SECRETARY…………..…...... 4
TREASURER…………..…...... 5
PROGRAMS/EDUCATION CHAIR………………..……………...... 9
PAST PRESIDENT.………...... 14
The Chapter President is an elected position of the membership and shall serve a term of one year or until a successor has been elected or otherwise qualified and designated. The President is an Officer and a voting member of the Board of Directors, who shall attend all Board and Chapter meetings. The President shall preside at all Chapter meetings, as well as the Chapter’s Executive Board relating to planning and implementation of activities. The Chapter President must meet membership qualifications of the SVALA and the ALA.
- Appoint committees as needed by the Chapter. Obtain reports from Committee Chairpersons on a regular basis. If appropriate, this duty may be delegated.
- Coordinate all standing committees. Act as honorary co-chair on all committees. Recruit committee participants from the general Chapter membership.
- Work closely with Regional Directors, Officers, and ALA Headquarters for the recognition of the Chapter and its members. Maintain contact with those individuals to keep them apprised of Chapter activities.
- Make a concerted effort to attend the Annual Conference and Regional Conferences, as well as the Chapter Leadership Institute.
- Sign all membership applications for ALA and Chapter membership or ensure that an appointed designee is doing so. Make certain that accurate membership records are maintained and that Headquarters is kept apprised of all changes. Make an effort to recognize and welcome each new member of the Chapter. These duties may be delegated.
- Respond to telephone inquiries, electronic and paper correspondence associated with ALA in a timely manner.
- Attend special appearances or speaking engagements as necessary, particularly those in connection with other legal organizations such as Bar associations, etc. Work to enhance the professional image of SVALA and gain support of the legal community, particularly by way of recognition of the profession by attorneys.
- Encourage members to abide by the ALA Code of Professional Ethics.
The President-Elect is an elected position of the membership and shall serve a term of one year or until a successor has been elected or otherwise qualified and designated. The President-Elect is an Officer and voting member of the Board of Directors, who shall attend all Board and Chapter meetings. The President-Elect must meet membership qualifications of the SVALA and the ALA.
- Assist the President in fulfilling his/her duties and act in the place of the President when the President is absent.
- Prepare to assume the position of the President in the upcoming year in such a way that the continuity of the Chapter will be maintained.
- Prepare minutes of Board meetings should the Secretary not be present.
- Attend as many ALA meetings related to Chapter leadership as possible. This will help develop continuity of the Chapter in its relationship with ALA.
- Encourage members to abide by the ALA Code of Professional Ethics.
The Secretary is an elected position of the membership and shall serve a term of one year or until a successor has been elected or otherwise qualified and designated. The Secretary is an Officer and a voting member of the Board of Directors, who shall attend all Board and Chapter meetings. The Secretary must meet membership qualifications of the SVALA and the ALA.
- Maintain a record of the proceedings at all Chapter meetings, and distribute a copy of these minutes to the entire membership. Obtain of the minutes at the subsequent Chapter meeting. Maintain a record of the original minutes of each meeting. Send copies of the Chapter minutes to the Chapter’s Regional Director and to Headquarters.
- Provide a sign-in sheet at each Chapter meeting, and distribute a copy of this sheet to Chapter Officers and the Membership Chair. Maintain an attendance record of current members. At least twice a year, distribute a copy of the updated attendance record to the Officers and the Membership Chair. Provide the Nominating Committee an attendance record to assist in the nominating process.
- Record the proceedings of all Executive Board Meetings and distribute a copy of these minutes to the Board as soon as possible after meetings, with approval being maintained at the next Board meeting.
- Notify Regional Officers and ALA Headquarters of Chapter activities.
- Perform additional duties, such as meeting planning, as specified by the President or the Board of Directors.
- If necessary, assist the Membership Chair with the processing of applications for membership making certain all Chapter members are members of ALA.
- If necessary, assist in the preparation and/or distribution of all meeting and dues notices.
- Designate an individual to take minutes and properly handle meeting materials if you are unable to attend a meeting.
- Encourage members to abide by the ALA Code of Professional Ethics.
The Treasurer is an elected position of the membership and shall serve a term of one year or until a successor has been elected or otherwise qualified and designated. The Treasurer is an Officer and a voting member of the Board of Directors, who shall attend all Board and Chapter meetings. The Treasurer must meet membership qualifications of the SVALA and the ALA.
- Assume primary responsibility for the finances of the Chapter.
- Within the limits of the bylaws and policies, provide the Board of Directors with monthly financial statements, balance sheets and analysis as well as budget and expense control guidance and have commensurate authority to accomplish the duties as set forth.
- Appoint committees, in conjunction with the President, President-Elect, and Secretary, to serve during the tenure of the President.
