Research Paper, Spring 2017: Genius Hour
Essay Topic:This research paper and project is based on personalized learning. You will have the opportunity to research anything that interests you and then make something out of the information. There are not many perimeters set for this assignment and that is because I want you to go beyond my wildest dreams in your ideas and innovation. We will have 5 elements to this unit: Researching, Reflecting, Planning, Formatting, and Presenting. The topic of the essay is open ended. It may not be written in first person. First, you will determine how you can implement positive changes or motivation to help a person, small group, community, or the world. You must provide information about your topic in the essay. After all, you have done the hard work and research to become an expert in the field. The other part of the essay must provide a solution or conclusion to a way that you, or anyone for that matter, can make a difference or a positive impact to an individual or in the community. Remember
Pick YOUR OWN TOPIC on something that provides the individual and/or society with knowledge, convenience, or support. Devise an argument to why we need to invest or inquire more in this area.
You choose! For this research paper, you will develop your own argument that addresses the essay topic.
Pick a Topic—Consider your interests. Create a plan to implement support for today’s increasingly changing society. You may wish to examine ideas related to one or more of the following:
Scientific Exploration
Research: After choosing your topic, please do some basic research. A great place to start is at NSCHS Media Center page
Please avoid Wikipedia. The most reliable websites for research are the online databases and websites ending in .edu, .org, and .gov
Devise Argument:Why is it important to become knowledgeable or involved in your topic? This could be personal or just based on interest. Make a list: Determine ways to help an individual or a community.
Create a Thesis Statement: For example- Cancer is spreading rapidly which is why schools should have a national Stand Up to Cancer campaign every year to raise funds and awareness.
Paper Requirements:Overall, the paper must be 5-6 pages long, PLUS the works cited page. It will be in MLA format, double-spacedand typed. It also must be based on RESEARCH and application.
You may include:
Academic Books, Peer Reviewed Articles, Reputable Websites, Science and/or Technology and/or Medical Articles from authoritative sources, Documentaries, Magazines and/or newspapers, Interviews
**The paper must have at least 6 sourcesused(including 1 peer reviewed article)with at least 2 pieces of information quotedin the paper per source.
Just remember to choose a related subject thatappeals to you. This will help you to be successful!You must decide the topic (see below) for your argument, figure out what the author is trying to say, then research what other experts say (whether you agree or not), and finally compose an essay with YOUR message.
Need a Pep Talk? Just listen to Kid President:
Final draft of papers will not be graded if they do/are not:
- Meet the length requirement (under or well over)
- Adhere to MLA format and proper documentation of paper and sources—both parenthetical and Works Cited page
- Submittedvia (per directions from teacher)
- Printed copy turned in to teacher on due date
Presentation:After thoroughly researching your topic and writing the argumentative essay, you will present your topic in a TED Talk style.
What is TED?“TED is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks. TED is a global community, welcoming people from every discipline and culture who seek deeper understanding of the world. TED believes passionately in the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives, and, ultimately, the world” (TED Conferences, LLC).
This is an opportunity for you to share your research. Share your knowledge. Offer your expert opinion on whether or not the global community should continue in search of knowledge in said topic. Ask for a call to action!
Summarize Talk: This should be easy. You already did the research and it should be similar to your thesis statement.
Ex.This disposal of ever-increasing amounts of waste can be a considerable problem and most is still simply dumped into landfill. Waste actually represents a considerable resource - much of it can be reused or recycled, or processed to extract its energy. In the 21st century landfill is no longer a satisfactory option for its disposal. I have created an easier method for our school to recycle paper and plastic goods.
Make a Title:This is probably your hook or essay title (example: “Waste Not Want Not”)
Organize Speech: The best way to prepare for a speech is with either an outline or index cards. The speech needs to be 3-5 minutes. You may record your TED talk to be viewed in the classroom or give a live presentation to the class. The good news is that you will have already organized a lot of your ideas in your proposal using Microsoft Sway.
Check out these TED Talks!
Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action
Reshma Saujani: Teach girls bravery, not perfection
Achenyo Idachaba: How I turned a deadly plant into a thriving business
Steven Johnson: The playful wonderland behind great inventions
- Topic Approval due______Writing Standard 10% of grade
- Thesis Statementdue______Writing Standard 10%of grade
- Work Cited Pagedue______Reading Standard grade
- Sway Proposaldue______Speaking and Listening grade
- Outline (extensive) due ______Writing Standard20% grade
- Introduction Paragraph due______Writing Standard10% of grade
- At least 3-4 Body Paragraphsfor reviewdue______Writing Standard 10% of grade
- ConclusionParagraphdue ______Writing Standard 10% of grade
- Final Draft due ______by 11:59p to—Summative Assessment(paper copy due next class day with: Rubric (on top) + Final draft (middle) + Rough draft (bottom)
- Presentation due ______Speaking and Listening Standard 20% of grade
Note: All papers will be turned in twice: and printed copy. Too frequently people have “computer issues.” This will NOT be accepted as an excuse for late work. Do not wait until the last minute to turn in your essay because if something goes wrong…even by one minute…it will be counted one day late.
Papers will not be graded unless: Uploaded to and Hard copy given to Teacher