing are alive and thriving”
“Yes Earthmother, as you are aware we are the Gatekeepers of the Sacred Dream Warriors. We were visited under the last full moon in our sacred place by an emissary for you earthmother. A young Rainbow Warrior from the Aboriginal Nation in the Great Southern Land. We initiated her in the Dreamtime many moons ago. We walked and talked together in our Sacred Forest.We were put on standby regarding Earths Problems by this visit so we are not surprised by your call for help to us. The signs must be very bad on earth for you to be awake and be calling to us at this time”
Earth mother
“Yes, they are very bad. It is Time to Teach the New Ways to the children of Earth, Thunder Nation”
“We have struggled to contain the weather patterns on earth due to the interference of the Sacred Humans and their modern machines earthmother.We can no longer do our jobs balancing the elements for you, especially the element of gold, which keeps the earth in correct magnetic balance to our Sun, bringing the rain. We can barely hear the Elders songs anymore to help them when they sing to us for rain.”
Enter stage west. A very drunk elder on a mobile phone talking lingo slurring etc
He is unaware of earth mother and thunderbeing
“Why are you drunk my brother what has happened to you?”
Drunk Elder
“I have lost my way my brother, I am no good anymore, it hurts too much to watch what is happening, I am on the wrong path”
Spotlight goes to black
Lights up
“So I see. We need your help Thunder Nation to activate the Dream Warriors one by one for us. As you are the Gatekeepers for them, ask them to come to earth for a short time to teach the Crystal and Indigo Children the Way”
“We will do so at once earthmother. I can speak for our council of elders as just recently they saw in a vision the DreamWarriors awakening”
“Good, then I can rely on you Thunder Nation. As you go, please take a petition higher for me to the Great Mystery Herself. She waits by the Great Smoking Mirror for our call. Ask her to protect the Sacred Humans gathered here at this time from the 13 Wraiths that are surely listening in on us now. You know ThunderBeing those wraiths are going to try and stop the Crystal and Indigo Children from learning the Way”
“We shall send Rainbow Eagle, she is the strongest.We believe many of these 13 Wraithsyou speak of have been causing much strife amongst the Sacred Humans.
Film changes to atomic tests
The Balance on earth has gone very bad especially over the last 70 years.ThoseWraiths must have been activated due to the atomic testing that the Humans have been doing”
Earth Mother
“Yesthey escaped from many of the Sacred Sites when the Sacred Humans tampered with them for mining and building upon them.In the Dreamtime stories the Elders were told never to allow the wraiths to escape. The Earth changes are affecting many humans.The Star our Sun is pulsing differently, melting the icecaps unbalancing me, creating too much heat and cold on me. Oh our Beautiful life giving Sun. The Sun will respond eventually with more Solar Pulses, this is the time of great changes.”
Film goes to Sun pulsing
“So Great Mystery and the Dreamwarriors will be able to help the sacred humans of earth though these times of Earth Changes?”
“Yes, if the Sacred Humans observe and listen and take appropriate action now.Of course if the crystal children fail to find and awaken the 13th DreamWarrior all will be lost”
Film returns to the Earth in Space
“The Wraith Leader is guarding the place where the 13th DreamWarrior is sleeping he will never leave that place”