- Obtain new signature cards and certificates authorizing resolution for unincorporated organizations to open and maintain a deposit account at a financial institution approved by the Board of Directors. Annually, file with Union Bank the form regarding change of officers; attach an executed signature card and resolution signed by officers.
- Receive signed and dated bills from all Officers and Committee Chairs and prepare them for payment and mailing. Forward all checks to President for second signature or obtain approval of President for payment of all invoices.
- Deposit all monies received from membership dues and other Chapter events as soon as possible after receipt.
- On a monthly basis, maintain an accurate record of receipts and disbursements and reconcile the banks statement (forwarded by the President).
- Complete a financial report each month and provide to each member of the Board of Directors via email or photocopy.
- File with the California Secretary of State of change of officers annually. A corporate report will need to be filed in February every year at a cost of $20. It will be sent to the President registered at that time.
- Coordinate with Chapter’s CPA firm, Campbell, Benn, and Taylor, the preparation and filing of IRS Form 990 tax return annually by July 15 for previous year ending March 31.
- Prior to the end of the Chapter’s year, meet with the Board of Directors to prepare a projected budget for the upcoming year.
- Present the books for an audit at any time when requested by the Board of Directors.
- Submit written request for expense allocation for Treasurer’s functions to the Board of Director’s for inclusion in the annual budget.
- Make every attempt to attend the Annual and Regional conferences.
- Be responsible to the Board of Directors and the membership for seeing that the programs and policies of the Chapter reflect the needs and aspirations of the membership.
- Encourage members to abide by the ALA Code of Professional Ethics.
The Membership Chair is an elected position of the membership and shall serve a term of one year or until a successor has been elected or otherwise qualified and designated. The Membership Chair is a voting member of the Board of Directors and shall attend all Board and Chapter meetings and luncheons. The Membership Chair must meet membership qualifications of the SVALA and the ALA.
- Assume primary responsibility for recruitment of new members and retention of current members of the Chapter, consistent with the membership criteria outlined in both the local and international Bylaws.
- Maintain a list of the existing members, membership application packets for the local and international organizations, and distributing renewal notices.
- Maintain an adequate supply of membership packets and provide updated membership packets to prospective members. Packets will include: welcome letter that explains the benefits and membership process for joining Headquarters and local SVALA, introductory information and membership application for Headquarters, and brochures from Headquarters and the Chapter newsletter.
- Review completed applications to ensure that membership requirements are met.
- Once SVALA membership has been approved, notify Headquarters that a new member has joined.
- Upon approval from Headquarters that approval has been granted, notify SVALA membership of new member.
- Upon approval of the Board of Directors, coordinate and implement the annual membership drive. The membership drive serves to educate the Sacramento legal community of the benefits of membership in ALA.
- Notify current members when new members have been approved and formally introduce each new member at Chapter luncheons.
- Obtain the list of new and non-renewing ALA members from the Chapter President provided by Headquarters.
- Update membership directory and distribute to membership. The membership directory should be completed by July of each year. Addendums to the directory will be forwarded to all members with each newsletter.
- The SVALA membership year is May – April. Renewal notices should be mailed out in April of each year.
The Programs/Education Chair is an elected position of the membership and shall serve a term of one year or until a successor has been elected or otherwise qualified and designated. The Programs/Education Chair is a voting member of the Board of Directors and shall attend all Board and Chapter meetings and luncheons. The Programs/Education Chair must meet membership qualifications of the SVALA and the ALA.
- Assume primary responsibility for arranging educational programs for the benefit of the Chapter membership. Programs may be scheduled as part of the Chapter’s monthly luncheon meetings or as special events.
- Using suggestions made by the Board of Directors and/or the membership, prepare a year-long calendar of speakers, coordinate scheduling of programs, contact and confirm the speakers, prepare and coordinate the evaluation process, and forward evaluation results to Region 6 Education Officer.
- At the beginning of the Board term, prepare a budget using the prior year’s information as a base.
- Identify topics and subject matters of interest to the Chapter by conducting a survey or surveys of members and by reviewing materials for current issues.
- Provide the calendar to the Website Chair for posting on the website.
- With regard to the coordination of monthly education programs, schedule speakers and/or coordinate calls by the Board members to potential speakers. The speaker acceptance is to be confirmed in writing and reconfirmed just prior to the program date. Collect and submit the speaker’s bio to the Newsletter and Website Chairs.
- Make reservations for the meeting site and coordinate speaker requirements, such as AV equipment, with the meeting site.
- Send out notices to members advising them of upcoming meetings, topics, and location. Menu selections should be collected from attendees and communicated to the restaurant two days in advance of the meeting.
