PVCP 200415/11
CBC / (Expected Ranges – Feline Advia)3.46 / L / WBC / x10E3/uL / 6.3-19.6
5.80 / L / RBC / x10E6/uL / 6.0-10.1
11.1 / HgB / g/dL / 8.1-14.2
20.6 / L / HCT / % / 27.7-46.8
35.5 / L / MCV / fL / 41.3-52.6
19.2 / H / MCH / pg / 12.0-16.0
54.0 / H / MCHC / g/dL / 27.0-32.8
20.4 / H / RDW / % / 14.4-19.4
4.42 / H / HDW / g/dL / 1.6-2.9
27 / L / PLT / x10E3/uL / 156-626
15.7 / MPV / fL / 8.6-18.9
% / DIFF / x10E3/uL / Expected Ranges - Feline)62 / NEUT / 2.15 / L / #NEUT: 3.0-13.4 / %NEUT: 29.5-74.5
30 / LYMP / 1.04 / L / #LYMP: 2.0-7.2 / %LYMP: 20.0-61.2
2 / MONO / 0.07 / #MONO: 0.0-1.0 / %MONO: 0.2-5.0
6 / EOS / 0.21 / L / #EOS: 0.3-1.7 / %EOS: 3.4-11.4
0 / BASO / 0.00 / #BASO: 0.0-0.1 / %BASO: 0.0-1.0
0 / L.U.C. / 0.00 / #LUC: 0.0-0.2 / %LUC: 0.0-1.1
Hematology Description:
The findings must be interpreted with caution in light of multiple clots present in EDTA sample submitted.
There is leukopenia. The neutrophils are mature without toxicity and the monocytes are bland. There is mild anemia, polychromasia is rare. Platelet number is estimated low. Lipemia in the sample falsely elevates MCH and MCHC through hemolysis.
Biochemistry (Feline)Cobas Small amount of serum. Dilution 1:2.
Test / Result / Unit / Min / Max /GLU / 76 / mg/dL / 70 / 120 /
CHOL / 232 / H / mg/dL / 70 / 130 /
UREA / 71.4 / H / mg/dL / 30.6 / 60.1 /
ALB / 3.8 / g/dL / 2.5 / 3.9 /
ALP / 20 / u/L / 0 / 100 /
ALT / 132 / H / u/L / 15 / 60 /
AST / 66 / H / u/L / 0 / 60 /
AMYL / 1256 / H / u/L / 500 / 1200 /
Ca / 10.0 / mg/dL / 8.0 / 11.0 /
CPK / 260 / H / u/L / 50 / 200 /
CREA / 1.8 / mg/dL / 0.4 / 2.0 /
Pi / 4.4 / mg/dL / 3.5 / 7.7 /
TRIG / 314 / H / mg/dL / 50 / 100 /
PROT / 8.0 / H / g/dL / 5.4 / 7.8 /
Globulins / 4.2 / g/dL / 2.6 / 5.1 /
Alb/Glob / 0.9 / Ratio / 0.6 / 1.1 /
T.BIL / 0.2 / mg/dL / 0.1 / 1.0 /
GGT / 0 / u/L / 0.0 / 6.0 /
LDH / 688 / H / u/L / 80 / 360 /
Cl / 103 / L / mmol/L / 107 / 130 /
K / 5.4 / H / mmol/L / 3.8 / 5.3 /
Na / 146 / mmol/L / 145 / 159
Na:K / 27 / Ratio
Biochemistry Comments:
Total solids 10.0 g/dL. Lipemia in the sample should be interpreted in light of prandial history. It may falsely elevate muscle enzymes through hemolysis and causes artifact (Potassium). Hepatic origin may be considered for ALT.
Lipemia, mature neutropenia and lymphopenia.
Mild microcytic anemia.
Mild hyperamylasemia.
Lipemia/ hypercholesterolemia.
Mild prerenal azotemia.
Mild hyperproteinemia.
Hypochloremia/ hyperkalemia.
Hemoparasites were not found in the smear.
Consider evaluation of the liver.