Expectations for Outdoor Program Whitewater Manager

This position is an opportunity for you to go above and beyond as a part of the Outdoor Programs trips and events for students that are stoked about the outdoors. You will play a vital position to the Outdoor Program and its involvement with the SOU campus community.

As a manager for the Outdoor Program you will work in collaboration with the Outdoor Program Coordinator and other Outdoor Program Managers, attend the weekly council meetings, create and implement staff trainings, coordinate upcoming activities and trips and promote the inclusive community that the Outdoor Program fosters.

Core Responsibilities:

·  Management

o  Supervise efforts of other individuals wanting to develop Outdoor Program sponsored trips

o  Establish a mentorship type relationship with individuals looking to progress and expand within the Outdoor Program

o  Read and understand Outdoor Programs operating manual *VERY IMPORTANT*

§  Ensure compliance with operating manual on all Outdoor Programs sponsored trips and events

§  Educate staff on information from the operating manual

o  Collaborate with other staff to facilitate established Outdoor Program traditions such as, but not limited to: Welcome Back BBQ, Banff Film Festival, Ski Swap, End of year Party.

o  Assist with special projects within the Outdoor Program

o  Plan and implement an appropriate amount of trips every term

§  This may vary seasonally, so there is no magic number, aim for 4 to 6 trips per term

§  Work with specific campus groups to develop “contract” trips

§  Trip Goals:

·  Staff Training

o  Help develop and maintain whitewater staff including: Apprentices, Instructors and Trip Leaders

o  Plan and implement an appropriate amount of trainings every term

§  Implement at least one staff training per term

§  Help plan and facilitate staff development opportunities

§  Training Goals:

·  Quality

o  Reports to Outdoor Program Coordinator at scheduled intervals

§  How often and how?

o  You are the chief quality controller of your area, whitewater gear and ultimately every trip your department puts out

o  Maintenance of white water Equipment

§  Twice monthly walk throughs of area and gear

§  Maintain accurate inventory of equipment on S Drive

§  Maintain organized cache of whitewater equipment

§  Clean/repair gear

o  Regularly update the ToDo list with any current projects

o  Communicate regularly with Gear Manager

§  How often and how?

·  Time Requirement

o  Between 2-6 hours/week (hours are flexible)

§  Time will be spent between Outdoor Program office hours, trip planning, trip leading, mentoring, and the other Outdoor Program Whitewater Manager duties

§  Attend weekly Outdoor Program Community Meetings

Minimum qualifications:

Must be a student at SOU

o  Have white water experience including:

§  Ability to guide rafts in class III water

§  Ability to teach basic whitewater skills

§  Ability to develop and run whitewater trips

o  Work well as part of a cohesive team

o  Be accountable for position expectations

o  Have good interpersonal communication

Other Essential Functions:

o  Understand and fulfill duties of Outdoor Program office staff

o  Keep the Outdoor Program clean and welcoming

Student Signature

Outdoor Program Coordinator Signature