Ideas for LowerSchool Prospectus Healthy Schools - Food Policy


Lunchtime is between and p.m. Children may go home for their lunch, have a school meal or bring a packed lunch from home. Our lunchtime is supervised by staff who encourage children to make healthy choices and enjoy eating their meals. Any concerns are reported to class teachers and parents as appropriate

School Meals

School meals are cooked on site or at ……and transported to our school in heated containers. A variety of dishes are offered each day, which are planned to meet the Government standards for food in schools. At least one portion of vegetables as well as fruit is included in each meal every day. A copy of the school menu is available on request. We encourage pupils to opt for a school dinner to gain social skills from sharing a formal meal together and to widen their experience of food as well as for the nutritional benefits. Experience shows that children eating a school dinner find it easier to consume fruit and vegetables in their lunch.

For the reception children we know at first it can be daunting choosing from a serving hatch and carrying their tray. We therefore invite parents to sample a school meal with their children. We also provide a buddy system for the first few weeks. We also give children plenty of time to eat their lunch. We appreciate younger children take time when chewing crunchier foods.

Packed Lunches

For those who do not wish to take up school dinners or not every day of the week, the children may bring packed lunches to eat in the dining room under the supervision of the midday supervisors. We encourage children taking packed lunches and school dinners to sit together so friendships do not influence the decision to take a school dinner.

Please help your child and the school by sending a pack lunch, which meets the same basic standards as the school dinners. It should be packed in a sealed and named container with icepacks or chilled or frozen foods and drinks. Water is available but any drinks (no fizzy drinks or glass bottles) or flasks brought from home should be named.

The standards are for lunches to include:

A starchy food which is not cooked in fat such as bread, chapatti,

bagel, wrap, rice or pasta.

A protein food such as meat, fish, egg, cheese, pulses

At least one portion of vegetables e.g. salad items in a sandwich or rice salad or vegetable sticks

At least one portion of fruit including a dessert with fruit; fresh, dried or tinned fruit or fruit juice

A dairy food e.g. yogurt drink, yogurt or cheese

A drink such as water, or milk (no fizzy drinks)

No confectionery .

Eating habits are frequently discussed in topic work concerned with “ourselves”. Please support us in our efforts to guide your child towards healthy eating habits e.g. please do not send sweets and confectionery into school. Aim to limit crisps, chocolate biscuits, cakes or pies to just one item dailyor suggest crisps or chocolate coated biscuits are limited to packed lunches on Fridays.

Please note as we have children in school who are allergic to NUTS we ask that all nuts including peanut butter are not included in packed lunches.

Dinner Money

Money for meals and drinks is collected at the beginning of each week or half term. Your child’s money will be safest if it is sent in a sealed envelope with his or her name and details of payments clearly written on the front. Details of current costs are included in school newsletters.


Key Stage 1 children are offered fresh fruit or vegetables every day as part of the School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme further details available from We therefore encourage parents not to send any playtime snacks up to year 2.

For children in years 3 and 4, who wish to have a playtime snack then please send fruit, raw vegetables, or pure fruit juice. We appreciate that some older children with high energy requirements may sometimes need to supplement their fruit and vegetable snack. In this case please limit extra snacks to the following:

currant bun, ½ bagel or English Muffin, small bread roll or sandwich, breadsticks, Scotch pancake, cheese and crackers, scone, teabread. (plain popcorn is ok but mess?)

Playtime snacks should not be included in lunch boxes as they are stored away until midday.

You may wish to include some of this under a heading of School FoodPolicy

Carol Leverkus Schools Dietitian Bedfordshire Nov 2007