The Seven Completion Areas of the KEEP Repository

There are 7 main areas of completion within the KEEP Repository. These are:

1. The Assessment Rubric and Goals – Completed by the Evaluatee, the Assessment Rubric is a self-assessment based on the KEEP Rubric, with 4 Constructs and 2-4 Components per Construct. The Evaluatee also chooses their cycle goals on the self-assessment rubric. These selected goals then appear on the Goals page. Additional information about the chosen goals will be added on the Goals page.

2. The Beginning of Cycle Conference – Completed by the Evaluator, with a signature box checked and dated. Next a Comments text box is completed by the Evaluatee, with a signature box checked and dated. Both must have the signature box checked and dated to open the Mid Cycle Conference.

3. The Mid Cycle Conference – Completed by the Evaluator, with a signature box checked and dated. Next a Comments text box is completed by the Evaluatee, with a signature box checked and dated. Both must have the signature box checked and dated to open the End of Cycle Conference. This will also open the Summary Rating Sheet for the Evaluator to begin.

4. The End of Cycle Conference – Completed by the Evaluator, Goals completed are selected on this page as Yes or No, with a text box for comments if No is selected. An Evaluator Discussion Summary textbox is completed with a signature box checked and dated. Next a Comments text box is completed by the Evaluatee, with a signature box checked and dated. Both must have the signature box checked and dated to complete the End of Cycle Conference.

5. The Student Growth Measures Summary Rating –Completed by the Evaluator, two to three Student Growth Measures are listed with scores also listed. Then the Evaluator notes if each Student Growth Measures has been Met or Not Met. A Recommended Rating is visible, which the Evaluator may Accept of Not Accept and then change the rating. The Current Saved Rating is the rating that the Evaluator has changed the rating to or left as recommended. The Current Saved Rating is also dated stamped.

6. The Instructional Practice Protocol Summary Rating – Completed by the Evaluator, the Instructional Practice Protocol Summary Rating page allows the Evaluator to check one of the 4 KEEP ratings (Ineffective, Developing, Effective, or Highly Effective) for each of the components within each KEEP Construct and then also an overall rating for each Construct. These selected overall ratings appear at the bottom of the page with a Recommended Rating. The Evaluator may Accept or Not Accept the Recommended Rating, and if Not Accepted, they may then change the rating. The Current Saved Rating is the rating that the Evaluator has changed the rating to or left as recommended. The Current Saved Rating is also dated stamped.

7. The FINAL Summative Rating Sheet – The final document of the evaluation process adds the Student Growth Measures Summary Rating and the Instructional Practice Protocol Summary Rating for a final, overall Educator Evaluation Summative Rating. Both the evaluatee and the evaluator will also add comments, checked box signatures and dates. When the evaluator checks a second signature check box one last time and dates, then saves, the entire evaluation is Archived.

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