The Newsletter Editor is an elected position of the membership and shall serve a term of one year or until a successor has been elected or otherwise qualified and designated. The Newsletter Editor is a voting member of the Board of Directors and shall attend all Board and Chapter meetings. The Newsletter Editor must meet membership qualifications of the SVALA and the ALA.
- The Newsletter Editor has primary responsibility for preparing and distributing the quarterly electronic publication of the River City Review, the Chapter’s newsletter. The purpose of the River City Review is to distribute information, educate, and provide peer support. The River City Review strives to keep members informed of upcoming and past events, educate members about industry trends and practices, and publish results of informal survey, and offer resources for peer support.
- Although not required, it is recommended that the Newsletter Editor coordinate and serve as Chair of a Newsletter Committee which will assist in responsibilities. Work with the Newsletter Committee to establish Newsletter submission and distribution deadlines for the upcoming year.
- Obtain articles from other ALA Chapter Newsletters and other legal and technical publications as well as the ALA website Newsletter Article database. Also, solicit articles from vendors and other contributors. Obtain proper reprint permission prior to publishing any previously printed articles.
- Work with the Vendor Relations Chair to have the most up-to-date information on existing vendor partners and to maintain the current ad run. Work with the Vendor Relations Chair to ensure that all vendors are featured in the Vendor Spotlight and have appropriate and varied ad placement in the publication. Maintain soft copies of all advertisements.
- Creates or obtain from other Committee Chairs (and proofs before final submission to the printer) the following information to be included in the quarterly publication:
- Calendar of Events
- Luncheon notices and highlights of past luncheons (including speaker bios and presentation materials as well as vendor sponsor information)
- Various articles
- Board Minutes Summaries
- President’s message
- Letter from your Editor
- Quotes to be used as filler
- Separate notices of special events (MPD, CCW, etc.)
- Ad for Salary Survey when it becomes available
- New members and member changes.
- Maintain an updated email distribution list. Newsletters are e-mailed to all SVALA members and their managing partners, advertisers, authors of current articles, ALA Chapter Leaders, and other Newsletter Editors upon request.
- Assemble all submissions, create the document in MS Publisher and convert to pdf, adding hyperlinks to pages and advertisers.
- Proof the newsletter before converting the final document to a pdf.
- Maintain a file of past newsletters and submitted materials.
The Director at Large is an elected position of the membership and shall serve a term of one year or until a successor has been elected or otherwise qualified and designated. The Director at Large is a voting member of the Board of Directors and shall attend all Board and Chapter meetings. The Director at Large must meet membership qualifications of the SVALA and the ALA.
- Produce and distribute the Chapter’s annual Compensation and Benefit Survey.
- Meet with the previous Director at Large to obtain survey file and discuss survey history.
- Obtain approval from the Board of Directors regarding timing of survey, specifically the date for distribution of completed survey.
- Select a neutral third party to compile the survey data. Negotiate a contract with the third party, including fee and other specific details.
- Once the contract is negotiated, make recommendation and obtain approval from the Board of Directors for the fees to be charged for the survey and the third party to be employed. A contract between the Chapter and the third party should be signed by the Chapter President.
- Prepare and submit proposed survey questionnaire to Headquarters for approval. Once approved, send survey questionnaires to all members, including a sheet of instructions and a fee schedule. Allow 3-4 weeks for completion of the survey.
- Completed questionnaires are to be mailed to the third party. Fee checks are mailed to the Director at Large.
- The third party will probably take approximately 4 weeks to compile the data. This issue should be an element of the initial negotiations. The third party will mail you the completed survey.
- Verify that all participants actually purchased a survey.
- If necessary, contract with an outside vendor to copy and bind the survey. Make about 10 extra copies. Generally the Chapter will receive several requests to purchase the survey after initial distribution.
- Deliver (or mail) a copy of the CONFIDENTIAL survey to each Administrator who participated.
- It is imperative that confidentiality be maintained during the entire questionnaire/survey process. Surveys should only be sold to law firm or law department administrators. If requested, surveys may be sold to human resource directors in other industries. Any other requests to purchase a survey should be directed to the Board of Directors.
The Past President is a position that is assumed by the previous year’s President. The Past-President shall serve a term of one year. The Past President is a non-voting member of the Board of Directors but shall attend all Board and Chapter meetings. The Past-President must meet membership qualifications of the SVALA and the ALA.
- Work with the Board of Directors to ensure continuity of information and knowledge management from the previous year as President.
- Serve as the focus person responsible for membership recruitment and retention. The use of proven marketing techniques, as well as innovation is helpful in accomplishing this task.
- Serve as the Nominating Committee Chair.
- Select gift ideas to present to the outgoing President and then obtain the agreed-upon gift, which is presented to the outgoing President at the joint Board meeting.
- Encourage members to abide by the ALA Code of Professional Ethics.